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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


I went this morning to watch it and I thought it was fantastic, I absolutely adored it, well worth the wait in my opinion. It was lighter than the others but it also kept that darker tone as well. It was funny in some places too. Some of the non-Potter fans might ask questions which they probably won't know the answer to unless you are actually a fan, lol. Best movie I've seen this year and, in my opinion, best of the Harry Potters. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.


10/10 ^_^

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Mad Max


Meh. Everything seemed far to normal/civilized to be post apocalyptic. Just seemed like it could be set nowerdays in the countryside somewhere. It's all very 70's as well, although it was made in 1979 so it's only natural. But the other Mad Max's managed to get the future looking right without being too 80's.


I completely forgot that this had the whole "saw through ankle instead of chain" bit long before Saw did it.


It's also hard to believe Mel Gibson was 23 when he made this movie. No idea how old the character is supposed to be, but he looks late 20s/early 30s.



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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


Finally got around to seeing it, I so wanted to love it but was left feeling a bit dissapointed really.

SOOO many things I could talk about, but not got the time to type it all up now, so I'll just leave this at a...


Frustrated 5/10 (after initial viewing)

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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The beginning and middle were fantastic and well apdated, but the ending was not so good and very rushed. Jim Broadbent was fantastic as Slughorn, in which is probably the best performance in the series so far, but Radcliffe was very stiff, while Gambon, who I was hoping to be excellent due to the focus on his character in this film, looked rather bored. Some good comedy in this film aswell, especially from Ron's love intrest, Luna Lovegood and especially when Harry takes speed :heh:




Some of the non-Potter fans might ask questions which they probably won't know the answer to unless you are actually a fan, lol. Best movie I've seen this year and, in my opinion, best of the Harry Potters. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.


10/10 ^_^


True. When McGonagall told Potter that he had to study Potions if he wanted to be an Auror, there were a lot of confused looks from the audience. And I thought everyone had read the books.. ::shrug:


I think Chamber is my favourite Potter film. Sure it's cringeworthy at times and has a very cheesy ending, but everything else makes up for it.

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True. When McGonagall told Potter that he had to study Potions if he wanted to be an Auror, there were a lot of confused looks from the audience. And I thought everyone had read the books.. ::shrug:


I think Chamber is my favourite Potter film. Sure it's cringeworthy at times and has a very cheesy ending, but everything else makes up for it.


Same here, I heard a wave of "Huh" when she said that and half of the audience asked 2 things:


Why didn't Dumbledore apparate before he was going to get killed? and When Dumbledore died, why didn't Harry fight them? I was like "read the books and if you don't, it's obvious" lol.


My audience laughed at Ron saying Hermione's name when he was in the Hospital Wing. I actually had a tear in my eye when Dumbledore died as well, I heard others crying as well.



Just a fantastic movie, going to watch again as soon as possible! :yay:


Oh and is it me or did The Last Airbender look a bit....crap?

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Why didn't Dumbledore apparate before he was going to get killed? and When Dumbledore died, why didn't Harry fight them? I was like "read the books and if you don't, it's obvious" lol.


My audience laughed at Ron saying Hermione's name when he was in the Hospital Wing. I actually had a tear in my eye when Dumbledore died as well, I heard others crying as well.




Yeah, I was disappointed with the ending. I had read some early reports before the films original release that the death and final fight were over in a second, and they were not kidding! Thought they could of had perfected it with all the extra time they had! And where was the battle from the tower to the gates?


I thought it sounded like he was saying "My knee" at the Hospital Wing. Actually there were about 3 or 4 moments in the film where I didn't understand what the characters were saying.


Someone in my audience gave a huge yawn when Dumbledore found about about the horcrux and gave that little speech.


Did you get a LOTR feeling from the cave btw? Those creatures looked a lot like Gollum and Dumbledore was the spitting image of Gandalf there!


Also, did the death eaters attack the Burrow in the book? I don't seem to remember that moment, and was it Luna who found Harry on the train or someone else?


