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Rate the last film you saw


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Million Dollar Baby


Such a good film. Not much else needs to be said. The cast was truly fantastic, pairing together two of, arguably, the greatest actors in the current and past generations in Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood. The two played off of each other well and their on screen chemistry is so good it's a wonder why they haven't appeared in more films together. Hilary Swank also puts in a fantastic performance and you really feel for her at the end, likewise with Eastwood. It's definitely one of my favourite films because one of the best things about it is there is very little in the way of filler. It just gets to the point very quickly with what it's doing, although some could say the ending dragged out a bit too long but this is probably so we can see the fatherly bond that is created between Swank and Eastwood: the same bond which the pastor of the church is quick to dismiss when mentioning the letters to Eastwood's daughter because he doesn't believe him.


10 out of 10

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Poor, poor Nicholas Cage. Not even some pretty epic looking disasters can save him now. A brief timeline of the film: It might be good, ok it's not too bad so far, nice plane crash, still ok, still not that bad, OH CHRIST OH CHRIST OH SHITTING CHRIST WHY?!? End.


3/10 (oddly enough, the same as the number of disasters in the film. Coincidence? I think not)


Ah that score is outragous.


The ending is.....well the last scenes are awful really, I would agree. Heck I'd give them less than 3/10, because it kinda ruins what could have been an amazing ending, but I thought generally speaking it was excellent as fuck.




The woman was annoying. Some of the scenes are absolutely SICK. ie the plan crash scene. Horrifying. Literally mentally bad. But yeah the film could have been AMAZING if


the world would have just exploded/ended whatever. Instead of the alien bull shit. Ugh. Could have been amazing.



I still think some of the scenes were amazing though.


Without what made it shitty. = 9/10


The film as it is = 7.5/10, Ruined by a ridiculous resolution. But the awesome thing still happened, which I thought was brilliant.

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Million Dollar Baby


Such a good film. Not much else needs to be said. The cast was truly fantastic, pairing together two of, arguably, the greatest actors in the current and past generations in Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood.


10 out of 10


You should check out Unforgiven, an Oscar winning Western where Eastwood and Freeman paired up for the first time.

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Ah that score is outragous.


The ending is.....well the last scenes are awful really, I would agree. Heck I'd give them less than 3/10, because it kinda ruins what could have been an amazing ending, but I thought generally speaking it was excellent as fuck.




The woman was annoying. Some of the scenes are absolutely SICK. ie the plan crash scene. Horrifying. Literally mentally bad. But yeah the film could have been AMAZING if


the world would have just exploded/ended whatever. Instead of the alien bull shit. Ugh. Could have been amazing.



I still think some of the scenes were amazing though.


Without what made it shitty. = 9/10


The film as it is = 7.5/10, Ruined by a ridiculous resolution. But the awesome thing still happened, which I thought was brilliant.


Yeah I generally agree, that plane crash scene was awesome, especially considering it was all one long shot. Some of the flames looked a bit ropey though. I'll definately remember that scene for a long time to come. But the problem with what made the ending crap wasn't just confined to the end, there was hints of it all the way through with the "whisperers".


Another minor gripe about the film:

How the christ did he not realise the other numbers were the location?



Plus the "whisperers" method was all types of flawed:

Why would they make the children write down all the disasters? It's not like the children would be able to figure out the code. The only person that did was ol' Nicky and he wasn't allowed to join in the interplanetary farce. And also, why bother getting the children to write it down if they were going to go find the children themselves and essentially kidnap them manually? There was absolutely no need for the numbers apart from making Mr Cage run around like a "special".


And another thing, why didn't that bloke believe Nicky when he showed him the numbers the first time? If it was me I would have thought "Shitting hell, that is far too accurate to be coincidence. I bet those numbers that aren't the time of the disaster probably point to the location somehow". What a bell end.


The only thing I actually liked about the story was the fact that the last disaster was unavoidable. I suppose they did have to add a "happy" ending to it all otherwise it would have been too depressing for hollywood.


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Girl, Interrupted


Enjoyed this movie to the max! :grin:


I had no idea what it was about before I watched it. The characters were excellent and it had me gripped throughout. I liked the themes it represented, which to an extent are still relevant today.


Instantly one of my favourite movies.


6 and half Bears out of 7 :D

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Girl, Interrupted


Enjoyed this movie to the max! :grin:


I had no idea what it was about before I watched it. The characters were excellent and it had me gripped throughout. I liked the themes it represented, which to an extent are still relevant today.


Instantly one of my favourite movies.


6 and half Bears out of 7 :D


It's pretty good yeah.


I'm undecided if I love it, or just enjoyed it. I liked Angelina Jolie, she was good. I love Winona, but can't remember how good she was in it. I think I might subconciously be comparing it to One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, beside which it looks shit.

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Josie & The Pussycats


A pile of shit. It's nothing but one long advert. Universal evidently needed the money, and so constructed some story that would allow for every scene to have massive brand names in it.

The story shit, the music shit, everything shit.


