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Rate the last film you saw


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Ok I just had a great day spent doing nothing but watching Star Wars.


Yeah, just finished watching all 6 episodes in numerical order back to back. First time I did that, only just got eps 1 - 3 on DVD in new boxset last week, waited till my day off today to watch any of them as I wanted to do this marathon.


Was weird though after watching ep 1 - 3 and getting to ep 4 - 6 it still felt like Anikin was the main focus like he was in 1 - 3, I've seen interviews with Lucas where he said this was his intention, that when watched as a whole (1 - 6) that ep 4 - 6 would be more of a "how much humanity is left in Vader and can he become good again" which he ultimately does....and technically fulfilling the prophecy of the choosen one.... even though he had to take a Dark Side detour to do it.


I've watched ep 4 - 6 back to back before after seeing ep 3 but never got that feeling of worrying about "Anikin", jumping right into the OT after watching Anikin turn to the dark side seemed to cause an alteration in perspective as to who the main character to the story was, even though the bulk of the narration is with Luke, he becomes more of a plot device for turning Vadar back to Anikin.


Individually I'd rate them:

Episode I: 7/10

Episode II: 8/10

Episode III: 9/10

Episode IV: 7.5/10

Episode V: 10/10

Episode VI: 9/10


On a whole: 9.5/10


now i'm going to bed and will likely dream of Jedi, Sith, Padme and Leia after 12+ hours of this :heh:

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Back To The Future Part II

Not my favourite of the series, but adds real depth to the characters ¬_¬, plus hearing the word "MCFRY!!" is genius.


Eight Shabba's




Back To The Future Part III

This is my favourite in the series, but it hasn't got a higher Shabba Rating than the first. Probably because the first was just so groundbreaking in pr0ness that it got that extra Shabba and the additional Charlie Sheen Award.


Nine Shabba's





I didn't set out to watch the whole trilogy in one day, I thought the first one would be a nice way to spend my time between an early rise, and the inevitable nap which my body would resign to later. But when it comes to films like these, I've got to watch the sequels as soon as possible. I'm probably going to do the same thing with Jurassic Park soon.


Coming soon will be my Star Wars marathon, although I'm not sure which trilogy to start with first. Chronologically it's obvious I-III, IV-VI. But the prequels are much more sexy in the action department, compared to the originals which were slightly tame in comparison. My film viewage in this department is like the narrative of one film, starts off slow then onto the pimpsmacking.


I'm hoping to do the same with my "soon" Arnie marathon. Comprising of Predator, The Running Man, Commando, Twins, Kindergarten Cop, True Lies and Total Recall. Not 100% sure on the order yet.

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Coming soon will be my Star Wars marathon, although I'm not sure which trilogy to start with first. Chronologically it's obvious I-III, IV-VI. But the prequels are much more sexy in the action department, compared to the originals which were slightly tame in comparison. My film viewage in this department is like the narrative of one film, starts off slow then onto the pimpsmacking.


Undertstand what you mean there with 1 - 3 having more action (better choreography for fights too... the Vader v Kenobi fight in IV is i bit tame compared to epic fight at the end of ep 3)


However I recommend if your going to do a 6 film marathon do it in order of number 1 - 6, or even if you do it to 2 seperate marathons 1 - 3 then 4 - 6, like I said above really puts the downfall of Vader into focus. Even makes more sense if you watch ep 6 with Christensen as the Anikin ghost at the end, like Kenobi said, Vader consumed and killed Anikin, so having the younger Ghost of before he became Vader is enforces his journey back to the Jedi and to Anikin, thanks to Luke.

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A Scanner Darkly


After hearing mixed reviews about it I decided to watch it and I was not disappointed.

The style of the movie fits very well with the theme of movie and it stays faithful to the novel (READ IT) with a few changes here and there and the movie reveals things a lot more obviously then in the book (READ IT)


But I can see why people can say it´s boring it goes purely on dialogue and has no explosions :Þ


Has anyone seen that movie Renaissance? I hear it´s done in the same style and I like it quite a bit.

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You may be pleased to hear that one of my lecturers has recommended people watch Fargo on at least three separate occasions.


