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Wii on LCDtv


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Well I dont see why it'ld be any different to using the Cube via Composite and that swhat I've been doing and they look fine


But then again, I haven't been spoilt by S-Video/RGB/Component Visuals...yet.


Roll on December 8th


Regardless tho, I shall def. try my Wii with Composite first...just so I'm more "Wow" with the Component :p


On the GoNintendo site they actually made a post agreeing with this guy's view.


I'm starting to seriously wonder what to do about getting a new TV. I have a feeling even WITH component it's going to look pretty bad on any HDTV's that are a fairly large size...

I've been playing my Cube on my new 40" LCD Samsung using Component and it looks great. Some games have a couple of issues but its still great. Don't worry

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Who is seriously going to have an HDTV and not use it with component cables? Only tech-minded people have HDTV's at the moment for the most part, they'll know to get the component cable.

And people who's SDTVs broke. You cannot find Non HD ones easily in shops nowadays


Come to think of it, is there any word of Wii component cables being sold in Europe? I know next to nothing about these cables, do you need specific cables for each region?

Yes, all the sites like Gameplay, Game, Play etc. have taken pre-orders on them and Game are even stocking them


They arent region locked either

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while you get great colours with RGB and component, you also get an emphasis on the jagged edges and lack of anti-analysing. The best solution is to play with your eyes shut. Hence, Nintendo were very pleased to give Ben Underwood a wii with zelda.


I only just woke up and that is already the post of the day. Hell, post of the week.





Composite is a horrible cable to connect anything with. Anyone with a TV of a high calibur would obviously seek out a better cable than the pre-packed one.


I'm not expecting a visual treat with my HDTV, but I'm sure it'll look passable. There's a Zelda off-screen pair of images floating around in the spoiler thread with a comparisson between composite and component. Anyone feeling bold enough to resist all those click boxes and venture in to grab it?




I'm a hero:




Cube, ps2 and Xbox look good on my HDtv using composit.

Hmmm... Wonder if the Wii wil look as bad as they say.

But i'm getting the component cables as soon as I can.


I think people have really been spoiled by high definition graphics and that's going to heavilly influence a lot of people's opinions on the Nintendo Wii's graphics. My GameCube looks just dandy on an RGB scart connection in my opinion, so it's probably all just down to how much you're unreasonably expecting from the machine.


I've laid down a preorder for a Component Cable from Game, but I'm still somewhat skeptical whether or not it'll come in for launch and therefore I may put a precautionary order online and see what a site like Gameplay turn up.

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Guest Stefkov

Ive been playing my cube on my 26" widescreen HDTV, and i havnt a component cable for them. It doesnt look good. Its been stretched, and there are what looks like stretch lines. So i put the display on 4:3 and it was ok. However theres the massive black sides, which doesnt look great.

Even hooking up the ps2 to it, it was exactly the same.

Wierd though, when i played at my friends house, he's got what i think is a 26" normal CRT tv, and the ps2 looks fine on it.


Come the 8th though, im gonna be broke. a component cable, a cable splitter and everything else!

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Guys, what are you all talking about?


These are standard input/output issues. My gamecube looks awful on my LCD. Thats why you use COMPONENT for LCD's!


Dear Lord!


Indeed.... I'm already wondering how bad feedback will be when people notice that PS3 isn't looking nice at all when used with composite cables that came with the console. :)

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I doubt you'll ever get a great quality picture using your Wii with a HD LCD. LCD's look best with source inputs that can match the native resolution, the highest resolution that can be displayed. That sounds a bit obvious I know, but anything less than the native resolution can, in comparison, look unusually blurred and aliased - much more so than the same resolutions displayed on a CRT, for example.


I recently bought a VGA cable for my Xbox 360 and it allows it to match my LCD television screen's native resolution of 1360x768. It's a good deal clearer than 720p through component cables - much clearer than you would expect from only a marginal increase in resolution.

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