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A History Of Violence


Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen) is the owner of a diner in a small Indiana town, but when he kills two armed robbers in self-defence, his hidden past comes back to haunt him.


This got nominated for an Academy Award, and if you watched it, you could see why, it is a good film. 7/10

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Lucky # Slevin


What an awesome film. I'm not going to spoil anything but it has lots of plot-twists. The story consists of lots of loose tighs that come together in the end very well. There's not so much action going on actually but the characters are weird and interesting and most importantly the dialogue is absolutely brilliant.

If you haven't already, go watch it.



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Kill Bill 2.

Oh well... 4/10.


Me too, but I give it 8 Awesome Wattage out of 10. The first time i saw it, I thought it was the worst piece of shit that all of the world's combined clichés could create. Now, I don't.

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Me too, but I give it 8 Awesome Wattage out of 10. The first time i saw it, I thought it was the worst piece of shit that all of the world's combined clichés could create. Now, I don't.


It's curious, the world loves it... we, the portuguese, in general, don't really care about it.

It's better than the first one... but even so.

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I went and Saw Norbit on tuesday night and I wished I had wasted my free cinema pass on it, total waste of my time. A couple of funny bits but nothing major.


I am looking forward to the next few months thou as it seems some great movies are coming out.

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Although my pick woulda been Broken Flowers, we ended up renting the La Pantera Rosa (Pink Panther) last night.


I was expecting a semi decent film - since Steve Martin and Jean Reno are in it - but it suprised me a few times with some genuinely funny bits so it wasnt entirely bad at all. And even surpassed what I expected... which admittedly wasnt very high standards at all.


6/10 cos it was pretty darned decent for a comedy film. :heh:

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Together with The Spawn, Contract Killer and Robocop 2 this holds a special place in my body - my arse.

Such an uninspired film, there's little character development, an absolutely boring storyline without a message and most importantly of all you don't really know the characters's motives.

The action sequences are like playing a computer game with heavy blur effects because most things are bad CGI or good real-time renders and the enemies are as dumb as in most games and also in such large numbers.

I also got the impression Mila Jovovich wasn't capable to pull off her character which made it all the more disappointing.

And let's not forget the stupid guards. I mean they are suppose to be elite guards but not only is their aim bad but they hardly shoot at all and if they shoot you can be sure that another guard stands in the line of fire.



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Nausicaa of the Vally of the Wind


Wow I wasn't expecting much from this as it was like the earliest Ghibli film (or even pre-Ghibli I think). But it this animated wonderous epic was enthralling from start to finish.


Some of the dialogue is very cheesy and I don't like the way (like in many anime films i've seen) that everything has to be described and explained out loud by the characters. Minor niggle but, anyhoo, great animation (1984!), great soundtrack and an imaginative and interesting storyline. Looking forward to watching Castle in the Sky.



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Amazing Grace


Was quite good. Saw a preview screening with question and answer session with Michael Apted the director.

Very politically based movie which is a bit detrimental because the characters arn't developed as fully as they should have been, Albert Finney being one of those characters who definetly should have had more screen time.


Another little problem I had was that this event, the abolishion of slavery in UK, takes place over many years but its all really the same location making the movie drag on for quite a bit as nothing much happens inbetween the big debates.


It is a nice movie but feels a bit too informative at some points and at others emotion seems too exagerated just to get it in there because of its abscense. The fact that the movie is all about nobles who feel for slavery but it doesn't show you why they are so passionate kind of loses some effect.

Almost like millionares donating to african charities, they're rich enough to care but why should it mean anything to them? I wanted that explored and it wasn't really.


6/10 - Do not see if you're tired. The wave of dreary politic talk may kill you.

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Human Traffic

Unbeatable as a film to watch before a weekend of clubbing and hedonism and is still to this day the most accurate portrayal of that type of culture I have ever seen.

There has never been a film that makes me want to go out and have a good weekend more than this one (ie. its totally fuckin' stupid idea watching it midweek :heh: ).




Romper Stomper

Love it.....

A film of skinheads, race hate, neo nazism and an orgy of violence with every side taking casualties.

Sort of like Clockwork Orange without the boring bits. Fantastic soundtrack too.



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Romper Stomper

[/b]Love it.....

A film of skinheads, race hate, neo nazism and an orgy of violence with every side taking casualties.

Sort of like Clockwork Orange without the boring bits. Fantastic soundtrack too.7/10


You know what turned Romper Stomper from a masterpiece to a could-have-been? That awfull "love triangle" ending. Up until the point where they focus on the love triangle, the movie is brilliant, there onward, it sucks. Russel Crowe dominates.


Oh... and clockwork orange = boring? ARE YOU MAD?

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Oh... and clockwork orange = boring? ARE YOU MAD?

Certifiably so.


Clockwork Orange is just too dull after Alex gets caught. Good story etc, just didnt do too much for me....


I think Halo is crap as well. :awesome:

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Miami Vice


After hearing the critics I was expecting so much more, however, it turned out to be average. It feels like a big episode of the series, not a film actually. The characters aren't properly introduced and don't really develope throughout the film. Actually I didn't care about them at all and there were far too many so I got confused pretty easily. Also the performances by Foxx and Farell are nothing outstanding and there was too little action.

What I hated most of all though, was the pace. It had scenes that were almost in slow motion while there were quick cuts from one location to the next. Overall it felt like a serious version of Bad Boys in slow motion.






The Prestige


I originally wasn't interested in that film but when I heard Christopher Nolan was directing and Christian Bale acting I expected it to be something peculiar and indeed I wasn't disappointed. Nolan cleverly plays with different timelines without confusing the viewer at all and he really manages to capture the fascination of the magic tricks on the big screen - and later reveals them what I was very thankful for as it provided some insight.

The performance by Christian Bale was excellent as always and also Hugh Jackman could prove that he's a better actor than he could show in most of his previous film - Van Helsing in particular.

The ending is a bit over the top though but the "revealing" at the end warrants to watch it a second time to find the little details that one didn't notice the first time around.



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well not a film but a TV show... Spaced... got interested in other of Pegg's work after seeing Shaun of the dead.. and boy i was not dissapointed.. I havent seen a Tv show as brilliant as this since The Young Ones or The Singing Detective....Spaced was never aired here in Denmark so it was shere luck i "stumbled" across it... 10/10 for Tim and Daisy

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