Ah, but you have nothing left to prove to me, grunchie. You've earned my respect some time ago.

But yes, I'm pleased. :smile:


Also, Mokong, do you really consider ep 6 better than episode 4? And is episode 1 really that close to episode 4 to you? :confused:


Dyson, Spirited Away is brilliant, do watch it fully, eventually.

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Even makes more sense if you watch ep 6 with Christensen as the Anikin ghost at the end, like Kenobi said, Vader consumed and killed Anikin, so having the younger Ghost of before he became Vader is enforces his journey back to the Jedi and to Anikin, thanks to Luke.

I understand their reasoning for the ghost replacing. But it was good to see people bitch about the replacement :heh:


In all honesty, Vader turning isn't that tragic. He goes from delightful lightsabre duel, threatening Leia, having his hand pimpsmacked. Then suddenly turns nice. As you see Luke crying to Daddy to be saved and Vaders head going back and forth, you can tell the inner turmoil writhing within him! But after the... 17[?] years of murder etc as Vader, it's most sudden.

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Ok I just had a great day spent doing nothing but watching Star Wars.


Yeah, just finished watching all 6 episodes in numerical order back to back. First time I did that, only just got eps 1 - 3 on DVD in new boxset last week, waited till my day off today to watch any of them as I wanted to do this marathon.


Was weird though after watching ep 1 - 3 and getting to ep 4 - 6 it still felt like Anikin was the main focus like he was in 1 - 3, I've seen interviews with Lucas where he said this was his intention, that when watched as a whole (1 - 6) that ep 4 - 6 would be more of a "how much humanity is left in Vader and can he become good again" which he ultimately does....and technically fulfilling the prophecy of the choosen one.... even though he had to take a Dark Side detour to do it.


I've watched ep 4 - 6 back to back before after seeing ep 3 but never got that feeling of worrying about "Anikin", jumping right into the OT after watching Anikin turn to the dark side seemed to cause an alteration in perspective as to who the main character to the story was, even though the bulk of the narration is with Luke, he becomes more of a plot device for turning Vadar back to Anikin.


Individually I'd rate them:

Episode I: 7/10

Episode II: 8/10

Episode III: 9/10

Episode IV: 7.5/10

Episode V: 10/10

Episode VI: 9/10


On a whole: 9.5/10


now i'm going to bed and will likely dream of Jedi, Sith, Padme and Leia after 12+ hours of this :heh:


I did that once was the best day of my life :).


Really want to do it again but the fiancee wont let me lol.

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High School Musical 3: Senior Year


If you're ever going to see a HSM film, or have seen one and didn't like it then watch this at the cinema. Please! It's rather different to the other two.


You know what? Screw anyone that assumes this film will be terrible. I went with a few mates, one of which was a "loather" of HSM and I even had to pay for her ticket. She sat down, and within ten minutes she turned to me and said "Josh..I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this". Then by the end, she was literally screaming "WILDCATS!!!" like the rest of the packed cinema was.


There were some truly cringeworthy moments, some abysmal dance moves and everything was so hilariously over the top. But the thing is, It was fucking enjoyable. At the end, when the CGI curtain came down, most the cinema broke into applause/screams because it was just so much goddamn fun. I'm not for a second saying the movie is of a fantastic quality, because it's obviously not. It's just an hour and a half of pure, ridiculous, over the top fun/escapism.


"Scream" and "The Boys Are Back" were utterly immense. The choreography was brilliant/hilarious at the same time. Also "Scream" sounds like Efron is trying to escape from the closet.


Enjoyment rating : Infinate. It was like I'd been injected with sugar.

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Pineapple Express


To me, the movie was a little weak at the beginning but it got better as it got along. I thought it was alright in the end, lol.


Enjoyment: 7/10

Movie: 7/10


I'm going to watch High School Musical 3 and Saw V tonight, can't wait.

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Fuck off. There were people off all ages in it, kids, teenagers, couples and everyone was enjoying. Why is that so hard for you to believe?

I'm not disputing people of all ages are enjoying it. I'm saying the older people wouldn't applaud.


That being said, I am curious about seeing it. If only to hear the audience wail "WILDCATS!" and smack their hands together and scream at the end.

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