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Showing most liked content on 07/26/17 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I get 5 o clock shadow at 4 and last time I ejaculated, I'm fairly sure it growled at me. I think I'm manly enough.
  2. 3 points
    Splatoon 2 sells 670,000 in three days in Japan, Go Nintendo are reporting. The original did approx 150,000 in same time period, obviously being a new IP. The Switch machine keeps on rolling!
  3. 3 points
    I really hope that there are alternative ways to unlock this stuff (like completing 100% or something), because if stuff like Fusion Mode is truly locked to the Amiibo than that's probably one of the worst cases of Day-1 DLC I've heard of - worse than any day-1 DLC EA or Ubisoft have done.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    You're succumbing to something called "confirmation bias" now, which is where you've got your own set of beliefs and have altered the findings of the report to suit your own beliefs. You just openly said you're not questioning it. Out of curiosity, I looked at the BBC report of the article and read the following: If there is something there, then further studies should be conducted to validate or invalidate it. That's true science. The second line of that line is a bit damning, however. It's not a representation of a population, only an extremely small sample. Again, I'd love to know what the numbers were pre-1970s and how the information was gathered. If we're going to talk science (which is what we are doing) then it needs to be looked at scientifically.
  6. 2 points
    Okay, let me try and understand. You are saying that lower testosterone is leading men to be more feminine on a sociological and cultural level? If that's true, wouldn't the reverse be true to an extent – not that dressing as a woman causes lower testosterone – but with a community where acting effeminate is not abnormal, that there would be a notable increase in men with lower levels of testosterone? I dunno, I feel like I'm missing something here because it reads to me like you're saying sperm count, testosterone and masculinity have direct correlations. And that's a straw man argument about tomboys; you don't need to like sports to be a tomboy. And when did sport become a masculine trait? I don't really understand.
  7. 2 points
    How do you go about measuring masculinity?
  8. 2 points
    Yep, pretty much my thoughts, also it's worth noting that he didn't turn the stick sensitivity up. Straight after the intro, I turned motion controls off and stick sensitivty to maximum and I've found that works best for me. Now, motion control on the Wii? That's different... playing Metroid Prime Trilogy for instance with motion controls, actually pointing the device toward the sensor bar in line with the TV screen... that works well for me. But when I've got a traditional controller in my hand, I tend to find that motion control is only really good for secondary aiming, such as when you adjust the throwing arc before chucking a grenade from cover using a PS3/PS4 controller in the Uncharted games, for me that feels more natural. If motion control works for others in Splatoon 2 then that's all well and good, but don't go counting out those of us who just use sticks as I'm finding it to be far from anything like a disadvantage and more like a default way to play well in online matches.
  9. 2 points
    If people aimed as badly with sticks as that person, sure, using motion controls would be better
  10. 2 points
    Sales data Switch is at 4.7 million Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is at 3.54 million Zelda BotW Switch is at 3.92 million ARMS is at 1.18 million
  11. 2 points
    Before everyone flies off the handle, it's worth noting that people were saying the exact same thing about Star Fox Zero's Black Arwing, not to mention Kirby Planet Robobot. And then it turned out you could unlock everything through other methods.
  12. 1 point
    I've tried to bring up this subject before and know I don't exactly have a lot of allies on the matter, but it's important. Arguably the most important subject of the moment. A new study by the Human Reproduction Update has found that sperm count in men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand has fallen by 59.3% from 1973 to 2011. Men in Africa, Asia and South America appear not to have been affected. Now although this obviously has implications for reproduction and population, to me that is not the only issue. I feel strongly that men have become increasingly feminine. Whilst I am not having a go at effeminate men, or men who like doing traditionally "women's" things, it's a matter of health. We are all being forced to become more feminine whether we like it or not. But men need to be masculine. High testosterone is part of our health, and it's not being taken seriously enough. I know N-Europe can't solve the problem, but I'm posting this is in the desperate hope of raising awareness. As a society we need to find the true cause of this, whether it's chemicals, radiation or hormones in the environment and eradicate it. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4729116/Western-lifestyle-making-men-infertile.html
  13. 1 point
    For anyone interested in the game, here's my Hey! Pikmin Review
  14. 1 point
    First month in ages I don't actually own at least one of the titles. Wanted to play Just Cause 3 too so this works out well!
