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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. You're wrong. You're wrooooooooong.



Items are random...anyone can get them, so you can't really say they're that unfair (as long as you don't have too powerful ones on).


They're just an extension of abilities, like a gun/bow attack could be like throwing an item or using a projectile item. I think it takes more skill to use your character's moves as well as these extensions.

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Items are random...anyone can get them, so you can't really say they're that unfair (as long as you don't have too powerful ones on).


They're just an extension of abilities, like a gun/bow attack could be like throwing an item or using a projectile item. I think it takes more skill to use your character's moves as well as these extensions.


But that's the reason why they're unfair, because they are random. You say anyone can get them but in reality items will spawn closer to one player than the other. I could be losing heavily but then a super mushroom could spawn on top of me andd it would turn the tide of the match, despite me playing worse than the other guy. That's unfair. We could both get poke balls and I could get Ho-oh and my opponent could get a goldeen. That's unfair. A lot of items are also highly unbalanced.


However I can't really argue against items in a free-for-all, they're always full of backstabbing anyway :)

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There's nothing wrong with a bit of random. If games were just a match of one guy against another guy, things would get stale and predictable. It's like how people play poker; obviously skill helps but randomness adds an element of surprise to make the game more interesting.


I've seen people just play no items constantly against each other on melee, they are so boring to watch. God bless thar items.

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The general rule with time is whoever gets the first kill wins because all you need to do is either suicide OR run away and you win.




I don't know who you play but it sounds like whoever it is needs a fucking slap, the games about the fun, not necessarily the winning, bloody hell.

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Is this a fact? If so, prove it.


Items aren't about skill, they're random, and unbalanced for the most part, and if you want to get truly good at the core fighting system of smash bros, it's best to play without them, as then it's truly nothing but a test of skill that way. Items are fun though, I'm not saying that they're not, but the assertion that the more skillful player has a better chance of winning with them on is a bit retarded.


And as for Dyson's point, I agree mostly, but a lot of the times fun comes from hands down kicking everyones ass. Cmaaaaan, as a fellow PP fan you can understand riiight? :heh:

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Yeah definitely. But I doubt even Jeremy would get a kill then run around and avoid everything; he'd go in and get more and more kills. And to me that's what I'd expect from anyone, not the pure fact that you've won but the fact that you've gone for the fighting idea.


That's what I was trying to say before :P


There's no point in winning if it isn't fun.

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Yeah definitely. But I doubt even Jeremy would get a kill then run around and avoid everything; he'd go in and get more and more kills. And to me that's what I'd expect from anyone, not the pure fact that you've won but the fact that you've gone for the fighting idea.


That's what I was trying to say before :P


There's no point in winning if it isn't fun.


I'd say that's a bit of an exaggeration, what usually happens is with 30 seconds to go, the person who knows they're winning will just go on the defensive and just try and survive and not bother to try and kill anyone, which is lame.


Anyway the reason why time is worse than stock is because the winner in a timed match is based off of a point system, which is flawed to some degree. You may deal a hell of a lot of damage to someone but then someone could nick your KO and it would be worthless. If someone suicides it's only -1 and not +1 to anyone else (although if you blow yourself up with a bomb it's -2). You can change the settings to -2 for suicide but the if you blow yourself up it becomes -3, which is retarded. With stock matches it's all clear: last man standing.


The only advantage I see in Time is that is generally more friendly to weaker players, as they don't have to wait for the game to finish.

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Items aren't about skill, they're random, and unbalanced for the most part, and if you want to get truly good at the core fighting system of smash bros, it's best to play without them, as then it's truly nothing but a test of skill that way. Items are fun though, I'm not saying that they're not, but the assertion that the more skillful player has a better chance of winning with them on is a bit retarded.


And as for Dyson's point, I agree mostly, but a lot of the times fun comes from hands down kicking everyones ass. Cmaaaaan, as a fellow PP fan you can understand riiight? :heh:


You clearly don't understand what he's saying. So..


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I don't know why he's an opera singer...:p.


To Dysonism: Fair dooooooos.


Anyway, I'm actually looking forward to the message system in online Smash.


Scene: Me playing as Snake, about to get KO'ed


"Snake...whats going on..."



"You like men"


Spamming stupid bullshit: Endless hilarity.

