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Guest Stefkov

So it's gone. There's a massive void in my room.

Now we play a game that costs £56; The waiting game.

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If something is on Packing this late on Play.com is there a chance it'll still be dispatched in time for delivery tomorrow?


It's possible that its been posted but the website hasn't updated yet. I've had stuff turn up from play, before the websites even said its been posted.

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If something is on Packing this late on Play.com is there a chance it'll still be dispatched in time for delivery tomorrow?


Every time I preorder something on Play It gets shown as packed on the Wednesday before the Friday release and I get it in the post the next day.

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You guys will not regret buying Rock Band. That game is so fun, I've so many hours into that game.


The DLC for Rock Band is absolutely amazing! They've released so many good songs. I've boughten 32 amazing songs off the marketplace!


All the Small Things - Good song, alright to play

Attack - Good song, fun to play

Beethoven's C&*** - Weird song, but pretty fun

Crushcrushcrush - Good song, love playing it

Dirty Little Secret - Awesome song, easy to play

Move Along - Awesomess song, a lil tricky at first to play, but gets easier

My Sharona - Awesome Song, one the harder Rock Band songs

Shockwave - Good song, tricky to play

Still Alive - Amazing song, fun to play, especially sing! haha

Ten Speed - Alright song, playing is alright

The Kill - Good song, easy to play

Boston Pack - Awesome songs, variety of play, some are easy, some are a lil tricky

Earache Thrash Pack - Good songs, includes the hardest song imo for Rock Band

Harmonix Track Pack - meh songs are alright, but i got it free on an oxm disk

Metallica Track Pack - good, long songs, very fun to play

Nine Inch Nails Track Pack - awesome songs, very fun to play

Scene Pack - more awesome songs, but kind of boring to play


All song 'play rating' is based on playing Expert.

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I got my instruments, I've got my fingers crossed for the game arriving in a matter of hours. My drums and guitars are all set up and ready XD


WTF How? I know they are next day but... thats pretty good if they sent them last thing yesterday


Nothing for me yet but it doesnt matter. The game isnt going to come till Sat I know it

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Whoa, I was playing Eternal Sonata today, and all was well until it suddenly got shit.

I'm at the bit, about 4 hours in, where you cross the bridge and Beat says 'Im gonna wet myself!' You know, in the fort, switching all those switches in a maze sort of place..

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Could someone explain Beautiful Katamari to me please?

I rented it from lovefilm and I really wanted to like it but I'm finding it pretty difficult.

I'm not down with the whole Japanese culture and I don't really 'get' this game. It's cute and all but does it have any substance to it?

I don't even know what kind of game it is and I've been playing it for an hour or so.




Edit: Is it even worth trying to like if I don't straight away?

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Guest Stefkov
Whoa, I was playing Eternal Sonata today, and all was well until it suddenly got shit.

I'm at the bit, about 4 hours in, where you cross the bridge and Beat says 'Im gonna wet myself!' You know, in the fort, switching all those switches in a maze sort of place..

That was one of the worst parts of the game. Just follow a guide. All there is is items on the floor, you can dodge the enemies easy.

Best part comes later if I remember right.

Beat get's a well deserved **** to his face the annoying little shite. He's so weak in that game I felt like it was a chore to send him out to level up. I s'pose he helps with his photos which could help you later on in the Mysterious Unison, but then some enemies in that place drop 3 million gold each so there's no point. His voice annoyed me and his clinging on attitude, I don't know why Alegretto didn't just leave him behind...


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Interestingly enough, I lost interest in the game at exactly the same point Letty. I was really getting in to it then that happened, and I really could not be bothered to do it.


I'll definitely go back to it with a guide, though.

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Guest Stefkov
I'll definitely go back to it with a guide, though.

You should. It's a greatly underappreciated game. Sure it's got the music parts and the final cut scene lasts 45 minutes but you buy into the game, I didn't but it interested me anyway, because it's a story about a composers life. Not just another generic RPG with turn based moves which just don't get you involved at all.: Blue Dragon.

Plus the cutscenes can be skipped.

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Over summer while I'm off from Uni I'm planning on getting a summer job. If I manage to find a full time job I'll have a fair bit of money, and should have a spare £200 somewhere. Considering that I already own a PS3, do you guys think it'll be worth buying a 360 too? My somewhat limited knowledge of the console hasn't swayed me that it's really worth getting both, so a list of exclusives would be good perhaps? Thanks.


Convince me please :D


Perhaps my money would be better put towards a small HDTV?

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No, games that have less than 65% on Metacritic and less than 6% of people who try a demo actually buy it, will be deleted within three weeks.


Two Arcade games I love, Mr. Driller and Triggerheart have less than 65%, if something were to happen to my HDD, and they were deleted, I wouldn't be able to re-download two games that I've payed my hard earned money for.


The point of digital distribution is that you can get any game you want, when you want. The problems of shelf space are a thing of the past, why on Earth would Microsoft want to delete games that are doing no harm just sitting there?


Basing this on Metacritic is bullshit too. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I don't want to be limited as to what I can play by what some asshole critic thinks of the game.


Terrible move Microsoft.

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Could someone explain Beautiful Katamari to me please?

I rented it from lovefilm and I really wanted to like it but I'm finding it pretty difficult.

I'm not down with the whole Japanese culture and I don't really 'get' this game. It's cute and all but does it have any substance to it?

I don't even know what kind of game it is and I've been playing it for an hour or so.




Edit: Is it even worth trying to like if I don't straight away?

You should've downloaded the demo first...


if you don't like it straight away, it's possible you never will, but it does get better as you progress, and as you get better at it :) just get into the habit of only rolling into things you can pick up, and not getting anything wrong, and it improves.

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Anyone else try the demo for The Bourne Conspiracy? I really liked it, as it's pretty true the films, genuinely fun, and, makes very good use of quick-time events.


I'll probably buy it! :D




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