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Rate the last film you saw


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We're being bullshitted Dan, we must be.



I loved it. A few negatives though. For one, Liam Neesons voice hates him. When he tries to be serious he just sounds like one of the guys that does all those cheesy movie trailer voice overs. Also, I wish there would have been more of Holly Valance, she was rather good when she was in it. Oh, and his daughters friend was hardly ever mentioned, you would have thought they would have said something about her at the end.


Other than that, it was really rather immense.



Damn right, someone else who's feeling it apart from ReZ and I.

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Max Payne


Very unoriginal and predictable plot mixed with exaggerated action scenes. The entire concept of CGI hallucinations is lame, ESPECIALLY near the end of the movie. This is what happens when videogame movie plots have nothing to do with their videogame origins.




not disagreeing with your score, but how would you know if "the entire concept of CGI hallucinations is lame" or not :|

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not disagreeing with your score, but how would you know if "the entire concept of CGI hallucinations is lame" or not :|


Because seeing black flying monsters after ingesting a drug is NOT what Max Payne is about. The original Max Payne was about clearing his name and finding the person responsible for killing his family. There was also a mob involved.


Here, it's all about a very unrealistic "military drug" that lets you see the same flying demon over and over again until it "kills you". There's no such thing as a drug that lets you see a SPECIFIC hallucination.

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Låt den rätte komma in (Let the right one in)


A Swedish vampire movie about 12 year old boy who meets a vampire that moved into the same building as him.

It is a surprisingly good movie backed with some good acting which was the surprising part because the main leads are 12 year old.

It´s overall a very enjoyable movie and probably one of the best vampire movie to come out the past few years.

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Zach & Miri Make A Porno


I enjoyed it, ok it was not the best film by kevin smith by a long shot we all know Dogma has that title, but it was funny and enjoyable but we could all see the ending coming from a mile off.



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The Incredible Hulk


I had high hopes for this 2008 film, which tells the story of Hulk vs. the Abomination, who is arguably the best of Banner’s comic-book adversaries. In fact, I remember hoping they’d make this film as far back as 1998. The result, unfortunately, is a tad underwhelming.


The film is curiously lacking in emotion. Never is there much peril or suspense, nor is it ever as funny or exciting as it could be. When our protagonist finally shouts “Hulk Smashâ€, you may not feel like cheering as much as you should.


A big problem is the decision not to introduce the Abomination until the end, thus failing to make clear just how big a threat he is, and that he is (supposedly) stronger than the Hulk. A halfway battle with Hulk losing (similar to Spider-Man with the Green Goblin) would have made all the difference.


Another problem is that it’s never all that clear what is happening in the action scenes, perhaps not helped by the film’s 2.35:1 frame, which is not the best for showing height.


The best performance is by Tim Blake Nelson as Samuel Sterns, who provides a lightness of touch that the rest of the film would have benefited from. Like the Abomination, though, he does not appear until the end.


Verdict: A fairly enjoyable film that could have been a lot more entertaining.



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Yeah, but the Hulk as a character is about as fun or compelling as Superman.


As in, not at all.


He's a brilliant character and has been done very well in the '90s cartoon and the Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction computer game (which had a much better grasp of storytelling).

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I'd seen it before and I couldn't find anything else to watch so I watched it again. I didn't remember much about it from the first watch but my god was it awful. The acting, the special effects, everything just looked/sounded/was awful. ANd apparenlty it's a cult classic according to some sites I've read over. :shakehead An hour and 45 minutes wasted. Oh well, Natasha Henstridge was good enough to look at so that was a plus.


3 out of 10

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I disagree so much with the majority of this to be honest.


The film is curiously lacking in emotion. Never is there much peril or suspense, nor is it ever as funny or exciting as it could be.


Crazed. Theres hugely suspense filled scenes. Slow build up of the actual Hulk-out, up until when you see the whole thing etc etc.


A big problem is the decision not to introduce the Abomination until the end, thus failing to make clear just how big a threat he is, and that he is (supposedly) stronger than the Hulk. A halfway battle with Hulk losing (similar to Spider-Man with the Green Goblin) would have made all the difference.


Again, his build up was amazing. Emil/Emile went toe to toe with Hulk and didn't die. That was amazing. He got power hungry, it was nicely divided. I think the pacing was excellent. Also Hulk practically did lose at the end.


I'm definitely not saying it was perfect, but I think your criticisms are invalid. All opinion though eh. ;)


PS Easter Eggs are made of mangasm, so epicly mangasm moments.

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He's a brilliant character and has been done very well in the '90s cartoon and the Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction computer game (which had a much better grasp of storytelling).