  15. 1 point
    No, they released a standalone version.
  16. 1 point
    All I'm gonna say is that I have to agree with @somme about it being a blessing in disguise when overpopulation is a big problem. Then again, I'm known to scream like a little girl when I get really excited. I'm also quite camp, so... *shrugs* Either way, I'm blaming Laptops.
  17. 1 point
    I fucking hate trying to reply to this on my phone. I can sorta see your point and originally misconstrued it @Grazza. I think a big issue here is the suggestion of cause and effect - some are thinking you're suggesting a cause when you're suggesting the effect. IE. Rather than saying more feminine behaviour in men is chasing this, is this causing the more feminine behavour in men? Interesting food for thought. I know the issue of medication/drugs in the West getting into water is another speculation of cause for issues like this - but again is it cause, effect, or just a separate correlation factor that does not mean causation?
  18. 1 point
    Good point. Less testosterone basically means oestrogen has a free ride.
  19. 1 point
    I don't see any reason to doubt it, whereas those who are pro-depopulation have welcomed it. It backs up my existing beliefs just as it suits your prejudices. Not a synonym, but I already said one is caused by the other. You're just being pedantic now. I already said, "having less testosterone". Men's fertility is falling, just as testosterone levels are falling. I am suggesting, yes suggesting, this may be linked to something in the environment either affecting the ability of the testes themselves, or something we consume such as chemicals or hormones, It's a leap, but not a giant leap. http://uk.reuters.com/article/health-testosterone-levels-dc-idUKKIM16976320061031
  20. 1 point
    So, you're not the least bit concerned about the validity of it? You're just happy to roll with any set of numbers thrown in front of you and come to your own conclusions, which aren't necessarily linked? Well, testosterone is just a part of it. Masculinity is not a synonym for testosterone. Ok, then what is your definition of "men being more feminine"? And how does this link to the findings of this study?
  21. 1 point
    As an adonis, this describes me perfectly. Except for the 'easy to burn fat', that's just a calories in/out. I find your ideas...intriguing, but ultimately I don't buy it. If what you were saying was actually the case, I think we'd see more acute cases of lower testosterone in queer communities. Drag Queens would show lower levels (if I understand what you're saying). And they don't. And even outside of that segment, women who are 'tomboys' would show higher levels of testosterone. No?
  22. 1 point
    I think one of the problems here with the thread and the subject matter is that is emotive - and too many of you are going to make assumptions on each other. There's not a lot doable on my part to avoid this - but try and be mindful when composing your responses. If you're all replying and responding on invisible assumptions you essentially end up being two people in a room shouting at each other but having completely different conversations. Ask questions and try to understand each other to clarify every presumption you make!
  23. 1 point
    Way to take a simple observation and extend it to the most bizarre, illogical conclusion. What evidence are you providing for the idea that "acting effeminate" somehow tanks sperm count? I can maybe see an argument being presented for long term sexual selection for neoteny and effeminate traits resulting in lowered sperm counts but that should present even more in asian and east african populations where neoteny is much more obvious. It's happened over a short space of time though so it would be better to look at more obvious culprits like diet, stress levels, sources of ambient radiation etc.
  24. 1 point
    Finally got another match on Tinder. Got a message 60 seconds later. Suspicious. It was an emoji. Ohhhhh, is it a bot? I waited a couple of minutes. "I wanna get fucked. [Link to a website that appears to "offer" asian women]." Well...
  25. 1 point
    I find it strange that you mention a scientific study but then move to something not covered by that study. Unless I'm missing something, where's the evidence supporting a connection between effeminate men, and this issue?
