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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. A new (soft?) core Pokémon game. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch/Pokemon-Let-s-Go-Eevee--1382835.html
  2. A new (soft?) core Pokémon game. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch/Pokemon-Let-s-Go-Pikachu--1382836.html
  3. You might as well sticky the "regular" E3 thread in that case. There seems to be even more evidence of Fortnite, although I wouldn't know how to verify this. But it seems like 99% confirmed at this point, if this twit is to be believed.
  4. I also had mosquito bites. I also have bloodstains on the wall. I guess me and the mosquito are even.
  5. And here I was, thinking I had an original question.
  6. I knew about the shift-return, but I still think it's annoying, as my formatting often doesn't want an extra line after an enter <sigh>. But that's not why I post. Out of sheer curiosity, is this a casualty of the forum transition, or am I copy/pasting it wrong? [countdown=06/12/2018 12:00 AM;bla]Count Down?[/countdown] I don't particularly need it. Was just curious, as I did want to use it in the E3 thread.
  7. And the Mario + Rabbids dlc.
  8. Whoops.
  9. I'm most likely in.
  10. <sigh> https://nintendoeverything.com/mega-man-11-only-releasing-digitally-in-europe-no-announcement-on-new-amiibo/ I'm importing this. Edit: And I'm sending any import duties straight to Capcom EU.
  11. @Glen-i sliding further towards the ehh middle.
  12. I'll get it soon despite the Switch tax.
  13. Join us next Thursday and get massacred have some fun!
  14. It should be just another control scheme.
  15. I'm not that interested in the titles from the first image. The 2nd works better as an E3 list. Dragonball Fighter Z - Pretty cool, eventhough I'm far from a Dragonball fan, quite the opposite. this is the only one I may make an exception for, that said, plenty of other fighters to choose from.. Fortnite - Meh. Somewhat interested, but an announcement wouldn't blow me away. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate - Interested, but already announced, and not high priority. Fifa 19 - Barely any interest. I might get into Fifa some day, but it's definitely not high on my list. Killer Queen Black - I dunno what this is. I googled some gameplay footage of the original game, doesn't look interesting. Starlink - Battle for Atlas - Never was really interested in this. Maybe it's come a long way since the last time we've seen it, but so far no interest. Paladins - Somewhat interested, but no hype. Overcooked 2 - Nice, but I haven't even been able to play the first in a multiplayer setting. Now if it includes online, I'm interested. Mario Tennis Aces - Obviously very much looking forward to it, but no hype as it's now simply a matter of waiting until the game releases. Second image: Miscellaneous games - Miscellaneous opinions.. Smash - Would love to see more, already hyped. Punch Out - Never had any interest in any of the Punch Out games. Metroid Prime - Automatic hype. Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion - Little hype since I already bought the dlc, and now I'm just playing the waiting game. That said, I would love a shadow drop? Fire Emblem - Automatic hype. Fallout 3 Anniversary - I would have no interest in this game whatsoever, if it weren't for the fact that it doesn't seem to play (well?) on Windows 7. I've played it, never finished it, but for some reason I can never get it to reinstall succesfully. I'll try again at some point, but I may double dip (if this rumour is correct), for support and convenience. Yoshi - Hype is long gone, but I'm still looking forward to it. Maybe it's looking better than ever. Pokémon - Meh, it's already announced. Maybe they can officially clear up the online situation once and for all. F-Zero - Somewhat interested, but no hype. I prefer Extreme G. or Wipe Out. Fortnite - See above. Star Fox - If the other Grand Prix rumours are true, then I'd be truly disappointed. I have no interest in such a game whatsoever. If they announce a proper Star Fox game however, than hype!
  16. If I'm getting either game, I'm kind of inclined now to get this version, and post exclusively in this thread now. Go team Eevee!
  17. I was more confused it was a thing in the first place.
  18. Yes! I'm crap at it (never even made it past the 3rd round ), but I'm absolutely loving it. But I've had enough for today after unlocking Spike. I had a few crap games with bad connection though.. I wonder if one of them was intentional foul play, as it started off normal. After that I only picked games with a full bar. Laggy games are terrible. Also am I missing something? Where are the motion controls? I can see where you coming from, as I love to spam it myself, but it comes with a downside. It uses energy, so you can only use it a limited amount of times in succession. And losing energy means you will have less energy for other stuff. You will be behind in the special shot race, you may not have enough energy for the zone shots, etc.
  19. 1] I didn't provide one either.. To be honest I'm just going to take everyone's word for it. That said, I'll probably post one at the very end of the year, for the final ranking. 2] Gold Coins for review codes? 3] Yeah, those who went fully digital have an advantage. I noticed the double points, it's a good deal. But I want a cartridge. To be honest I'm going to need a cartridge, as my fridge is almost full. But that's going to be another thread.
  20. Nothing too exciting for me, which makes it more believable. I mean, I'd be disappointed if this were it.
  21. Another silly thread. Anyone else saving up their gold coins? After spending all the gold coins about to expire in March, I've decided to save up my coins from that point, and spend 'm all in a frivolous spending frenzy at the end of the year, most likely in the Christmas sale. Could be fun to compare our "free" gold coin purchases at the end of the year. Current Gold Coin Collection Rankings (final) 01] 3439 - Emerald Emblem 02] 2802 - Sméagol 03] 1507 - Ike ▲ 04] 882 - RedShell ▼ 05] 748 - londragon ▼ 06] 680 - martinist ▲ 07] 661 - Vileplume2000 ▲ 08] 656 - Glen-i ▼ 09] 400 - ArtMediocre ▼ 10] 398 - BowserBasher ▼ 11] 249 - Kounan ▼ 12] 120 - bob ▼ 13] 114 - Ugh first aid ▼ 14] 48 - markderoos ▼ 15] 42 - Nicktendo ▼ 16] 0 - Dcubed
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