That game is awesome.


But let's be honest, a character who is invincible and impossibly strong/powerful will never be able to connect to people the way more human heroes can.

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The Happening


Funniest. Movie. Ever...Oh wait, it's not a comedy is it?




Step Up 2: The Streets


Watched it twice now and I still think it's brilliant




Chakushin Ari (One Missed Call)


I liked the japanese and the american version but the japanese version is WAY better



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Again, his build up was amazing. Emil/Emile went toe to toe with Hulk and didn't die. That was amazing. He got power hungry, it was nicely divided. I think the pacing was excellent. Also Hulk practically did lose at the end.


I very much liked that halfway scene, but Blonsky was nowhere near powerful enough to be a danger to the Hulk then, even though he was an annoyance.


Perhaps I'm just expecting it to follow conventions, but I prefer there to be a halfway scene where it seems the hero cannot defeat the villain. The hero should escape before a difficult fight at the end of the film, where (of course) he eventually prevails. It may sound like I want every film to be the same, but it just seems like good storytelling to me.


Of course, there would be huge logistical problems with letting the Abomination go on the loose for half an hour between action scenes, I admit that. That said, this is an intelligent character who can control his temper.


There was also just something odd about the direction, I found. Even in the finale, I found the action not staged particularly well, utilising space etc.


Nice to hear your constructive criticism though.


That game is awesome.


But let's be honest, a character who is invincible and impossibly strong/powerful will never be able to connect to people the way more human heroes can.


True, he's not one of the very best. He can be exciting though if the storytelling sets the right tone and keeps it simple and exciting.

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Walk All Over Me


Yes I rented it (granted for free) because Tricia Helfner as a dominatrix? Oh yes. Film is meh though. Perfect mindless trash I needed after work but not particularly great. And she's still hotter in BSG anyway (and she is only seen in the latex a few times).


Plus, when is Canada going to realise they're not a country? Blatantly just a joke.

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I was feeling this film a few days ago but never got round to watching it again. Seeing Keaton in this role after watching him so serious as Batman. I can barely believe it's him. But watching him "put on" his normal voice is lovely. It's a shame he isn't in the film more.


Nine Shabba's



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Baby Mama


Not overly comedic, not over dramatic. Just somewhere ambling in the middle. Still, I liked it. Although toward the start I kept expecting it to slide to a bizarre flashback/fantasy scene ala 30 Rock.


Oh and 'Be Gentle With Me' was used, thus it gains awesome points.

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My step dad was the one that decided to watch this. It's still perfect (except for that one very upsetting scene before the final fight. It still makes me cry).




I must be missing something. I saw it after all the hype and thought it was average.


Baby Mama is rather good, Ashley. I need to pick it up on DVD sometime. Tina Fey needs to be in another film, now. Katy Perry was played in one of the scenes. I felt the urge to scream with excitement. Though I didn't, I have limits.

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I must be missing something. I saw it after all the hype and thought it was average.


Baby Mama is rather good, Ashley. I need to pick it up on DVD sometime. Tina Fey needs to be in another film, now. Katy Perry was played in one of the scenes. I felt the urge to scream with excitement. Though I didn't, I have limits.


30 Rock provides weekly (and more awesome) Tina Fey installments.

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30 Rock provides weekly (and more awesome) Tina Fey installments.


I've only ever seen one episode, and that was when it was showing on channel 5. As far as I'm aware, they stopped showing it? I've got Sky, but I've never seen it on. I don't really want to go through the hassle of ordering the dvd from America.

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I've only ever seen one episode, and that was when it was showing on channel 5. As far as I'm aware, they stopped showing it? I've got Sky, but I've never seen it on. I don't really want to go through the hassle of ordering the dvd from America.


Five have the rights to it, but haven't decided when to show it. Will probably be some graveyard shift.


Should check it out though. T'is grand.

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I got Wall-E on blu-ray yesterday. I think i gave it a 10 when i saw it in the cinema but it definitely wasn't as good the second time. I dont know why. Probably because i already knew what was coming so it wasn't so endearing.


Still a great film, but loads better the first time. There seems to be alot of DVD extras though so i'm sure ill be watching it with commentary and other stuff too.

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I got Wall-E on blu-ray yesterday. I think i gave it a 10 when i saw it in the cinema but it definitely wasn't as good the second time. I dont know why. Probably because i already knew what was coming so it wasn't so endearing.


Still a great film, but loads better the first time. There seems to be alot of DVD extras though so i'm sure ill be watching it with commentary and other stuff too.


I've loved it equally the six times I've seen it.

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