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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Very enjoyable... again, not a patch on the book, but still one of the best films so far (gives me hope that they'll do the next two justice). I agree with Welshy, the ending felt a bit rushed, and there were a few bits that only really made sense to the fans. "I am the Half-Blood Prince" was just a bit left-field, there was no explanation for it, Hermione didn't do any investigation into it... Regardless, colour me impressed. I thought the Death Eater group of Bellatrix, Malfoy and Greyback worked well, much more terrifying than Voldy. It will still be good to get Jason Isaacs back next time though. :heh:




I'm going to see it again on Saturday, hopefully there will be less noise from the irritating fangirls then. I could hear about five people crying after "the death".


Yeah, I was disappointed with the ending. I had read some early reports before the films original release that the death and final fight were over in a second, and they were not kidding! Thought they could of had perfected it with all the extra time they had! And where was the battle from the tower to the gates?


I thought it sounded like he was saying "My knee" at the Hospital Wing. Actually there were about 3 or 4 moments in the film where I didn't understand what the characters were saying.


Someone in my audience gave a huge yawn when Dumbledore found about about the horcrux and gave that little speech.


Did you get a LOTR feeling from the cave btw? Those creatures looked a lot like Gollum and Dumbledore was the spitting image of Gandalf there!


Also, did the death eaters attack the Burrow in the book? I don't seem to remember that moment, and was it Luna who found Harry on the train or someone else?


I had a similar problem with understanding characters... a few of them were with Gambon and his Irish slur. I also thought Ron said "my knee", I thought Lavender was crushing him or something. :heh:


The cave was very Moria-esque, especially those Inferi. Anyone else jump when it grabbed Harry, despite it being the most obvious moment for something like that to happen? :D My whole row jumped, could actually hear most of the room go! But they did look a lot like Gollum... I thought they also shared similarities with the beasts in I Am Legend. Then the fire bit... "You cannot pass!"


The Death Eaters never attacked the Burrow in the book, I quite liked that addition though, as well as the further emphasis they put on the attack on Diagon Alley and the bridge. It just made the threat of Voldy and his Death Eaters seem a bit more real. And Tonks found Harry on the train if I remember correctly.


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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Very enjoyable... again, not a patch on the book, but still one of the best films so far (gives me hope that they'll do the next two justice). I agree with Welshy, the ending felt a bit rushed, and there were a few bits that only really made sense to the fans. "I am the Half-Blood Prince" was just a bit left-field, there was no explanation for it, Hermione didn't do any investigation into it... Regardless, colour me impressed. I thought the Death Eater group of Bellatrix, Malfoy and Greyback worked well, much more terrifying than Voldy. It will still be good to get Jason Isaacs back next time though. :heh:




I'm going to see it again on Saturday, hopefully there will be less noise from the irritating fangirls then. I could hear about five people crying after "the death".




I had a similar problem with understanding characters... a few of them were with Gambon and his Irish slur. I also thought Ron said "my knee", I thought Lavender was crushing him or something.



The cave was very Moria-esque, especially those Inferi. Anyone else jump when it grabbed Harry, despite it being the most obvious moment for something like that to happen? :D My whole row jumped, could actually hear most of the room go! But they did look a lot like Gollum... I thought they also shared similarities with the beasts in I Am Legend. Then the fire bit... "You cannot pass!"


The Death Eaters never attacked the Burrow in the book, I quite liked that addition though, as well as the further emphasis they put on the attack on Diagon Alley and the bridge. It just made the threat of Voldy and his Death Eaters seem a bit more real. And Tonks found Harry on the train if I remember correctly.


Yeah, I did. That bit scared me even though I KNEW it would happen! I can't wait for Deathly Hallows Part One!!!! :yay:

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You know how I know you're gay?


Would this be 40 year old virgin?


You like coldplay!


You know that makes me second best to Ine!..


I think I can live with that. :heart:


To her credit, she is pretty amazing.


Live with eeet. Live with eet naaaw!


I have been watching many films recently. But, the majority of them have...fallen out of my head. The only one I can remember is The Resurrection of Alien.


Definitely the weakest in the Alien Saga, at least for me anyway. There's just something wrong with the aliens in this. The way that they look and move, it doesn't bode well for me. Although, the underwater scene is an amazing scene. It was pretty tense, and it was well shot. We needed more moments like that. It was built up well, whereas the rest of the film seemed a bit too rushed for my liking. As a result, a lot of the tension was lost, and there were too many meaningless deaths that were just done for the sake of it.


I'd probably give it a 6/10. Maybe a 5, I don't know.

