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Rate the last film you saw


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Futurama: Beast With A Billion Backs


Much, much better than the first movie. It felt like an old episode of Futurama, but longer. I loved the story, but Bender did begin to annoy me slightly by the end of it. Also, where has the constant insulting gone between Amy and Leela? Amy's comments used to make me laugh so much!



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I watched the trailer thinking it looked good but I watched the film and thought it was great. I thought it might have been predictive but I never expected the ending. I thought it was going to be a cliche horror movie but it wasn't really. The acting was great and the story was pretty good.


Enjoyment: 8/10 (Kiefer Sutherland did a great job as his character)

Movie: 7/10 (Even though the movie and effects were good, some bits were a little predictable)


The Dark Knight


Finally seen this movie since everyone was saying it was fantastic and all. So I finally watched it and...it wasn't as good as everyone is saying it is. I mean, everyone is giving it a 10/10 and IMDb is saying it's the best movie ever. I completely disagree.


Enjoyment: 5/10 (it's a little too long)

Movie: 7/10 (but it is still good)

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Has anyone seen the advert for that Liam Neeson film 'Taken' and is feeling it immensely? I believe I am able to persuade my parents to take me Friday night.




Looks utterly fucking super sexy. Its received some strong reviews aswell. Im definitely seeing it. Can't fucking wait. Liam Neeson + Famke Fitty Janssen + Maggie Grace = massive boner.


The evil voice he makes is worth it alone. (In the trailer)




Tropic Thunder


Very lolztastic. Especially the fake the trailers at the beginning. And general unexpected bits. And it totally ramps up at the end for a super sweet and actionny finale.



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Planet Of The Apes


Though the twist is pointlessly ruined (it's on the DVD cover!), I never knew this was anything more than a 60s's action romp.


Much more in depth than that, and the apes were great.




It's a shame that the twist is revealed on the box-cover. I mean, this is one of the greatest twists in Sci-Fi Cinema ever, and its given away before you even see the film.


To be fair, its a fucking gorgeous DVD cover, though. I've seen the whole collection for £7 in HMV, and I'm going to buy it when I go back in. Been meaning to for quite a long time. Huge fan of the series.

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It's a shame that the twist is revealed on the box-cover. I mean, this is one of the greatest twists in Sci-Fi Cinema ever, and its given away before you even see the film.


To be fair, its a fucking gorgeous DVD cover, though. I've seen the whole collection for £7 in HMV, and I'm going to buy it when I go back in. Been meaning to for quite a long time. Huge fan of the series.


That's exactly what I bought! I had the strangest urge to see the original, can't explain why, and as luck would have it, all 5 for £7!

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That's exactly what I bought! I had the strangest urge to see the original, can't explain why, and as luck would have it, all 5 for £7!


Haha, what was that about great minds? :D


£7 for the whole boxset is an absolutely fucking steal. Knowing my luck, I'll get there and it'll have sold out or go back to full price.


Have you seen the sequel? Beneath the Planet of the Apes? Its probably my favourite out of the whole lot, for some reason. I love that film. :)


Edit: As luck would have it, you can also buy it online. Now, this puts me in a tricky situation, as I'm not sure if anybody will be in the house to sign for it when it comes...


Friday, to HMV I Goooo!



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Looks utterly fucking super sexy. Its received some strong reviews aswell. Im definitely seeing it. Can't fucking wait. Liam Neeson + Famke Fitty Janssen + Maggie Grace = massive boner.


The evil voice he makes is worth it alone. (In the trailer)


Bryan: I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Marko: [after a long pause] Good luck.

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I watched the trailer thinking it looked good but I watched the film and thought it was great. I thought it might have been predictive but I never expected the ending. I thought it was going to be a cliche horror movie but it wasn't really. The acting was great and the story was pretty good.


Enjoyment: 8/10 (Kiefer Sutherland did a great job as his character)

Movie: 7/10 (Even though the movie and effects were good, some bits were a little predictable)


The Dark Knight


Finally seen this movie since everyone was saying it was fantastic and all. So I finally watched it and...it wasn't as good as everyone is saying it is. I mean, everyone is giving it a 10/10 and IMDb is saying it's the best movie ever. I completely disagree.


Enjoyment: 5/10 (it's a little too long)

Movie: 7/10 (but it is still good)


Silly old me, right?

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It's a shame that the twist is revealed on the box-cover. I mean, this is one of the greatest twists in Sci-Fi Cinema ever, and its given away before you even see the film.


TBH, pretty much everyone knows the twist even if they've never seen it.

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From what I remember of the last two weeks:


The Descent - Probably would have been better if we weren't mocking it. 7

My Neighbour Totoro - First time I've actually paid attention. 8

The Strangers - Okay, just not scary. 7

Mean Girls - Guilty pleasure. 8

Science of Sleep - Awesome visuals and kinda touching. 8


I'm sure I've watched more than that though...

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TBH, pretty much everyone knows the twist even if they've never seen it.


I didn't until I ended up reading an article about Planet of the Apes in a magazine. Sure it was spoiled then, but I might haqve bought the boxset without having read said article.



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They're nothing like the first. The first is the most intimate of the 3, a calculated excercise on the nature of revenge and it's consequences. Oldboy is all-guns-blazing hollywood style revenge flick and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is a more cruel and artistic approach to the whole subject. But the first is the most different out of the 3... and Oldboy is the best.

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Bandits was better than I thought it would be. The 'romance' ruined it, but the general charm and rapports between the characters outweighs the shallow nature of the movie.


Perfect point made, it's fun and upbeat nature was great to watch and until the last 40mins or so I was absorbed by it but once the romance evolved and got silly I lost it a little!! Cracking perfiormances all round too, overall impressed 8/10 :yay:

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Righteous Kill


Even though it's gotten loads of bad reviews, I enjoyed it a lot. The acting is spot on (as to be expected from De Niro and Al Pacino) and the story is pretty good. It's not epic, over the top filled or with action/comedy/gore/whatever but it's still a pretty damn good film and well written (well...I groaned at the "What conversation?" line but that's the worst thing I have ot say about the film).



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pineapple express


very good, had me laughing all the way through, though not to hard. very stupid, very un intelegent but very entertaining.


the film may well have given one lady in the audience an orgasm, she was so into it




Both my friend and I loved it and were in fits of laughter all the way through. The rest of the cinema on the other hand, nothing. It was so odd.

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Dog Soldiers - 7/10


I watched this on the coach on a school trip to Austria when I was 12, and it terrified me since it was three in the morning, dark and no one else was awake. Watched it again for media studies on Thursday and enjoyed it much more. The werewolves are on a par with the rubber monsters in an 80s episode of Doctor Who, but they did a great job of making it terrifying.

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just watched Oldboy, and my general first impressions were; I preferred Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. Oldboy will have easier rewatchability, and no doubt I missed out on a shitload of cinematography this time as I'm fairly pissed, but it was a lot easier to digest than SfMV was, and won't stick in my mind as long, I reckon.


Lady Vengeance tomorrow!

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