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Rate the last film you saw


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I Am Legend


As a film: 7.5/10


As a film adaptation of the novel "I Am Legend": 3/10


Warning, don't go to see this expecting this to be like the book. It ain't!


Everyone go read the book. Its way better!! (I really enjoyed the film but its basically a completely different story)


Also Cutest puppy EVER!!

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The Simpsons Movie Finally seen it. Not great, but definately not as bad as I was expecting. Plot was pretty weak and seemed mainly to be thrown in to fill the movie. Probably would have worked better if it was less 'epic' in scope and was a more domestic affair like early seasons. On the whole though it was satisfying in terms of jokes. 7/10

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Watched it on dvd, and it felt like it dragged on a little the second time round really. It's a really fun filled movie to watch, but some parts just dragged a little. I love some of the comedy moments, they made me laugh, but when the camera kept showing the two holding hands, it bugged me.


The actions was awesome, though it's one of those movies where it's just so much better in the cinema.



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An incredibly spectacular anime (most expensive ever made at around 22 million euros/2.4 billion yen), with a very good english dub (2 of the main characters are voiced by no other than Alfred Molina and Patrick Stewart), and some of the finest animation since Akira (t'was done by the same director/studio).




Aw, c'mon... a ten seems a bit too much. It's 6.5 material. :S


It's like watching Laputa all over again...

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The Number 23

Bit slow. nice idea, and it was good that for a change the family actually believed his paranoia, but ultimately predictable and contrived.




This movie's always had a small chunk of my heart to call it's own. Doesn't attempt to use as much current technical lingo like Hackers did (which I'll be re-watching in the next few days) and is the same length as #23 but passed a lot quicker, even if there were fewer set pieces than perhaps I would have liked.


But you have to give it credit for the 'pastiche' on video games and all. Death to Realism!


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An incredibly spectacular anime (most expensive ever made at around 22 million euros/2.4 billion yen), with a very good english dub (2 of the main characters are voiced by no other than Alfred Molina and Patrick Stewart), and some of the finest animation since Akira (t'was done by the same director/studio).



I got bored about halfway through and stopped watching, and also was very irritated to find that no Japanese soundtrack was included. The animation was, however, stunning in places.

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Excellent mix of comedy and action. Wish I had seen it at the cinema.




Spiderman 3


Not as good as the first 2 and it didn't feel 'complete', still a decent film though.




You've got M@il


Another romantic comedy I've discovered that I love! Some clever idea's in this and Tom Hanks is awesome as per usual.



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Aliens VS Predator 2


Now what was that? I mean I wasn't expecting much but the first one was better.

Nothing was explained and it had far too many characters in it. Although there were many cool fights between Predator and Aliens, it completely missed out on "wow that's awesome" moments and it had not one cool quote in it.

Futhermore the colours are really annoying and it's hard to see what's really going on. That said if you like to see Predators owning Aliens it's still fun to watch but don't expect anything else.

The film is badly executed and so no thrilling moments arise.



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Aw, c'mon... a ten seems a bit too much. It's 6.5 material. :S


It's like watching Laputa all over again...


I got bored about halfway through and stopped watching, and also was very irritated to find that no Japanese soundtrack was included. The animation was, however, stunning in places.

I don't tend to watch much anime (the only other anime movie I've watched is Akira, and I only have freeview, so I don't get channels with anime), so I was definatly able to enjoy it more than, say, an Otaku.

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The Lakehouse


My sister asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with Sandra Bullock in it about a house. I thought she meant Premonition, which is a thriller, and actually looks quite good. Instead, she put on this romantic story shit.


Really boring.




I liked it, bit confusing but was good in my opinion.


Watching The Queen now, didn't really appeal to me, but the parents have it on so I my aswell watch it.

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Great action, lovely effects, spot-on acting, amazing music. The fish man and minotaur that were on screen for mere seconds seemed oddly out of place, though (even for the nature of the film) and served no purpose in the plot.



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Jurassic Park - 9/10


Fantastic directing and some really thrilling moments.


The Lost World - 8/10


Not as good as the first but still excellent.


The third one went downhill a lot...probably because it didn't have the backing of Michael Crichton.

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Monsters Inc.


Wow i've seen this 3 times and it never ceases to amaze me how good it us. I always get watery eyes when the lil girl opens her cupboard to see 'Kitty' but he's gone! Her face is so sad dammit....


this is the last film i saw too. watched it with my mum when it was on tv... the bit that gets me is when sully is roaring and boo gets scared!! :cry: poor boo! havent seen toy story in ages!! i shall track it down also :smile:

monsters inc = 8/10


Hot Fuzz.


Hilarious take on country folk, good for a giggle with some action, bit of gore in some places. And LOTS of guns =D




"go back to LON-DON" :grin:

still prefer shaun of the dead ~ but hot fuzz is awesome!

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Well The Lost World is pretty much a different story from the novel, in fact Chrichton only wrote LW from the success of the first film. I think 3 is about as good as LW, but it's better paced and more exciting.


Main problem with 3 is there's just not alot to do with the premise once it came around. (God only knows how 4 will turn out).




I Am Legend


Fantastic first hour; atmospheric, tense and beautiful. It went a bit awry once the Mummy Returns rejects started showing their faces. Still it kept it's depressing tone throughout and Will Smith was fantastic.



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The third one went downhill a lot...probably because it didn't have the backing of Michael Crichton.


heres my rating's for them..



Jurassic park: 9/10


Brilliant.. I really think it was one of the first times cgi blew everyone away... well. I mean it still looks flawless even today.


the lost world:4/10

fucking hated it can't explain why.. It was too dark and too freckin annoying a pet hate of mine along with a few others





I kinda forget it(so that's not a good sign)

I remember wacthing it on video or whatever when it was released. twas shit though I didn't like it.

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