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Terminator Salvation


Cool action sequences. I also find it odd how the timey-wimey plot of the first two (and the series) makes much more sense than the plot of this film.


Skynet, after a ton of effort, finally lure John Connor into their base, filled with thousands of Terminators. Then they send one after him. The revolution of Arnie would have been good if it didn't look so fake. It also looses a lot of suspense as it feels pre-determined. There isn't really any danger until after the time machine is discovered. Then Arnie will kill John.


The ending monologue also makes no sense. He talk about how we make our own destiny when he's done nothing but keep things as they're "supposed" to be. Things are happening pretty much as he's been told they'll happen.


Christian Bale also wasn't a convincing John. Anton Yelchin was much more convincing (I also thought that he looked a lot like John from the TV series at some points of the film). The rest of the cast were forgettable (why not use the well-made characters from The Sarah Connor Chronicles).




Entertaining but stupid.

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What the fuck is this shit? Why are you all going crazy over


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


Really disappointing. The trailer makes it look like an absolute blockbuster, however all the action scenes in the trailer are actually the action scenes in the film....in full. Right okay ; It was disjointed, there was absolutely no focus, the only shread of plot in the film was the setting up of the last films (which admitadly was awesome and the best bit, and I was thrilled or highly entertained during those scenes) Draco is excellent, and really transitions well into struggling villain. Some of the most enjoyable or heartwarming scenes were the bubbling romances, but they never come to fruition which is just frustrating. And finally the ending. 2 and a half hours of film and theres pretty much no pay off.


So the view of Dumbledore getting killed is a half blocked screen and a flash of blue? Fuck off. Then the bit in the trailer that teases an awesome fight at the end is just the villains walking off! WHAT! The hell kind of finale is that.



I think the problem is trying to adapt the massive books into small fulms. Prisoner of Azkaban is still by far the best movie, because its not shit like the first ones, its SO DARK (lol Tellyn) and it has a genuine plot with important scenes. Goblet of Fire is good, but then Phoenix and Half Blood-Prince just felt similar in the way they were done - rather than having a concise plot its just a collection of happenings, that have been picked from the books vast array of options (I've only read OOTP by the way)


This does however give me hope for the Deathly Hallows films that they will be good/amazing, seeing as the build up in Half Blood-Prince does build anticipation nicely.


I'm seriously suprised this films gone down so well, certainly with you guys. Also JK Rowlings storytelling just doesn't make sense at times.


(Why did just Harry and Dumby go to find the drinking horcrux, when it could have been the entire OOTP....safery in numbers etc. Also why couldn't Dumbledore do his flying teleport thing to get to the middle of the cave instead of needing the boat. Also whats a half-blood prince, and why was he called that)


I guess it doesn't explain enough of what you will know if you've read the book (but this was just for minor scenes and really didn't affect my enjoyment and doesn't form part of my consideration of my final score)




Better than Order, but not a scratch on Azkaban.

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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince




In short: the quiet before the storm. This film teases an auspicious finale, but as such doesn't really make for a particularly thrilling film in my eyes. The 'humourous' scenes were too long and the actual important plot-developing scenes too infrequent. Probably my least favourite Potter film that i've seen (haven't seen Goblet or TOOTP), that was also somehwat marred by the legions of young girls laughing at pretty much everything. Definitely worth a watch for fans though.

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I've got a problem with him not being in it that much. Apparently, he only has a cameo in this one. :nono:

I see. The most I've seen him in a Potter film, if memory serves is The Chamber Of Secrets, which really pisses me off at the end "It can still hear you!" makes me want to punch Riddle.


Plus, I applaud Rowling for making Riddle/Voldemort seem a complete tool by adding "I am" in the anagram of his name, on the off-chance he'd have to explain it to someone.

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public enemys or christian bale continues his one man war against persinality


ok, so i did think it was an alright film, good performance from depp, he seemed to have real charisma. bale had litteraly no likable quality to him. obviosuly his character was partialy to blaim, but god he was boring.


the biggest problem i had was that you didnt care about any one, even in heavy action scnes i didnt care who lived or died. compair that to say, american gangster, were i spent every action film praying for people to get out ok.


so all in all, a good film, but was missing somthing.


good but it drags 6/10

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