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Super Mario Galaxy


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Another move I recently found is a second butt stomp. If you shake the wiimote whilst in the air then butt stomp, it's a larger, different animation.
It also automatically targets any nearby enemies / crates! Pretty cool, and very handy on some of the trickier stages. :wink:


I've got 54 stars now on my second play through...


...Luigi absolutely rocks! Once you get used to controlling him it's possible to take the piss on some levels with his extra speed and jumping height.


Cosmic Luigi is a lot more challenging to make up for it though, took me completely by surprise the first time I raced him. :o

The boost start is pretty much essential in order to win.

I noticed something odd a minute ago with the star pointer. For some reason it won’t go completely in to the top left hand corner of the screen, it's fine on all the other corners though. :hmm: At first I thought maybe my sensor bar was playing up, but the cursor moves fine in the top left corner when on the Wii menu and I've not noticed the problem on any other games.


Anyone else had this problem on Galaxy?

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You probably should, I'm willing to bet the ending is different with less than 120 stars and with 120 stars. So no harm in fighting him now and since the remaining stars are quite difficult it will probably be a while before you fight him again with 120 stars. :)


I have 39 stars at the moment. I am now trying to decide whether I'm going to play Galaxy or MP3...


Well you can only get upto 105 stars without fighting bowser cos the purple comets don't appear till after.

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I noticed something odd a minute ago with the star pointer. For some reason it won’t go completely in to the top left hand corner of the screen, it's fine on all the other corners though. :hmm: At first I thought maybe my sensor bar was playing up, but the cursor moves fine in the top left corner when on the Wii menu and I've not noticed the problem on any other games.


Anyone else had this problem on Galaxy?


I have the same problem in the lower right corner. It dissapears when I try to point there. It does work when I hold my remote directly in front of the TV though, and when I sit in a different position it doesn't work anymore. Galaxy seems to be really sensitive about that.

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I noticed something odd a minute ago with the star pointer. For some reason it won’t go completely in to the top left hand corner of the screen, it's fine on all the other corners though. :hmm: At first I thought maybe my sensor bar was playing up, but the cursor moves fine in the top left corner when on the Wii menu and I've not noticed the problem on any other games.


Anyone else had this problem on Galaxy?


That happened to me too, but from where I usually sit i'm at a bit of an angle to the screen so i thought that might be it, when I moved the chair to the center of the room it worked fine

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102 Stars for me now. Absolutely loving the game and just can't believe it's still so good despite how far I now am in it! Are there ANY bad levels?!


Purple Coin Challenge on top of Luigi in the Toy Galaxy. That was very tricky, but I loved it so much for it! I managed to nail it after a few goes.. I thought I hadn't left myself enough platforms to make my way back to the start on, but some amazing long jumps and quick reflexes seen me just make it. It was a VERY satisfying moment!


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I like the game. Definitely better than Sunshine, much more of an experience, although I liked the fun, jolly side that Sunshine had. This one still had it in places, but was sometimes more like SM64, which I thought was rather serious.


The camera is annoying at times tho. Sucky angles = death. And it's not the most challenging game at times, but whatever, it rules!

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I have the same problem in the lower right corner. It dissapears when I try to point there. It does work when I hold my remote directly in front of the TV though, and when I sit in a different position it doesn't work anymore. Galaxy seems to be really sensitive about that.


Same here with bottom right corner, bizarre.

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I've got about 55 stars now, and I'm busy playing through the galaxies accessible from the Engine Room.


These three galaxies don't seem to be as good as the earlier ones, and the design of Golden Leaf Galaxy really is a cop out! Even so, I think it's still my favourite of the three so far, if only because of the cataquack level. I'm sure the toy box galaxy could be fun (and I've only played the first star of it so far anyway), but I've never liked gaudy toy box-themed levels in games, spring Mario is difficult to control, and to be honest, I'm sick of hearing the original Super Mario Bros music now!




Not sure when I'm going to visit the final boss yet. I'm glad I'm taking my time on this game and not rushing it. It really is a fantastic gaming experience, even if I am still finding places where I think, 'That could have been done better'. Not an OOT beater, but still definitely one of the greatest games ever.

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In my opinion the greatest thing about this game is the fact you can sit down and play for 1 hour or 5 hours and you feel as if you've really accomplished something. I can see this game lasting me months and months as I take my time with mini-sessions.


Man I've got this and Mario Olympics to play. It feels suitably retro but absolutely wonderful. :)

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I'm not looking to the purple challenges some of them sound solid, I'm only on 40 stars at the moment but off Sunday and missus is away so going to divide my time between this and GH3 and Theme Park DS.

I like them, its just the timed ones, espcially the toy land one that annoy me. God that ones pissed me off to no end.

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I like them, its just the timed ones, espcially the toy land one that annoy me. God that ones pissed me off to no end.


I loved the timed ones, espcially the one in the junk yard galaxy, i got a great rush from that one. Taking loads of risks with try long jumps for shortcuts not sure if a platform would appear or not, died a few times cuz of that too, but still loved it.

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Is there a larger version?


Another thing I wasn't happy about which needs repeating. Bowser jnr. We don't like him. We want Iggy, Lemmy, Roy, Wendy and the rest of the Koopa Kids.




Forget them, I want Yoshi.


Talking about Yoshi reminded me of something. On the Yoshi planetoid there's a ton of Goombas. If you jump on them without landing on the ground, numbers will pop up after you hit the second. I reached four two times and then there weren't Goombas to try it more. Has anyone else done this and jumped on more than four in a row?

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Straight from da sauce:




I could make sweet posters out of these.

pr0. Although I might edit out the URL I'm thinking.


Forget them, I want Yoshi.


Talking about Yoshi reminded me of something. On the Yoshi planetoid there's a ton of Goombas. If you jump on them without landing on the ground, numbers will pop up after you hit the second. I reached four two times and then there weren't Goombas to try it more. Has anyone else done this and jumped on more than four in a row?

Bullshit to Yoshi, he's had too much shizzle going on. Although there was no mention of him from any sources before the release, seeing his face available for a file "avatar" did give me an inkling he might be featured. As seen now, he isn't.


As for the combo's. I haven't tried such a thing, so I sadly have nothing to show for it. Darn me.

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