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The Warriors


Got out this film the other day, and I have to say it is one of the most entertaining as hell. Very low budget and as camp as the living end, but the fight scenes (which, ironically, are very few of) are done very well, and the plot is very simple yet so engaging. A dated but never the less an excellent film.





I'm also half-way through watching The Godfather pt.II again, which is probably another 9/10 again.


Should go and see the Simpsons movie soon as well.


Napoleon Dynamite


That was quite possibly the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen.


I hated everything in it the characters the storyline and what part of it possibly gives it the right to be called a comedy?



  harribo said:
Napoleon Dynamite


That was quite possibly the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen.


I hated everything in it the characters the storyline and what part of it possibly gives it the right to be called a comedy?








I HATE that film with all my heart. It's terrible. How any can consider it good is beyond me, though everyone I know loves it. Its most certainly a love or hate (hate!) movie.


the simpsons


pretty good, made me laugh a lot




oh, and napolien dynamite is a marmite film, i thought it was quality, jut cos it was so geeky awkward and moronic, was really subtle humour, the uncle always eating steak was genious, he was such a cock and it just fit him like a glove.

  harribo said:
Napoleon Dynamite


That was quite possibly the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen.


I hated everything in it the characters the storyline and what part of it possibly gives it the right to be called a comedy?




I must agree.


Some of my friends love it, yet I have the problem that I see why it's funny, but I don't find it funny myself.

  harribo said:
Napoleon Dynamite


That was quite possibly the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen.


I hated everything in it the characters the storyline and what part of it possibly gives it the right to be called a comedy?




It's an acquired taste. I, on the other hand, found it hilarious. I laugh just thinking about some of it.


I thought Napolean Dynamite was alright. Not a bad film. A lot of comedy comes from "what the hell....." moments. And Tina Majorino is 100% awesome so thats always a plus.


Its different. Weird and different films need to come out every once in a while to keep things interesting.

  Jack said:
Transformers. An utter pile of shite made by an enormous retard to entertain other retards.


You appear to be in a minority with that opinion, I'm afraid...

  The fish said:
You appear to be in a minority with that opinion, I'm afraid...


Four questions: Yeah? And? So? What?


There's so much wrong with that film, I'm amazed it was even made. Terrible childish "humour" - Ohoho! "Seamen" sounds like "semen"! And his mum thinks he was having a wank! Incredible. Endless shots of Michael Bay's American Army Porn where we have lots of pans around Jeeps, tanks and guys standing around with guns. A lead actor who can't act, and spends half the film shouting "Nonononono!". Awful graphic design - the Transformers themselves look like they're held together with kitchen cutlery and paper clips. The Citroen C4 advert had better looking Transformers than this piece of shit. Speaking of the Transformers, bit part characters got more development and screen time than most of the robots! And then there's the battle scenes where the camera's so shaky, it's apparently being held by a caffeine-bombed Parkinsons sufferer. If you're going to spend millions of dollars creating intricate CG models, have the decency to actually let us watch what's going on.


Not to mention product placement that's so blatant it's offensive: IPODS! HP COMPUTERS! XBOX 360! PANASONIC! EBAY! EBAY! EBAY! EBAY! EVERY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES! It took the Hollywood product whoring crown from I, Robot within the first half hour. I've been a fan of Transformers for a while, but I don't remember the one that turns into a Mountain Dew machine. Seriously, why do people keep giving Michael Bay money? He's never made a good film in his life.




OMG, one of the greatest films EVER!

I was expecting it to be great and it surpassed all expectations!!


Thank God it didn't dissapoint (not even in the slightest) like Spiderman 3; which after seeing what Transformers achieved, has fallen lower in my ratings.


This film has gone straight into my Top 5 films ever (whatever they are)!



  hobbzinio said:
Armageddon and Bad Boys 2 are both good films. Sure they aint narrative masterpieces, but there good flicks with likeable characters where alot of shit gets blown up... I liked both of them films, but yeah more often then not Bay sucks ass.


