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was shit. Oh it's destroyed. Oh well, we built it once, we can build it again. Unless some cock knocker lost the blueprints and diagrams.



Also, none of the non-surrogates were fat. If I sat in the same chair for a week, let alone years, I'd probably need a new, wider chair.


And they missed out on a potential tear jerker moment: When the public toilet cleaner has to explain to his kids that there won't be a Christmas this year due to the complete lack of demand for public toilets. I guarantee it would win an oscar.


My general view of the film: Good idea done badly.

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That could have been another interesting side note. Some of the people who refused to use surrogates could have been motivated by the fact that they couldn't afford one. Jealousy basically. If you can't afford something, badmouth it ("Don't want it anyway, it's shit).

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Another bad point ;


Bruce Willis getting his ass kicked. NOT WHAT I WANT TO SEE EVER, unless its swfitly followed by...



round house kicks/judo chops/yippe ki-yay mutha fucka/double hand face sandwich slap/belly flop to the kidneys/chunk of flesh being bitten and spat out, levels of violence awesomeness, being delivered by Bruce Willis.

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Hmm, very confused about the storyline and what was going on.. I need to watch this again in order to fully understand it. Its about a guy in 1966 writing a book about 2046 to express his experiences of love and sex during his stay at room 2046 in a hotel... *scratches his head*


People go to 2046 in order to relive past memories and nobody ever comes back, but he did. In his book, there is a train in the future that travels there.


I think he was trying to relive/recapture the love that he lost in the past by having flings and relationships with other women while staying at this hotel... In the end, I think he abandoned whatever he was trying to get from those experiences and thus left 2046 to live a life with no future or direction due to some sort of realisation that I can't yet comprehend.



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New Police Story


This is the 5th installment of the popular franchise starring Jackie Chan. I have to admit, this installment you do feel sorry for Jackie during the first half of the movie but in the second half it is a mixture of feeling sorry and cheering him on as such.


I shall rate this an 8.5/10

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Hmm, very confused about the storyline and what was going on.. I need to watch this again in order to fully understand it. Its about a guy in 1966 writing a book about 2046 to express his experiences of love and sex during his stay at room 2046 in a hotel... *scratches his head*


People go to 2046 in order to relive past memories and nobody ever comes back, but he did. In his book, there is a train in the future that travels there.


I think he was trying to relive/recapture the love that he lost in the past by having flings and relationships with other women while staying at this hotel... In the end, I think he abandoned whatever he was trying to get from those experiences and thus left 2046 to live a life with no future or direction due to some sort of realisation that I can't yet comprehend.




Easily one of my favourite films. It's truly extraordinary.

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Toy Story 3D


Quick moan first; Pixar (well, Lee Unkrich) has been saying there will be a new exclusive trailer for Toy Story 3 attached to this...and there wasn't. Add that to the fact we don't get 2 until January makes me angry at Disney.


Aaaanyway the film was good and everything :) Reminded me of my childhood and everything and still makes me really happy. Dunno if I've just never noticed before but the purple part of Buzz's are slightly transparent. Nice touch. There didn't seem to be much 3Dness. They added depth and everything but I dunno...was expecting more I think. Still, enjoyable :)

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Help needed.


Having an xfactor/movie night and I need a good Horror movie to rent. By good I mean...it doesn't have to be. Just something even vaguely scary. Keeping in mind that I find anything from Halloween H20 to The Children to The Grudge terrifying. Though it can't be too trashy, Razz won't allow it. :p

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Help needed.


Having an xfactor/movie night and I need a good Horror movie to rent. By good I mean...it doesn't have to be. Just something even vaguely scary. Keeping in mind that I find anything from Halloween H20 to The Children to The Grudge terrifying. Though it can't be too trashy, Razz won't allow it. :p




look it up.

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Toy Story 3D


Quick moan first; Pixar (well, Lee Unkrich) has been saying there will be a new exclusive trailer for Toy Story 3 attached to this...and there wasn't. Add that to the fact we don't get 2 until January makes me angry at Disney.


There didn't seem to be much 3Dness. They added depth and everything but I dunno...was expecting more I think. Still, enjoyable :)


Saw it earlier, and I was a tiny bit disappointed that there wasn't any major effect moments, e.g I was expecting Rex's entrance to be a "Shit!OMG he's coming off the screen!" shock to some of the youngsters in the audience, but no - anyway the whole film looked beautiful on the big screen, and I can finally say I've seen one of my favourite's at the cinema.


The effects on the windows in the background of Sid and Andy's room were very realistic, and the truck chase looked great, but the 'effect' that impresed me most was some of the shots were Woody was holding the staff meeting - it felt like I was watching a real Woody at a press confrence for a few seconds!


Regarding the trailer, I was glad - I'm avoiding all Toy Story 3 footage, apart from the teaser, so that I can have a fresh experience next June. I also closed my eyes during the Up trailer that was shown :heh: Roll on next Friday!

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Toy Story 3D


Well the film was good and everything :) Reminded me of my childhood and everything and still makes me really happy. There didn't seem to be much 3Dness. They added depth and everything but I dunno...was expecting more I think. Still, enjoyable.


The best 3D ness was at the end, the far away shot of RC and co, looked really good...for a breif scene. Still its Toy Story, so amazing.


Agreed on the window/rain. That looked freaking incredible.




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GI-Joe was awful, but Transformers 2 was far far far worse. GIJoe was meant to be silly, T2 was a ridiculously clueless mess of a film. Actually, 'film' is being generous. You'd need a dozen pages to list everything that was wrong with it.



I didn't like the visual effects and some of the camerawork was seriously questionable. Wooden, forced acting alot of the time. Plot was good, but actually quite predictable really. For me, not that well executed. :heh:


I didn't hate it, it was icky. :wink:


Not forgetting 10,000 ish planes that will fall from the sky, causing mass destruction across the entire planet, killing human lives. And that's just the planes.

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