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Rate the last film you saw


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It's not "my interpretation", there's a method to scoring things.

A 7 would mean that about 70% of the film was good.


eh? sorry, this method of film review is new to me, ive always thought reviews were based on how the people enjoyed the movie (not many of us are working off some artisitic merit sheet) theres films i think are good 100% of the time, but that dosent make them 100% worthy.


i think most people are just going on how much they enjoyed it, not how much of it they enjoyed.





either way, i doubt we will come to any conclusion from this disscussion, might as well get back to the topic

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eh? sorry, this method of film review is new to me, ive always thought reviews were based on how the people enjoyed the movie (not many of us are working off some artisitic merit sheet) theres films i think are good 100% of the time, but that dosent make them 100% worthy.


i think most people are just going on how much they enjoyed it, not how much of it they enjoyed.





either way, i doubt we will come to any conclusion from this disscussion, might as well get back to the topic


I rate both on how good a film is, and how much I enjoyed it/found it entertaining in some way. I'd give a film like the fairly blah Daredevil 6/10, as I found it entertaining, liked watching it, however, it's fairly bland story/plot wise. (Random example)


I think I enjoy a film more if it's also technically amazing.

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eh? sorry, this method of film review is new to me, ive always thought reviews were based on how the people enjoyed the movie (not many of us are working off some artisitic merit sheet) theres films i think are good 100% of the time, but that dosent make them 100% worthy.


i think most people are just going on how much they enjoyed it, not how much of it they enjoyed.





either way, i doubt we will come to any conclusion from this disscussion, might as well get back to the topic


I have the same rating system you have. Films to me mean a sort of entertainment. It can have as many flaws as it likes as long as it's entertaining - see my Wanted Review for an example :D


If I had to put the entertaining value into context I'd do it like this:

I'd rate everything a 5 that I will never watch again. Films for which I feel I want my time back get ratings <5 depending on how bad it was.

Things around 7 would mean I'd watch it again but not too soon because of some boring parts and the higher the rating the more entertaining and rewatchable it gets.

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Probably been posted a lot, but the last movie I saw was The Dark Knight in the cinema, and it's impossible not to agree with the good response it has been getting. It truely was a great film, maybe not THE best, but I never thought a Batman film could have so much depth and quality acting (with Heath Ledger's acting as he played the 'Joker' a highlight of the film - not just because he died as suggested by some, but because he was a great actor and the part he played was (for me) as good as it gets).



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The X-Files: I want To Believe


What a disappointment this was. I always knew that it wasn't going to tie up anything from the TV series, and that it was just a stand-alone feature, but it didn't even impress on that level. It's like an extended episode of the show, but one of the really crap ones. Not much happens, there isn't really that much of the "unexplainable" either. I think they thought that a paedophilic priest having visions of people’s deaths was enough to shock, but it isn't.


The story was slow, often didn't slot together, Mulder and Scully were pursuing different story lines and so weren’t on screen together all that often, there isn't much action and it ends prematurely without really confirming the intentions of the so-called 'bad-guys'.


Such a missed opportunity. They could’ve done loads. Even if it wasn't aliens, they could have come up with something a bit more exciting than a psychic. The best episodes of X-files were the scary ones, with unexplained monsters and such. They just screwed this film up royally.


5/10 (and that's generous, because i love X-files)

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Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery


Watched this early Saturday afternoon, good first outing by Mike Myers. Good plot as such and full of humour as well, 9/10


Kevin and Perry Go Large


Watched this at the pub, think i was nicely drunk at the time so can remember it. Still as good as i remember it to be, good movie 8/10


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls


"Alllllllll righty then". Immortal line there from Jim Carrey, brilliant movie better than the first in many aspects including the Rhino scene, the tribe infiltration and the end parts as well. 10/10

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House of wax




Paris hilton's acting sucked imo... Also very bad casting (the guy from one tree hill didn't seem very bad-ass)

Oh and the plot was very predictable, stupid ending

I'm surprised they even dared to call it 'horror' it's a thriller at best-.-

But it was somewhat entertaining, due to the quite awesome killing and the storyline although predictable quite original...

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2001 maniacs


I saw this yesterday on ITV4. I've been wanting to see it for a long time. The legendary Robert Englund was in it so I thought it could be really good. When I did watch it, I found it to be mediocre. Laughed at the ending for some reason, lol.



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Planet Terror


This is complete genius. Intentionally atrocious in every way possible and it's utterly hilarious. I cracked up so hard when the missing reel section was clearly the entire plot of the film so that the action finale just made no sense at all, and the 'el ray' backstory was complete gibberish. Fantastic. The 'Machete' trailer at the start was also comedy gold.

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Planet Terror


This is complete genius. Intentionally atrocious in every way possible and it's utterly hilarious. I cracked up so hard when the missing reel section was clearly the entire plot of the film so that the action finale just made no sense at all, and the 'el ray' backstory was complete gibberish. Fantastic. The 'Machete' trailer at the start was also comedy gold.


Completely agree with you there. :grin:


Watched it at my friends party and those of us that got the film thought it was excellent and hilarious. Best movie to watch at 1 in the morning.


The others thought it was boring... :/


I can't wait for the machette movie if done right it could be more insane than planet terror. :D

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The Love Guru


Went in expecting this to be a pile of shit...


...and it was!


Didn't laugh once through a truly awful film packed with unfunny penis jokes, seriously, Mike Myers should seek help - he's obsessed with male genitalia.


Would have been passable if the bad guy was any good, like Ben Stiller in Dodgeball, but Justin Timberlake was especially bad


I feel dirty, need to watch Dark Knight again



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