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Rate the last film you saw


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Its far too late, and I need to pee! But I do have a response to that. Might post it tomorrow.


But that's your system. Seeing as you can't guarantee that others are adhering to the same categorisation it limits the numbers transferability of meaning.


I guess I see numbers as disingenuously specific. If Film A is an animated comedy and I gave it a 8/10 and Film B is a harrowing documentary piece that I label as 7/10, that doesn't mean that Film A is definitively better. There's too many factors involved, but if you attach numbers to things people automatically get mathematical, sorting them into charts and databases. I figure it's better to stick with Hit, Miss, Maybe and let the words do the talking.




I said I'd reply, and heeere I am. :D


Yeah, that's my own number system, and I've interpreted it in my own way. But, it's already been established that 5 is the mid-way point between 0/1 and 10, right? So, 5 being the midway point, it could also be used as the midway point in categorising a film, an average film. So, whilst a 7 to one person might mean a 6 or even an 8 to somebody else, I think its safe to say that we both agree that these all mean that the film is "above average."


This only falls into dispute when people say "ok, this film wasn't bad, it wasn't great, its pretty average. 7/10."


To your second paragraph, that maybe is a totally different argument in itself. Again, you can only rate a film on its own merits. Lets think of the legendary Twilight Princess argument. I see it as a great game, it may not be the best Zelda game, or the best game ever, but I see it as a great game. Now, I also like Goldeneye, which is a totally different game altogether. If I give both games 9/10, or one 10/10 and the other 9/10, it doesn't always mean that "Goldeneye is better than Twilight Princess" or vice versa. It means that, in itself, TP could be a 9/10, and in itself, Goldeneye could be a 9/10 game, too.


I agree, it is generally better to include words or arguments when reviewing games. And that is why most reviews do feature about 3 or 4 pages of analysis. Only a minor section is dedicated to the score. Just like in this thread, we shove the score at the end, but the main points are included in the writing. Even then, the score is just an indicator. If there are 9.4, 9 or 9.1 scores going out for The Dark Knight, it may be safe to assume that this film is of a high calibre, and well above average.


Anyway, that has really gone a looong way from my initial question to Coolness, which was "Why 7?" It just seems a bit odd, because there's no whole number middleground. The middle value is 3.5, so it just seems a bit odd. Just curious thats all. :heh:


I've seen a trio of films in the last few days. I'll start with this one, and then finish the others later. My arms and fingers hurt. :(


Rocky Balboa


I can't rate this film highly enough. When it was initially revealed, a wave of panic ran through me. "DO NOT RUIN MY BELOVED ROCKY!" "NOOOOOOOOOO!"


I missed the chance to see this at the cinema, due to personal reasons at the time. I finally caught this on DVD a while back, and loved it. I thought I'd watch it again, to see if my initial viewing might have just been hype getting to me or something.


Second viewing, I love this film even more. The scripting is done with such power and grace. I watched the whole film with tears in my eyes, and with utter adoration for Stallone and what his series has accomplished. Watching this was like watching the first or second film again, how it all began. In a way, this was a restart for the series.


Its perfect in almost every way. From the troubles with his son, to the grief of losing Adrian, to his outlook on life, and finally, to clearing out all that remains in the basement. The ending could not have been more perfect, with Rocky leaving the ring to celebrate with his fans and friends, before even hearing the result. Whether Rocky wins or loses, it is irrelevant, he went the distance, just like he managed in the first bout.


If you want to see a sequel of a film made many years ago, and to see it done with such passion, whilst also retaining the true beauty of why we love that original film in the first place, look here. The new Indiana Jones is a complete travesty compared to how they went about making this. "Oh, what could have been."


10/10. Perfect, for me, in every single way.

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I grudgingly watched it, thinking I was in for a truly terrible experience. I was wrong. It was no where near awesome, but it wasn't half bad either. A couple of good numbers, and Amanda whats her faces character was awesome as was her mother. Her reaction to seeing her daughter kissing the black guy on screen was brilliant.




Hairspray is a fantastic film IMO.


Propbably my second favourite musical after Chicago :smile:

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The Dark Knight


Really enjoyed it, as with most other people aswell I thought Ledger was fantastic as Joker and easily better than Nicholson. In my eyes his Joker was so much more how the Joker should be played.


Even though I love this and Begins im still not entirely sold on the Batman they've created. I mean he is great for the movie world he is in, just maybe not what I would be looking for.


I'll say though im not a fan of the way Batman fights in this movie, to me it still feels too combersome. I prefer Batman when he is stealthy and agile.



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Vanishing Point


It was on TV and I remembered the reference in Death Proof so I thought why not give it a try and I was pleasantly surprised. Cool car chases, many colourful characters and very good pacing. Acting is more or less average but that doesn't really matter.

It's also interesting how the film makes one think about self fulfillment and freedom. Sure it's a product of its time but that's what makes it so interesting.



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Well i just watched infernal afairs TWOOO, and I liked it :) not what I was expecting but certainly added depth to the first film. Was a bit confused for the first 15 minutes, mostly because it took me ages to recognise faces/names.


