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Just in case some of you haven't heard, randomly browsing YouTube will not be work safe on the 6th.


Apparently some kid got banned, and /b/ isn't happy about it. So they're planning on uploading a bunch of porn, disguised as work safe stuff to protest it.


Just a heads up.

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I don't know if its been posted, but I saw this on rude tube 2010 last night and it made me giggle.



That was just hilarious. Thanks for posting!


Rude Tube was so fun :) Didn't realise how much I'd missed! "Charlie bit me" is still shit, though.


Couldn't agree more! I watched RudeTube and that, among fifty other videos, got to number 1!?


Glad you agree! I was quite surprised that alot of it made me laugh, youtube isn't one of my favourites sites.


You should check it out some more, I normally always find clips like on RudeTube.

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Just in case some of you haven't heard, randomly browsing YouTube will not be work safe on the 6th.


Apparently some kid got banned, and /b/ isn't happy about it. So they're planning on uploading a bunch of porn, disguised as work safe stuff to protest it.


Just a heads up.

This seems unlikely. /b/ is not your personal army and all that. Also, if everyone's talking about it, YouTube will be vigilant. We shall see anyway :3


Although in my office there's not really such thing as NSFW, everyone would just come over and stare.

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Just in case some of you haven't heard, randomly browsing YouTube will not be work safe on the 6th.


Apparently some kid got banned, and /b/ isn't happy about it. So they're planning on uploading a bunch of porn, disguised as work safe stuff to protest it.


Just a heads up.

So it's a RickRoll of porno proportions... Good thing I don't/can't access YouTube at work.

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This seems unlikely. /b/ is not your personal army and all that. Also, if everyone's talking about it, YouTube will be vigilant. We shall see anyway :3


The /b/ is not your personal army thing refers to /b/ not doing every single thing that everyone wants to. They still do things that they deem as a good idea, or for a good cause, ect. In-fact, many /b/rothers are saying that /b/ is now the personal army of whoever came up with the idea.


The Youtube staff really have no power at all to stop this. Every minute, about a day worth of video is uploaded to the site. They just don't have the resources to stop this, even if they know about it.

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The /b/ is not your personal army thing refers to /b/ not doing every single thing that everyone wants to. They still do things that they deem as a good idea, or for a good cause, ect. In-fact, many /b/rothers are saying that /b/ is now the personal army of whoever came up with the idea.


The Youtube staff really have no power at all to stop this. Every minute, about a day worth of video is uploaded to the site. They just don't have the resources to stop this, even if they know about it.


First you buy a PS3 and now you're a /b/tard? You're going up up up.


Take this advise from an oldfag, nothing will happen, and certainly not for some random kid that got banned on youtube. If and when something interesting happens due to /b/, it will never be about some cause or revenge, it will be a spontaneous act of childish bullying.

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Terrifying. I watched and actually felt that "I'M GOING TO DIE" feeling in the pit of stomach. How that guy can stand there so calm about the whole thing is beyond me.


Standing at the highest point of the newly built "tallest building in the world".


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That scares the shit out of me.


My stomach goes crazy and my hands sweat like mad.


I'm terrified of heights.


That man is a loony.


Has anyone seen that video of those French guys on that massive crane doing pull-ups?


Oh shit thinking about it has made my hands go super-sweaty.

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Man Up!


He's clearly strapped on and isn't doing anything nearly as bad as those French guys. Now that's masculinity. Those guy are practically tickling each other as they hang off, silly yet scary at the same time!


yeah, id actualy be willing to stand there, i mean, he had railings surounding him, he was perfectly safe.


it does seem strange that you mention the hight of masculinity and then in the next sentence mention two dued tickling each outher.

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1-up Mushroom

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