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Rumour has it that super smash bros brawl has sold 800k so far in Japan.


oh man...IT DID!:


(Media create sales from Neogaf posted by Cheesemeister )

01./00. [WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo) - 820,000 / NEW

02./00. [PS3] Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom) - 205,000 / NEW

03./00. [PS2] Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (Bandai-Namco) - 117,000 / NEW

04./00. [PS2] Haruhi Suzumiya's Wonderment (Banpresto) - 114,000 / NEW

05./01. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) - 73,000 / 1,356,000

06./00. [PS3] Disgaea 3 (Nippon Ichi Software) - 55,000 / NEW

07./00. [360] Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom) - 40,000 / NEW

08./04. [NDS] Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Nintendo) - 34,000 / 175,000

09./00. [PS3] Assassin's Creed (Ubi Soft) - 28,000 / NEW

10./02. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven: Ubiquitous Evolution 2008 (Konami) - 26,000 / 102,000


Thats epic! It sold more then the combined Top Ten

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You can't just get one kill and then be passive for the rest of the match in timed matches. Then you lose. They require you to be active all the time or you'll fall behind in kills. It IS annoying when someone scores a cheap kill because of the damage you have dealt to someone else, but that is a part of the random aspect of the game.


Just like items. Sure, no-item matches test people's skills in a fight, but I believe true skill is also about adapting to the environment. If you play as Marth and your opponent gets a hammer, you use counter - and suddenly YOU have the upper hand. It's about adapting to random events and turning them to your advantage - THAT's true skill in my eyes.

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How many people do you know are waiting for this game in Europe? I only two others than me and they don't even have a Wii! Yet. But that's Uni for you.


Also hope the advertising campaign for this game will be huge so that more europeans take a chance. Currently trying to convince a friend of mine to get it but he has an ass for a brain and is being really stubborn. Won't watch any vids that I send his way. Any suggestions as to how to turn him to the light side?

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Been listening to the soundtrack on Youtube. The Corneria theme remix has to be the greatest remix of anything ever I have ever heard. Christ I loved Starwing so much.



The soundtrack is stunning, I'm speechless.

Particulary this, I can rembember when I was a kid playing Donkey Kong. :cry:

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How many people do you know are waiting for this game in Europe? I only two others than me and they don't even have a Wii! Yet. But that's Uni for you.


Also hope the advertising campaign for this game will be huge so that more europeans take a chance. Currently trying to convince a friend of mine to get it but he has an ass for a brain and is being really stubborn. Won't watch any vids that I send his way. Any suggestions as to how to turn him to the light side?


Make him play Melee. Videos can't capture the awesomeness of Smash.

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New technique: Shield Cancel Grab: It's simliar to the jump grabs in Melee. There are multiple ways of doing it: While running, let go of the analog stick and press and shield for as little and one frame and press A. If you don't let go of the analog stick you'll get the full running grab. You can actually do with w/o letting of the analog stick but for that you have to shield for a bit longer. Probably 3-5 frames.


New technique: L-Cancel Grab: It is basically the same running grab animation but sped up, similar to how attacks were speed up. Basically use Z or L/R+A in a pivot. Press one side of the analog stick and immediately press the other side with Z or L/R+A. Notice it's a running rab but REALLY fast. THIS IS THE FASTEST GRAB IN THE GAME!!! . This is basically the Reverse Grab minus all that C-Stick nonsense. You don't to press the other direction immediately but if you want to be standing still, do it 1 frame. (You don't have to push the analog stick all the way to one side either) Credit goes to ShortFuse.


Geez, nerds. >_<


Jumping grab in Melee? Didn't know about that. Oh well.

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Just like items. Sure, no-item matches test people's skills in a fight, but I believe true skill is also about adapting to the environment. If you play as Marth and your opponent gets a hammer, you use counter - and suddenly YOU have the upper hand. It's about adapting to random events and turning them to your advantage - THAT's true skill in my eyes.


Hammers aren't good anyway. Easy to dodge and hit em back, plus they have zero recovery.


However, most of the time you're simply screwed over. A heart container spawns near your enemy, he regains 100% damage, you lose the match. A crate spawns in front of your charging Fsmash, and by luck, it's an explosive one. There goes your stock.


It's really the explosive barrels/crates/capsules that made items off official. If you could switch them off, as well as the non-gamebreaking items, and the games would be reasonably fair.

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well it seems random battles are strictly Japan v Japan. America v America. Europe v Europe. Its BS by Nintendo and seriously sucks!!


I really hope they don't lock the friend codes to region only. Plus I not sure if the Japanese copy will try and connect with European players when it is released here. If not I am screwed as random battles not working for importers at the moment.


Does anyone know how this exactly works. I always thought that it was the game that determined which servers you play on. so having a Japanese copy means Japanese servers. That's how DS games work right?

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well it seems random battles are strictly Japan v Japan. America v America. Europe v Europe. Its BS by Nintendo and seriously sucks!!


I really hope they don't lock the friend codes to region only. Plus I not sure if the Japanese copy will try and connect with European players when it is released here. If not I am screwed as random battles not working for importers at the moment.


Does anyone know how this exactly works. I always thought that it was the game that determined which servers you play on. so having a Japanese copy means Japanese servers. That's how DS games work right?

So you'd rather have completely laggy matches that wont work and will make the game not fun?


Good to know

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