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Rate the last film you saw


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Star Trek


I went in not expecting much...


WOW! I was completely surprised how good it was. :grin: I enjoyed it way too much!


6 Bears out of 7!


The Lion King


One of my favourite movies! :D It is just so brilliant!


6 and a half Bears out of 7!




not good at all, a poor excuse for a film! :) Things were going on but this bear did not care.

2 and a half Bears out of 7

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No its not. Just no. Catwoman is the plague. What the fuck is it even based on for christ sake.


Oh I don't consider it even remotely related to the comics. But I love the ridiculousness of it. It also doesn't come across as cheap looking as some of Elektra. I think I dislike Elektra more as there was once potential in it.


Catwoman was doomed from the start. "My skin is living marble." :bowdown:

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Resident Evil Degeneration

The first 20 minutes or so were fantastic, and I was half expecting the footage to dissolve into a game for me to play at times, but unfortuantley it soon lost momentum. If they had stayed at the Airport for the entire movie it could of had been better. Watchable, but forgettable, and it most defintley gives a better Resident Evil 'feel' than the Mila Jovovich movies.



Can't belive I never saw this till today. A great 'not to be taken too serious' movie which has a bit of everything. A xXx Inspector Gadget.

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Rocky - 8/10


Actually by far the best I've decided (should mention I haven't seen the most recent one) Rocky is a real person, unlike the soviet beating machine he is in the later films.. There's a fair bit more to it than simply man wins fight unexpectedly. Well I thought there was anyway =P


Rocky 2 - 6.5/10


More of the same really, Rocky continues to struggle and remains the underdog, although not nearly as much as before. Lacks some of the originals depth but still good.

Edited by ipaul
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Beauty And The Beast


One of my favourite films ever.


This viewing I cried more than I've ever cried before while watching a film. It's very powerful, emotionally - especially for a kids' film. I love that it's quite dark (her father being dragged away to a mental asylum) and while it's so cliche, I love the underlying message that its underneath what counts etc etc.


One thing I noticed this time around is that everything's very rushed. If I were directing the film, I'd make it 20 minutes longer, and slow everything down. It would be even sadder if his apparent death actually laster longer than 20 seconds, and Gaston wasn't defeated so easily.


I love the songs. Bonjour, Bonjour especially.


And I love Belle's face. And that she was the first "independent woman" princess.


And the scene where they get attacked by wolves. Genuinely thrilling.


And the lovely CGI in the ballroom scene (first integrated use of CGI IIRC).


And the scene where Belle arrives back at the castle to find Beast on the edge of death.


I just love it too much.



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Clockwork Orange


Was good. Weird but good. I can understand why it was banned considering the time it was made in. Kubrick (sp?) always has been a bit odd but he made some dammmmmmmmmmmn good movies!




I was sure he banned the film himself due to death threats.

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X-Files Movie (first one)


Totally weird going back to this. Havn't watched X-files since we finished watching season 9 like, two years ago. For some reason, we never did watch the movie. Isn't it based after season 6 or something like that?


Anyway, it was a bit confusing as i've forgotten alot that happened back then. Were cancer man's cronies trying to unleash the virus? Because the way i saw it, they were tryin to develop a cure, but then they didnt know the oldest dude had the cure and... what?! Whats with the crops? The infected bees pollunate them and make infected oil? So they were trying to spread it? Infect all the humans so we become Alien hybrids?


Like i say, i was very confused! I've forgotten so much. Still enjoyed it though. Cant beat a bit of Mulder and Scully.



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Beauty And The Beast


One of my favourite films ever.


This viewing I cried more than I've ever cried before while watching a film. It's very powerful, emotionally - especially for a kids' film. I love that it's quite dark (her father being dragged away to a mental asylum) and while it's so cliche, I love the underlying message that its underneath what counts etc etc.


One thing I noticed this time around is that everything's very rushed. If I were directing the film, I'd make it 20 minutes longer, and slow everything down. It would be even sadder if his apparent death actually laster longer than 20 seconds, and Gaston wasn't defeated so easily.


I love the songs. Bonjour, Bonjour especially.


And I love Belle's face. And that she was the first "independent woman" princess.


And the scene where they get attacked by wolves. Genuinely thrilling.


And the lovely CGI in the ballroom scene (first integrated use of CGI IIRC).


And the scene where Belle arrives back at the castle to find Beast on the edge of death.


I just love it too much.




Beautiful film indeed. But yeah, animated feature films are usually not very long, as the majority of them are aimed at children of course.


Also, not the first use of CGI by a miiiile. If you mean by Disney, the first time was in 1985 with The Black Cauldron, or in 1986 with The Great Mouse Detective (you can really see it in the clocktower scene at the end). Beauty and the Beast is just one of the first Disney films to get a huge budget for the CGI, and they also made it way more public that they used it. However, I think it is the first one for Disney to use 3D in the backgrounds sometimes. In any case, it was a bit of a milestone, and one of Disney's greats. =)

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The extras on the Sex Drive DVD are hilarious. 90% of it is spoof stuff, like "Making A Masterpiece" with spoof interviews, where everyone hates each other.




Then one of everyone in the hotel room, and they go knock on everyones doors with (who I think was the director) dressed as Randy Savage, terrorising everyone. Brilliant.

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Beauty And The Beast


One of my favourite films ever.


This viewing I cried more than I've ever cried before while watching a film. It's very powerful, emotionally - especially for a kids' film. I love that it's quite dark (her father being dragged away to a mental asylum) and while it's so cliche, I love the underlying message that its underneath what counts etc etc.


One thing I noticed this time around is that everything's very rushed. If I were directing the film, I'd make it 20 minutes longer, and slow everything down. It would be even sadder if his apparent death actually laster longer than 20 seconds, and Gaston wasn't defeated so easily.


I love the songs. Bonjour, Bonjour especially.


And I love Belle's face. And that she was the first "independent woman" princess.


And the scene where they get attacked by wolves. Genuinely thrilling.


And the lovely CGI in the ballroom scene (first integrated use of CGI IIRC).


And the scene where Belle arrives back at the castle to find Beast on the edge of death.


I just love it too much.




I love how the town/country doesn't seem to notice the disappearance of its royalty. But a neglectable point for such a pr0 film.

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I love how the town/country doesn't seem to notice the disappearance of its royalty. But a neglectable point for such a pr0 film.


He's a French prince - not actually a member of the Royal family - just really rich and has a massive castle.


Plus, he's really rude, and everyone that was interested in his welfare was turned into talking cutlery.

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I was the opposite...I remember I cried after the last episode of friends. To be fair, I was 12, and strangely distraught.


And then I cried in Beaches. :laughing: I remember watching it years later nad being like "I cried? IN THIS>!!!"


I was saddened deeply by Million Dollar Baby. Like, the level before my eyes watered. But not actually on that level.

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Also, not the first use of CGI by a miiiile. If you mean by Disney, the first time was in 1985 with The Black Cauldron, or in 1986 with The Great Mouse Detective (you can really see it in the clocktower scene at the end).


Wasnt Tron the first Disney film (and one of the first films period) to use CGI? Unless you mean animated?

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