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Rate the last film you saw


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Soul Survivors


OMFG - the most confusing film I've ever seen. I only bothered to watch it because I vaguely remember seeing it when I was younger and it has Dushku in.


Car accident, everyone bad in the world looks like a goth, wierd things happen, lesbians, dead people that aren't dead...or are they, pervert priest.


Seriously confusing, and the ending was annoyingly simple.



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It strikes again! :heh:


LMAO! :heh: Indeed! :indeed:


Which part are we talking about where I 'strike again'? (Fave trilogy, my love for horrors, Neve Campbell, my ratings...) haha.


If you don't like my ratings, you'd hate the guy who reviews movies in the Birmingham Mail, he practically slates every movie going and gives 4 or 5 stars to nearly every chick-flick. I mean, P.S I love you is not a 4/5! LMAO




Meet the Spartans


I REALLY LOVE THIS MOVIE! I thought it was totally awesome! The acting was brilliant, the storyline was the best and is definitely the best movie ever made!!!


Enjoyment: 10/10

Movie: 10/10




By the way Oxigen_Waste, this IS a joke. It is actually one of the worst movies ever made

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Here, I got you a friend.


O...K :blank: LMAO?! I just gotta ask: what has he got to do with me exactly?


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Seriously, how can anyone not love this movie? Even with Dick van Dyke in it




I know, tis a great movie :smile:




I've watched this once or twice, it's alright. Not great but not terrible exactly.


Enjoyment: 7/10

Movie: 7/10




No matter how many times I watch it, I will still like it


Enjoyment: 8/10

Movie: 7.5/10

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The part where one of them is dialing a phone number with a really long extension got me. I was in tears. It was so predictable but it was just bloody funny. I laughed alot more than i thought i would throughout the whole film actually. Probably because i went in thinking it would be shit.

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I saw it a while back and i thought it was quite good :) Id give it a 6 or 7 at least. But i guess it falls down to taste with this genre


TBH, I probably would give it a 7/10 as a "proper" score - I can see why a lot of the jokes would be funny. It's just that most of them aren't my kind of joke.

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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Seriously, how can anyone not love this movie? Even with Dick van Dyke in it




i HATE chitty chitty bang bang, every one i know hates chitty chitty bang bang. as much as dick van dyke is a leg-eng, the film makes me feel sick, as in kick to the balls froma bison sick. i can stand alot of pain, but my god this film hurts me.


Lucky number sleven


I wasn't intending to watch this, but I actually really enjoyed it. Interesting story line and characters. Would watch it again




now, i watched it a few months ago, and enjoyed it. but i remeber a friend of mine in first year saying it was a good film, but left to many questions unanswered, which im fairly sure it didnt. is he a blithering idiot or am i a super genious

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Had good all round performances and it remained surprisingly gripping in places, unfortunately it was overly long for what it was trying to say. The segment set in Japan I didn't feel was as well connected and didn't serve a good enough purpose.



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I saw The Prestige the other day. It was interesting. I kinda figured out what was going on with one of the guys but thought "can't be, that's too ridiculous." Got to the end and it was indeed that ridiculous. Do not go into this film thinking it's realistic. It's mental disguised as realistic for all but the last 10 minutes.

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Stars Jackie Chan. In a surprisingly good movie for a PG rating as well. The end fight is good and showcases some of the best free-style martial arts/kick boxing i've seen in a long time. No blood, which surprised me for a martial arts movie of this sort. Story of the movie is pretty good, its more of a romantic/action style to it.



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Went to Tunisia last week and saw a few movies while I was there as it pissed down for the majority. They had an arabic movie channel but it was in english with arabic subtitles so I saw


The Ex


Comedy with Zach Braff from Scrubs. Not bad - usual predictable stuff, but entertaining




A History of Violence


Heard rave reviews about this when it was released a few years ago. Not bad, but kind of an unsatisfying ending, which I know some people will enjoy






Funny in places, but just not all that good




Are We There Yet?


Family comedy with Ice Cube babysitting his girlfriend's nightmarish two kids. Predictable pap, but served it's purpose as such and was pretty entertaining




xXx: The Next Level


Don't know if this is the second xXx movie as I've never seen any of them, but it was baaaaaaaad!




Think that was all I saw

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