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Rate the last film you saw


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Was interesting, the start was very Full Metal Jacket lite. Then they actualy went to war and it was all building up pretty nicely and then Bam the war is over, film over. While it was a nicely shot and well acted film, nothing really happened and I struggle to find a reason for making it.



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Good Idea. Fancy made. and I like the Envelope thing.

I was entertained the hole time but thers a lot of bad / crappy things in it.

Some of the action sequences are just plain Bad. For a john Woo movie it was a big let down.



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Superman Returns - 4/10


Needlessly long considering hardly anything happens, me and my girlfriend lost the will to live by the end of it. Could have been about an hour shorter if everytime something fell or flew we didn't get about 5 minutes of slow motion close-up footage of it, and if there wasn't a 20 second reaction shot after everything anyone said or did (Along with people standing around at the end of each scene like they left the camera rolling by accident) . Also, Superman came across as being a bit of a bellend.


The drawn-out, pointless meandering reminded me of The Hulk quite a bit. There were a few highlights, like how they work in the manditory "It's a bird! It's a plane!" line, and some of Kevin Spacy's moments (Like his Kenneth Williams style exclaimation of "Krrrryptonite!"), but overall, mediocre.

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Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls


Jim Carrey's second outing as the rubber faced pet loving detective. In this film, Ace must rescue a bat from another animal lover (he loves dead ones on the walls) before a tribal war breaks out. The second film is better than the first but only by a little bit. A good laugh if your in the mood for a comedy film. 8/10




Pierce Brosnans first outing as the famous James Bond 007. If you've played the game (most people i know have) then the game and film follow each other perfectly. A good storyline with good acting makes this film worth watching again and again. 9/10

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I was talking to ViPeR about this earlier, about which Terminator film i like best.


Although i don't 'hate' Terminator 3, i feel that it just doesn't compare with the quality of T1 and T2. For me, the script in the first two films just blows the third out of the water.


At this moment in time, i think i slightly prefer The Terminator to Terminator 2, purely because of Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese. An excellent saviour.


One thing that puzzles me is this: Arnie made a truely terrifying bad guy. So, why in God's name don't they give him more parts as a villain?!


I really don't know. he's pretty damn excellent in The Terminator. I can't decide if Robert Patrick is better or not though. they both play their parts really well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pirates of whatever it's called


This movie is just terribly bland it is extremally boring and takes all the good bits of the first movie and throws it out. Kiera knightly is terrible in it she can't act at all and jonney depp is better and more funny as a secondary charcter not the main part that he was in this.


This gets 3/10

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Pirates of whatever it's called


This movie is just terribly bland it is extremally boring and takes all the good bits of the first movie and throws it out. Kiera knightly is terrible in it she can't act at all and jonney depp is better and more funny as a secondary charcter not the main part that he was in this.


This gets 3/10

count agree more!

Ferris bueler's day off:

what a movie.U can't take it serious otherwise you will hate it.It was like the american pie of it's day but didn't involve some horny 12 year olds trying to get ''''''layed'''''''!It was a classic.....It had the now called duff man song in it OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH!They wrecked a gorgeous car.

9/10=excellent u must see it or die trying

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28 Days Later...


Awesome movies, beats all the zombie movies you get these days by miles (coughcough*resident evil*coughcough*Dawn of the dead remake*coughcough), and with a realistic storyline and concept, plus, the music in it rocks and the mansion scene at the end is pure brilliance.



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13 Conversations About One Thing -

Stupendously well shot drama about the lives of a group of New Yorkers who's lives start to intertwine as events cause them to wonder about the secret of happiness in life. A beautiful ensemble performance from a fairly unkown cast and great script join togther to form one of the most phenominal film's I have ever seen. Utterly sublime in every way.




Batman Begins -

A simply phenomnal cast including Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson, is quite frankly spoilt by a clumsy script and a terrible plot that makes little sense. In a key scene early in the film Bruce Wayne, (Bale) upon completing his generic-kick-ass Ninja training refuses to execute a local thief, quiping:


"I'm not an executioner!"


However he seems to have few qualms about killing everyone else, including the Ninjas he trained with, and then later a number of cops. The realistic style is interesting and some may thrill at seeing Batmans roots, but ultimately the film pales desperately in the face of Tim Burton's original dark, surrealist masterpiece. The lack of a proper supervillain to match Gothams new-found superhero only seals the deal. Dissapointing.



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The Fugitive- 9/10



Goes along with Pulp Fiction and The Usual Suspects as the greatest crime movies of the 90's (imo). Consistantly producing suspenseful moments and entertaining from start to finish. Best bit...



"I didn't kill my wife"

"I don't care"



...and the whole scene after that

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Battle Royal


40ish asian kids get druged in a bus thinking they are going on a feild trip, get thrown on empty island, given weapons and told to kill each other (each kid has a different weapon from paper fans to a mobile sanner to show where the other kids are and from bin lids to shotguns), the last one alive wins.


A gruesome fest of murder, lies and pointless violence mount up with a dodgy storyline to create a less than convincing plot. All the better when you discover one of the kids didnt get drugged but just signedup for the thrill.


Overall i loved this film, with all of its "wooops you have an axe in your head!" attitude.






^^ somebodies been having fun with a uzi

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Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire:


Pretty good film by Potter standards, certainly one of the best so far from the books, although i still want to burn whoever plays Hermione's face off. She's so annoying, i cant stand her. Anyway, there were some pretty cool moments in the film that captured the book well, evidently the Triwizard Tournament tasks so that was cool. Theres still some dodgy acting and bits left out, but its better than other book-tie-ins i've seen, i.e The Da Vinci Code.



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Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire:


Pretty good film by Potter standards, certainly one of the best so far from the books, although i still want to burn whoever plays Hermione's face off. She's so annoying, i cant stand her. Anyway, there were some pretty cool moments in the film that captured the book well, evidently the Triwizard Tournament tasks so that was cool. Theres still some dodgy acting and bits left out, but its better than other book-tie-ins i've seen, i.e The Da Vinci Code.



If its the bit with 2 hermione's, its Louisa Litton (Ruby from eastenders)


Not sure though.

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Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire:


Pretty good film by Potter standards, certainly one of the best so far from the books, although i still want to burn whoever plays Hermione's face off. She's so annoying, i cant stand her. Anyway, there were some pretty cool moments in the film that captured the book well, evidently the Triwizard Tournament tasks so that was cool. Theres still some dodgy acting and bits left out, but its better than other book-tie-ins i've seen, i.e The Da Vinci Code.




I agree with your review, Jav. Although I'd give it more than 7/10. 9 at the most.


This Is Spinal Tap.


This film needs no introduction, I don't think I need to tell you anything about This Is Spinal Tap, if you've never seen/heard of it, buy the DVD.

I watched it on DVD with the commentary on, which is the band members just talking crap, highly amusing. I would give you a link to its page on Wikipedia, but there are spoilers there.


My verdict is 11/11.


^ See what I did there :grin:

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