  26. 1 point
    Guys you may disagree on finer points on this issue - but everyone is entitled to their opinions. As long as you conduct yourself with respect towards your fellow members then all is fine. Personally I don't think the idea of 'acting' less masculine has a knock on on this - I'm fairly comfortable with my maleness yet often don't act particularly masculine. I don't know if that's going to affect my ability to have kids - but judging from my heritage and 21 siblings to my mother and father alone that I'm hopefully going to be fine
  27. 1 point
    I read this yesterday on the BBC @Grazza, and it has me thoroughly concerned too. Like it or not, I think humanity's beginning to fall victim to its own designs, whether that be in societal structuring, power- and money-hungry ideologies that we all "need" more and more (which is ingrained in our minds by the media - just to make a quick point, Samsung spent more on advertising than Norway's population earned working back in 2012, and I can only hazard a guess that it's got even worse) or the belief that our mindset is all that matters, instead accepting solipsism as the way the world is as opposed to accepting that we, as a species, fail to address a lot of the problems we come across in our day-to-day lives and resort to escapism; it's no coincidence that the film and video game industries are at an all-time high (in almost any metric you can find, whether it be numbers of games sold, distributor revenues, or anything else) in a world filled with stressed and confused inhabitants who are beginning to fail at fulfilling our roles for society rather than in society; a good education and jobs, and the stress that comes with them, is wearing our species thin. Whilst terrorism and war fill the news and we are made aware of such cruel actions against one another, I think we forget to be mindful and spend time looking inwards: the onslaught of advertising; the constant stream of news; it's a bombardment of the mind which is damaging the human psyche as a whole, and I think we'll see it talked about for a while to come before - eventually - we acknowledge and act upon the knowledge that we weren't designed (whether you think that be by a God/gods or by evolution, or even a fair share of both) to live the lives we current find ourselves living. This was a very important topic to bring up, so I'm glad you decided to start the conversation, @Grazza (with the way things our going I feel that a "Serious Talk: Big Issues" thread will come about sooner or later). Humans face more challenges in a day today than we did some 10,000 years ago in a week - perhaps even in a month - and I think we stand to learn from, and, I pray, overcome the current climate of living; many might say that this is simply another apocalyptic scenario being thrown out there, but, like with global warming, the warning signs have been in place for decades now (hence the article) and yet we still won't see much in the ways of action regarding this matter by those better positioned to do so than ourselves.
  28. 1 point
    I'm keeping an eye on it, i think anyone with admin controls can change it. So that's me, Sheikah, Cookyman, Flameboy and Shorty who can make changes.
  29. 1 point
    So happy to see results like this. I know Nintendo fans are the first to moan when they put a foot wrong (myself included) but after years of watching them struggle with the Wii U it's great to see a company I love taking such a share of gamer's hearts and wallets.
  30. 1 point
    They've updated the controls for splatoon 2 to have separate sensitivities, which i would guess would benefit stick players. I've got mine set up so I have quite sensitive sticks and less sensitive motion and its working really well for the splat charger.
  31. 1 point
    Yeah, I'm hoping 100% completion or something like that unlocks it.
  32. 1 point
    Switch Hardware: 4.7 million Software 13.60 Million.Zelda 3.92 MillionMario Kart 8 Deluxe 3.54 Million1, 2 Switch 1.22 MillionARMS 1.18 Millionhttps://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/fin...oft/index.html3DS hardware is 1% up YoY (950k), software is 31% down YoY (5.83 million). And that's before the New2DSxl's release! Amazing! It just won't die!
  33. 1 point
    Rejoice. Over cooked is arriving on Thursday. Can't wait to get busy in the kitchen Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  34. 1 point
    The trailer looks so damn good until bloody Bill showed up
  35. 1 point
    A few ways to improve it: Focus more on a hub for companion apps (having icons for each one would be a mess). Some cool features are getting overlooked. Add in a text-based messaging functionality to the app (and Switch). Add friends list - see who is online (in any game) and manage friends list (such as adding friends). Make it so it works in the background when the screen is off or when a different app is used. Mute on call (not disconnect) - it's cleaner and would cause fewer issues due to reconnecting. Add the eShop to the app, automatic download on Switch. Ability to alter profile and Switch settings and view things like what you have played and how long (I know it's an option in the Parental Control app, but no reason to not have it here). Ability to toggle availability and receiving notifications. The app has potential to be a great all-round companion app to the Switch.
  36. 1 point
    If it happens any time soon I'll be a bit pissed and it will put me off Switch even more. As bullshit as Wii going offline was, at least they had a legitimate reason. It just adds fuel to the fire that you can't trust any online component Nintendo offers because it could disappear in an instant.