Parker Posey is a legend though. Tara Reid 's character is everything I hate, and just reminds me of the girl who lives with me, who would find stupidity "cute".






It was ok. Some bits felt uncliched. I knew what was happening from almost the get-go though.


Also terribly edited. Or just wierdly. Fading is horrible, but fading to cut out the few seconds long chunk between her taking off her boots and sitting on the bed? Making no sense. Just cut normally.


Didn't really leave me with much.



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Fairly entertaining. Although I spent a lot of the film wondering where I'd seen people before, some I finally figured out (Gollum), others I found out later (that guy from A Knight's Tale) and one I still have no clue (Wikipedia/IMDB doesn't help)...it's really annoying when you're certain you've seen someone before and yet have no clue.


Anyway, the film. It was predictable, the effects were good and Brendan Fraser wasn't funny (perhaps he wasn't supposed to be, but the trailers and stuff suggested it).



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This is Spinal Tap


I can't even be bothered to get the Shabba rating for this. I'd heard so many people saying this was good. It even got 5 stars in the TV Times. I just couldn't see what was so great about the film. There were a few humourous moments [sex Farm!], but it wasn't really worth watching the whole lot for these rare moments. I think it was too close to what it was trying to parody, a documentary. A boring one.


Maybe 5-6 Shabba's.

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This is Spinal Tap


I can't even be bothered to get the Shabba rating for this. I'd heard so many people saying this was good. It even got 5 stars in the TV Times. I just couldn't see what was so great about the film. There were a few humourous moments [sex Farm!], but it wasn't really worth watching the whole lot for these rare moments. I think it was too close to what it was trying to parody, a documentary. A boring one.


Maybe 5-6 Shabba's.


Apparently it's very pertinent for people who've spent time touring with bands etc.


That's what my dad says. He loves/loved it. And he spent donkeys years with The Damned.

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Benjamin Button


Mehhhh. I was expecting extraodinary and i got ordinary. I really didnt get what was so special about it. It was nice, dont get me wrong, but it didn't have any powerful effect on me that i expect from such a highly regarded award winner like this. I thought Brad was fairly tame. His role didn't seem very difficult. In fact he barely talks, its the suppoting cast that carry most scenes. I also didnt like how the end was handled. The whole concept of growing younger is ridiculous enough as it is, but the end result was laughable, so much so that it ruined what would have been the film's key noteworthy scenes.


Not the new Forest Gump some of you hinted at. Not for me anyway.


6 or 7/10 - i cant decide.


Seven Pounds


Now this one got me. I'd seen the trailer but not really understood what it was about from it. Its a good job though, as knowing what it was about would spoil it completely. I found Will Smith brilliant as always, and although the film develops slowly and leaves you a little confused as to what the overlying plot is, it ends with a bang and it all makes sense. I can see some people coming to the conclusion earlier on though as there are plenty of clues, but either way i think it will still leave you feeling good inside.


Brilliant film.






Awesome stuff as usual from the animation experts. Really good fun all round. I expected Rhino the gerbil thing to be funnier as he seems it in the trailers, but it didn't matter, he's still pretty cool. The cat was good too, even if her voice annoyed me a bit (Julie from Curb i think). I suppose some could say the same joke concept of a dog thinking he has powers is overused, but meh, they spaced it out quite well so it didn't feel too tired to me. They couldv'e gone for something a bit more exciting as an ending though.



Edited by Jav_NE
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Seven Pounds


Now this one got me. I'd seen the trailer but not really understood what it was about from it. Its a good job though, as knowing what it was about would spoil it completely. I found Will Smith brilliant as always, and although the film develops slowly and leaves you a little confused as to what the overlying plot is, it ends with a bang and it all makes sense. I can see some people coming to the conclusion earlier on though as there are plenty of clues, but either way i think it will still leave you feeling good inside.


Brilliant film.




I just couldn't like the film. There is only so long a film can go on giving you no clue what it's about before it gets frustrating. Plus I found the ending a bit predictable once I did figure out what was going on.


I didn't think it was terrible, I just thought it was a very good idea for a story done badly.

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Last King of Scotland 7/10


Eagle Eye 4.5/10


Death Race 7.5/10


Death Race > Last King Of Scotland? GTFO!!!! :o


This is Spinal Tap


I can't even be bothered to get the Shabba rating for this. I'd heard so many people saying this was good. It even got 5 stars in the TV Times. I just couldn't see what was so great about the film. There were a few humourous moments [sex Farm!], but it wasn't really worth watching the whole lot for these rare moments. I think it was too close to what it was trying to parody, a documentary. A boring one.


Maybe 5-6 Shabba's.


No. No. No. No.





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Death Race > Last King Of Scotland? GTFO!!!!

Didn't like the way the Last King of Scotland turned out, I found the last third too heavy going.

Up until then I really liked the film and seeing the locations etc... but I'm also not much of a McAvoy fan [this and Wanted] and I wouldn't really want to watch it again.


Deathrace however obviously isn't mind blowing, but it is what it is and was overall a good watch, cool premise and loads of racing! and it is something I would watch again.

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