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Rate the last film you saw


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Don't think I've seen them either. Maybe part of Blazing Saddles though as it sounds familiar.



Anyway, went to the film with friends and we saw 17 Again. It was okay, not as bad as I feared it might be. But it was still verrrrrrry predictable, nothing original in there. Plus I seem to be one of the few not to love the sights of Zac Effron. =P

But yeah had a couple of laughs so all is good. Just needed a brainless film to relax for a bit.

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Well you need to just sit right down and watch both. Time to wipe that schedule clean.

Well I've seen part of Blazing Saddles, it involved quicksand and frequent use of the word "nigger". I didn't want to pay much attention until I watched it from the beginning properly.


I recognized one of the chaps from Back To The Future III though.

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Airplane! and Blazing Saddles are two of the greatest comedy films of all time. If you haven't seen them, then it really is a disgrace, nay it's an abomination.


Now in the mood to watch Airplane! Second one is good but not as good as the first though, as is all too common in films today.


Also, The Naked Gun sits up there with those two films as one of the best comedies ever. Both the first and the second are class, although the third is rather crap. So many great moments, such as the car chase where the driving instructor instructs his pupil to flip off someone who cut her off or the opera singing bad guy in the second film :D. I feel a comedy movie night coming on.

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Dear lord, have mercy.



Ha. I watched that while half-asleep yonks ago and it was still AWFUL.


I love Milla Jovovovovixh though, as I saw her in a gallery in New York once.

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"Hurry - the fog is getting thicker."

"And Leon's getting l-l-l-l-larger!"


Anyway, I've been to see two new films this week...


Star Trek

I'm not a Trekkie, having never seen an episode of the series or any of the films (I don't think Galaxy Quest counts :heh:). However, I thought this was extremely good. The TV trailers don't do it justice in my opinion, they try to build it up to be something that it isn't. Being relatively unfamiliar with the characters and story, I didn't really feel left out at all - whilst I didn't get some of the in-jokes that my friend was laughing at, the story was well written without being overcomplicated, the acting was great, awesome special effects... I can't fault it at all, it was brilliant. Got me interested in the series now.



Angels and Demons

Just seen this tonight. I didn't read the book so the plot was pretty much completely new to me. I thought it was a lot better than the Da Vinci Code, it worked a lot better as a film, what with the aspect of terrorism and a more focused story than the previous movie. It dragged on perhaps a bit too long, and some of the acting was a bit dodgy, but I thought it was an enjoyable start to the summer blockbuster season.



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Verrrrrrry bloody film. Normally not a fan of violence and blood, but I didn't mind it too much in this film I think. Was better than I expected it to be actually, so worth watching. Not one of the best films out there, but I've seen worse.

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I really liked Apcolypto! I thought it was pretty stunning.


Oh yeah, the way it was filmed was great, and there were some great scenes. I liked it (even though my short review up there probably makes it sound like not a good film), even despite the gruesomeness of it all, heh.

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I loved it myself. I thought it used violence in a very shocking and effective way that went way beyond some 'gore = leet' equation from shitty horror movies, for example. It was dark, brutal and thrilling stuff all the way.


May very well watch that tomorrow actually I only watched it the once and my parents have vacated the big giant telly for the week.

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I loved it myself. I thought it used violence in a very shocking and effective way that went way beyond some 'gore = leet' equation from shitty horror movies, for example. It was dark, brutal and thrilling stuff all the way.


May very well watch that tomorrow actually I only watched it the once and my parents have vacated the big giant telly for the week.


Oh yes, the violence was justified (I pretty much never watch those other type of films you mention, heh). Makes me wonder though if they really were that violent or not...

Thought the ending was a bit weird though, I was kinda expecting it to carry on for a bit but it didn't. Oh well. Was great entertainment, lots better than watching Eurovision. =P

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The Hunt For Gollum

This is a short, fan-made British film produced on a budget of about £3000, as a side story to Lord of the Rings, taking place during the Fellowship of the Ring, before the Hobbits reach Bree. I was really impressed by it, great acting, the make up and costumes were fantastic. Bloody good locations too. Special effects were a bit dodgy, but they were few and far between (and they easily dealt with the problem of Gollum early on :heh:).


Give it a watch for free here, I highly recommend it, especially if you're a LOTR nut:





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The Transporter


I love how accents are so prominent in some films. You can watch an American film and the accents don't seem that bad at all, but see on in a British film and it's in your face. The reverse works here for Jason Statham, a pr0 favourite of mine. I love the way he says "refreshments" early on.


A quality film, with pimpsmacking action, albeit a few unrealistic moments [the parachute catching up with the containers always gets me], but I came across the commentary as the film went along, reading Statham's thoughts/opinions as the film went along, I feel it may have pr0'd the experience even more.


Eight Shabba's



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It sounds like people that read Angels & Demons are more disappointed than those that didn't? I was thinking about seeing it and haven't read the book, I did read and watch the Da Vinci code though and liked that. Maybe I'll wait for DVD.

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Cartoons Go To War


Documentary about American animated films/shorts during World War 2. Interesting, bit short and a lot of focus on SNAFU but being that removed from the situation itself makes you think "how the heck did they get away with it?" Gladly someone did say "people were aware Hitler wasn't some goofy moron" because at times it seems like it.

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