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I've been put off this film for ages because of it's director - I've never liked Tim Burton's films (I've just double-checked...it wasn't actually done by him...oh). Anyway, it's a wonderful film. The stop-motion animation was great, the characters were charming and the story was interesting and frightful. It had a nice slow pace and yet had a good length (unlike a lot of recent films that drag on a bit).


I didn't expect to like it (even if the thing that put me off was incorrect) but I ended up loving it.



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"I will find you and I will kill you" and that's exactly what he does and what I expect him to do. Very good action movie with lots of brilliantly shot scenes and for an action movie a very "three-dimensional" anti hero. The story is a bit unbelieveable but still quite intense and actually makes you care for the characters. The violence isn't very shocking but rather funny most of the times, although very realistic. I heard good things before and it still managed to surpass them.



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I was going to read more Akira (well, I did but afterwords) but I got sidetracked by the fact that Sympathy for Lady Vengeance was on demand so I had to watch it. You can definitely draw similarities between it and Oldboy, the story is much sadder and seemed a little harder to follow yet simpler at all once. I don't want to spoil anything incase you haven't seen it yet, but it is just as good as Oldboy but for different reasons. Cool fights scenes are nowhere to be found, but a just as intriguing story is weaved throughout the film. I do think I prefer Oldboy, as the fewer characters made it easier to keep track of who's who, and it felt more unique with the twist then SFLV.



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The Name Of The Rose


A 1986 medieval murder mystery [Ages before Cadfael] with Sean Connery and Christian Slater, it got four stars by the TVTimes and Radio Times, so I was expecting something good. Sadly my hopes were dashed. It was an alright film, but a bit slow. I guess I was seduced by the Paul Luther level in Eternal Darkness. It has the same conspiracy feeling, but without the forces of Ulyaoth/Xel'lotath/Chattur'gha.




Seven Shabba's



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I need to watch Coraline so badly! >__<


Harry Potter and the Philosphers Stone


I was in the mood to watch Harry Potter and so I put this on. Cracker of a movie. I think it captures Harry's first year near perfectly and transported me back to being an overexcited 11 year old kid again. A good fun film. plus Ron is win throughout. :D


5 Bears out of 7.


Powder Blue


I spent most of the film trying to work out whether it as Forest Whitaker in it! :p I've never seen a movie with him in before. I thought the themes it attempted to explore where great and it does it fairly well but the characters ultimately feel empty as nothing is fully explored it was trying too hard to be...the word escapes me...


I enjoyed it though and the acting was solid from all. I was surprised to see Lisa Kudrow in it briefly. Jessica Biel was good in it as well and I want to see Forest Whitaker in another film as he was powerful but it felt a tad wasted here. I came up with a much better conclusion in my head than the resolution that was offered so I was disappointed. Apart from some Ham fisted dialogue and a few horrible cliches I thought it was alright!


I can't decide whether I liked it or not Bears out of 7.


Night at the Museum


Not particularly good but it set out what it was trying to do competantly and gave me a few laughs and just a movie to indulge in after revision.


4 Bears out of 7. :)

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I need to watch Coraline so badly! >__<


Same, though it's still not out here for whatever silly reason. =(

Hope I can go watch it with friends, though in a way I doubt they'd want to watch an animated film. =(

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Same, though it's still not out here for whatever silly reason. =(

Hope I can go watch it with friends, though in a way I doubt they'd want to watch an animated film. =(


I advise you to grab as many mates as you can and watch it in 3D. I loved every second of it!


Lesbian Vampire Killers


The storyline was crap but there's a few laughs in it. Plus some of the lesbian vampires were hot, lol.



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The Game

It´s good all around but not as twisty and turny as I had been hoped and was just schizophrenic at parts but a fun watch.

Except for the ending, I fucking hated it.




An adorable yet very creepy film, except for a few parts that nagged me a bit it is a fantastic film in every way.

Also, the moon terrified me.

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Except for the ending, I fucking hated it.


Fincher struck gold 3 times in a row at that time. Se7en, The Game and then Fight Club. But yeah, I'll concede that

was awesome in it's script, but felt kind of weird on film as he could've jumped from all sides of the building and yet he managed to jump towards the most painful one (the glass), which was, coincidently, the only one side which had a giant air mattress. I mean, it didn't make much sense to have him jump from a fully open building, they could've chosen something with fences at the top except for one particular spot, that way it would've made more sense for him to jump towards that specific spot. Still, if you ignore that stupid little detail, the ending is very good. The whole film is quite good as a wake up call. Awesome, actually.



Anywho, god damn it, I can't wait to see Drag Me To Hell, but it's doesn't even have a release date over here. =/

This is looking like an exciting year for the horror genre, Raimi finally returned and in October we can all look forward to supposedly excellent Trick 'r Treat.

