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    • OH SNAP! The Donkey Kong game that ends with "4" just got shadow dropped! I totally called it happening before that other game. Also shout out to Mario's Picross and it's terrifying first 6 seconds of the title screen!
    • Me when I realised this could be possible. Me when I transferred my Fissure Machamp to the 3DS games. As much as I'd like to believe Game Freak copped on to that, it's far too specific of a case. No other Pokémon truly benefits from the bizarre TM's Gen 1 has. I think it's more likely that they made every Virtual Console Pokémon have it's hidden ability as a kind of benefit, and this was just a happy accident. Ironically, now you can actually get an item that changes a hidden ability back to a normal one, but the moves a Pokémon can learn are dictated by the game it's used in now. So a Machamp with Fissure will forget the move in a Switch title.
    • To think we narrowly missed No Guard Fissures being a thing because they gave Red/Blue transfer 'mojs their hidden ability. If that's the reason why, then I'd be impressed they noticed it.
    • Before our next Pokémon, I just want to point out the absolutely impeccable timing of me making this thread about a month before Pokémon Champions was revealed. Anyway, here's a Pokémon that probably won't be much good there. Yes, Machamp. No, I'm not messing with you. Everyone's favourite "Totally not wearing clothes" Pokémon is only allowed in the same tier as Wobbuffet and Garchomp! I bet some of you are surprised. I certainly was when I found this out. You see, Machamp is a very interesting case of the common Pokémon getting banned to Ubers, because it only just got banned to there in the Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl) metagame two months ago! Why? Well, if you're knowledgeable about some of the tools Machamp has access to, you can probably hazard a guess. Because let me tell you, it's not because of it's stats. That Attack stat is great, but it hasn't got the speed to back it up, and it's middling defensive stats means it can't take too many hits. So what gives? How can a lame Pokémon like this be deemed as overpowered as the likes of Garchomp? Well, there's precisely two reasons. The first is it's ability, No Guard. No Guard: The accuracy of all moves known by this Pokémon and all Pokémon targeting this Pokémon raises to 100% So this ability is an interesting double edged sword. A lot of powerful moves usually have the downside of having a chance of missing. No Guard ignores that chance of missing, as well as any attempts at raising evasion. It works both ways, though. Every move will hit Machamp if it has this ability. A few Pokémon have this ability, but they're not considered so overpowering, so what makes Machamp so special? Well, it can learn Dynamic Punch... Dynamic Punch is a physical Fighting type move that has 100 power (Fire Blast has 120 power in Gen 4, for comparison) that guarantees the target will become confused if it's hit. The downside is that it also has a ropey 50% accuracy. It's essentially a coin flip for it to hit. But well, Machamp here seems to have found a double-headed coin, hasn't it? No Guard means that Dynamic Punch will always hit. A 100 power (Technically, it's 150, due to Machamp being the same type as Dynamic Punch) move that guarantees confusion is a very powerful tool to have. A powerful and positively irritating tool. In the first 6 generations, a confused Pokémon has a 50% chance of hurting itself instead of doing whatever move you told it to do. Confusion can last from 1 to 4 turns before it goes away. It also goes away if you swap the Pokémon out. The only things that can deal with Dynamic Punch shenanigans are Ghost Types (which are immune to Fighting Type attacks), or Pokémon with the Own Tempo ability (Prevents confusion). Everything else has to suck it up, and hope luck favours them, assuming they don't just faint from the sheer force of Dynamic Punch in the first place. Sure, you could swap out, but if you don't have a Ghost Type, and there aren't a lot of good Ghosts in Gen 4, you're just sending another Pokémon to exploding fist hell. But why only Gen 4? Well, Gen 5 (Black/White) introduced a lot of very good Pokémon, which means that Machamp's mediocre stats were just too much of a detriment. Not helping matters is the fact that confusion got nerfed in Gen 7 (Sun/Moon), so that there's now only a 33% chance of a Pokémon hurting itself. Machamp in Gen 4 is not much more than an effective gimmick strategy that doesn't really reward skill or good strategy. So it's not too surprising to see why it got banned. Does that mean it's good in casual play? It can certainly work, although it's a bit reliant on luck, and assuming you have a way of evolving Machoke with trading. It's more effective in Gen 4-6 before confusion was nerfed, mind. Machamp isn't much good, otherwise.
    • https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/32413-lego-star-wars-ii-the-original-trilogy Amazing! First Star Wars Demolition got updated and now this.
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