Also I now want to carry a pack of cards around with me all the time. Not a fixed deck, though. I do wish I had the third film to round the trilogy off, but I'll make do with watching Thank You For Smoking next, then I'm out of stuff.

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it's the direct sequel to 1. the plot is the guy who survives 1 hunting the rest of Sam's moles to protect himself as he goes straight. It's all about paranoia and backstabbing and gets very, very confusing. It also has some pre 1, post 2 stuff in or something. Fuck it's complicated.

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A lilting, imperfect but ultimately highly effective romantic drama penned by Steve Martin. The script is littered with neat touches, the kind forged in Steve's early Hollywood hell raiser days, and the direction, editing and soundtrack are perfect and well complimented with the strong cast performances. The monologues are blunt, but are not enough to spoil a clever and sensitive film which messes with the cliches of the genre.


The moral of the story? Men are flawed, spotty, emotional detached cretins. But, ladies, don't settle for anything less then what you need.

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thank You For Smoking was more hollywood-bastardised than I thought it would be. I wanted to rent Romance and Cigarettes but couldn't find it... But anyway, not a bad film, and some unexpected lines in the film. Good to see JJJ from spiderman in another angry role, but I'm just undecided about searchlight and pathe films; specifically whether their faux-indy movies are hypocritical or not.


But yeah, I enjoyed it. Didn't need to think much, which is fine for thsi time of night. I have to admit I have a slight thing for William H Macy, Jurassic park 3 aside, and in general the premise of a man who argues for a living was worthwhile.

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Okay, I've watched a load of movies recently, so I'll do a brief review of all of them.


Monty Python "And Now For Something Completly Different"

Although it was very funny, the films consisted of only re-filmed sketches.




Monty Python And The Holy Grail


Easily one of the funniest comedies I've ever seen, absolutly fecking brilliant.




Monty Python and The Life of Brian


Also very funny, but at times it lacks a little bit, and tries a bit too hard. Nevertheless, very funny, and the second best Monty Python movie.




Monty Python and The Meaning of Life


Out of the "original" movies (not counting And Now For Something Completly Different), it's probably the weakest, although when I say I'm not suggesting it's bad. It's still funny, just not as good as the previous two.




Blade Runner - The Final Cut


An absolute masterpiece of a film, and will hopefully never be forgotten.




John Carpenter's The Thing


Good horror movie, and the characters are well developed, unlike most movies these days. However, I couldn't help but feel a touch bored in certain scenes.






HOLY FUCKING TEABAG! I had heard legends about this movie and how the ending was incredibly fucked up and amazing. I thought "it can't be that bad"... How wrong I was. God, it was just amazing, simply astounding. Of course, the rest of the movie was spectacular too.



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I said I'd reply, and heeere I am. :D

When it was initially revealed, a wave of panic ran through me. "DO NOT RUIN MY BELOVED ROCKY!" "NOOOOOOOOOO!"



Er...they already did that with Rocky V


But this was sooooo much better though!! Not seen it since it was at the pictures, may have to get it on dvd.

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I saw this at my friends last night. :D fantastic movie, I enjoyed every moment of it. Great story, excellent animation and I really liked the characters. I love pixar. <3


6 Bears out of 7. :grin:


I still need to see Wall-e. (and Cars....)





Why 7 bears? Why not 10? :)


Woah! I didn't realise I'd generate quite a big discussion on why I use 7.


Do I really look like a man with a plan, flinky?


The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!


See, I'm a man of simple tastes, I use the number 7 purely randomly there is no numerical meaning behind it or some sort of code. :) just a random number plucked from the air. :D There is no meaning behind it! and I added the Bears for my own personal touch. :p


a bit like my username, That is something I said by accident one day! :)

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it's the direct sequel to 1. the plot is the guy who survives 1 hunting the rest of Sam's moles to protect himself as he goes straight. It's all about paranoia and backstabbing and gets very, very confusing. It also has some pre 1, post 2 stuff in or something. Fuck it's complicated.


It's also completely unnecessary and pointless. :)

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I just watched Hairspray again. I want to revise my score and make it an 8. "Ladies Chooooooice", I love it.


Good man :P



Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging


What a pile of shit.


Nearly all of the cast couldn't act at all, and the dialogue was just TERRIBLE.


I mean who the fuck thought "Quality lushness" would be a "cool" down with the kids line? :wtf:


The film is full of that, I was cringing every 2 minutes.


Only good thing about the movie? Steve Jones :heart: :heart: :heart:



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Good man :P



Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging


What a pile of shit.


Nearly all of the cast couldn't act at all, and the dialogue was just TERRIBLE.


I mean who the fuck thought "Quality lushness" would be a "cool" down with the kids line? :wtf:


The film is full of that, I was cringing every 2 minutes.


Only good thing about the movie? Steve Jones :heart: :heart: :heart:




Well thats the same language as the book so what do you expect? :heh:

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