Edited by jayseven
For Great Spoiler Justice!
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This is just awful. Utterly awful. 55 minutes in and I want to switch this shit off. Honestly, there is nothing, I mean NOTHING good about this. Even the style is inconsistent...I guess it's consistently shit, I'll give it that.


1/10 - It gets the 1 because I like the movie poster a bit.

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This is just awful. Utterly awful. 55 minutes in and I want to switch this shit off. Honestly, there is nothing, I mean NOTHING good about this. Even the style is inconsistent...I guess it's consistently shit, I'll give it that.


1/10 - It gets the 1 because I like the movie poster a bit.


There is one good thing about Mila Kunis is lovely. But otherwise yeah you are correct. I actually fell asleep in the cinema for a good 20 minutes or so.

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There is one good thing about Mila Kunis is lovely. But otherwise yeah you are correct. I actually fell asleep in the cinema for a good 20 minutes or so.


Yeah, I quite like her but I really couldn't take her seriously since she was trying to be serious and all I could think of was Meg getting ripped on in Family Guy. :heh:

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17 again


I liked this. It's been done many times before but there was a few funny parts in it. Matthew Perry is awesome and Zac Efron was alright in it. Very very happy to see Michelle Tratchenburg in it :)



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Love 17 Again so damn much! The "I'll be the lioness and you can be the baby gazelle" line floors me everytime. So need to say that to someone at some point in my life, just to see their face.






Fucking insane. I loved how she seemed able to get it out her mind that she was actually killing those guys, by accepting the obvious lie he told her about them not actually dying. Also, when they first killed Heather, it took them all of 2 minutes to seem like they were totally over it.


It got a bit too ridiculous in places, but other than a few moments it was really enjoyably. When the two cops discovered the dead bodies, and were like :


Officer Milner: My God, suicide. Why?

Officer McCord: [holds up bottle of mineral water found next to one of the bodies] Does *this* answer your question?

Officer Milner: ...Oh man! They were fags?



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Waking Life


Second time watching this. Just had an urge to watch it last night and it was something I was going to do inevitably because I got lost about 20 minutes into it first time. However, I managed to stay with it this time which was good. There are still some bits that are confusing, like the talk on the neo-human and how it's appearance through evolution will lead to the social and cultural changed of bad to good in the sense of lies to having the truth, but some of it really struck a cord with me. The bit with the couple in the bed talking about how we as humans have hundreds of thousands of years worth of memories to draw on in relation to being able to do things and that we must be in some way telepathically linked for this information to have been carried on through the years and generations for it to be able to be passed on. I'm not sure I believe the whole telepathy bit but being linked and that whole particular segment really did make me agree with what was being said.


Anyways, I enjoyed the film. Yes, it's a complete mind bender if you don't pay attention but it's very insightful and thought provoking. And the sound track accompanying it was eerily beautiful and suited the rotoscopic visage of the film and its placement with lucid dreaming.

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Love 17 Again so damn much! The "I'll be the lioness and you can be the baby gazelle" line floors me everytime. So need to say that to someone at some point in my life, just to see their face.



Same here, I was in hysterics when she was doing that. I said it to a girl as a laugh, she figured out where I got it from, LMAO.

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A Clockwork Orange


Well that was good. Will do a little research into bits I didn't quite get, but overall wonderful imagery/themes/performances. So far, Kubrick has done no wrong for me.


Am I right in thinking that Alex is played by the guy that was the scientist ape in the original Planet of the Ape films?!



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It's Malcolm McDowell. Legend.


I like the film- Kubrick does great things in translating a novel based so heavily on language. His intention was to create a visual representation of Nadsat. In the tricky situation of not being able to use the bulk of the text's descriptive sections in the film, I think it was a very interesting way of doing things.


I prefer the book by a fair way though. as did Anthony Burgess- he never really agreed with Kubrick and would go on to write a scene in to the musical production in which Kubrick is booted off stage by the droogs.

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The Return


I watched this simply because Sarah Michelle Gellar was in it, and I love her to bits. I expected some horror, but it was much less Horror and way more Psychological. It took a hell of a long time to get going, and even then it wasn't really going fast enough. Had Gellar not been in it, I'd have been so bored. There's just something about her, that keeps me glued to the screen.



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It's Malcolm McDowell. Legend.


I like the film- Kubrick does great things in translating a novel based so heavily on language. His intention was to create a visual representation of Nadsat. In the tricky situation of not being able to use the bulk of the text's descriptive sections in the film, I think it was a very interesting way of doing things.


I prefer the book by a fair way though. as did Anthony Burgess- he never really agreed with Kubrick and would go on to write a scene in to the musical production in which Kubrick is booted off stage by the droogs.


Just read about the differences and such. Not read the book.


I knew that it used it's "own language", but I found it easy, and actually quite refreshing to listen to. I knew a lot of the added words though.

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