Just outta interest were you a really big Transformers fan before seeing the film Jack?


I like good films where lots of shit gets blown up, like Commando or Predator. Michael Bay doesn't do good films where lots of shit gets blown up, he does shit films where my faith in cinema gets blown up. And yeah, I was a fan, but not an amazingly hardcore one. I had a few of the toys and watched the old cartoon a lot.


  ReZourceman said:
Wait.....you think Shia cant act?




Nothing in this film led me to believe that Shia is a good actor. I've heard he's in Disturbia as well, so there's a good reason to avoid that.

  Jack said:
I like good films where lots of shit gets blown up, like Commando or Predator. Michael Bay doesn't do good films where lots of shit gets blown up, he does shit films where my faith in cinema gets blown up. And yeah, I was a fan, but not an amazingly hardcore one. I had a few of the toys and watched the old cartoon a lot.




Nothing in this film led me to believe that Shia is a good actor. I've heard he's in Disturbia as well, so there's a good reason to avoid that.

He he heh. You write well.



I turned down the opportunity to see Transformers, knowing that it wasn't my forte. You people would lead me to belief this was a mistake. The small man who governs my brain thinks otherwise however.

  Jack said:
Four questions: Yeah? And? So? What?


There's so much wrong with that film, I'm amazed it was even made. Terrible childish "humour" - Ohoho! "Seamen" sounds like "semen"! And his mum thinks he was having a wank! Incredible. Endless shots of Michael Bay's American Army Porn where we have lots of pans around Jeeps, tanks and guys standing around with guns. A lead actor who can't act, and spends half the film shouting "Nonononono!". Awful graphic design - the Transformers themselves look like they're held together with kitchen cutlery and paper clips. The Citroen C4 advert had better looking Transformers than this piece of shit. Speaking of the Transformers, bit part characters got more development and screen time than most of the robots! And then there's the battle scenes where the camera's so shaky, it's apparently being held by a caffeine-bombed Parkinsons sufferer. If you're going to spend millions of dollars creating intricate CG models, have the decency to actually let us watch what's going on.


Not to mention product placement that's so blatant it's offensive: IPODS! HP COMPUTERS! XBOX 360! PANASONIC! EBAY! EBAY! EBAY! EBAY! EVERY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES! It took the Hollywood product whoring crown from I, Robot within the first half hour. I've been a fan of Transformers for a while, but I don't remember the one that turns into a Mountain Dew machine. Seriously, why do people keep giving Michael Bay money? He's never made a good film in his life.


Not to moan, but who really cares about product placement? Does it matter if they use something we use in real life? Surely it makes it that much more realistic interms of living. Or am I alone on that thought?


You cannot say the effects in any way were bad. The were amazing, they were intergrated seamlessly into the movie. They looked almost, if not real.

The humour in it had most my cinema laughing, so there you are in a minority.


  Jack said:
I like good films where lots of shit gets blown up, like Commando or Predator. Michael Bay doesn't do good films where lots of shit gets blown up, he does shit films where my faith in cinema gets blown up. And yeah, I was a fan, but not an amazingly hardcore one. I had a few of the toys and watched the old cartoon a lot. I don't see why a few mentions of ebay should ruin a movie for you.




Nothing in this film led me to believe that Shia is a good actor. I've heard he's in Disturbia as well, so there's a good reason to avoid that.


Omg, comon' so now you won't go see a movie just because he's in it? He was hardly bad in this movie was he? He also got great reviews in a guide to recognising your saints and other stuff too.

  Haggis said:
Not to moan, but who really cares about product placement? Does it matter if they use something we use in real life? Surely it makes it that much more realistic interms of living. Or am I alone on that thought?


You cannot say the effects in any way were bad. The were amazing, they were intergrated seamlessly into the movie. They looked almost, if not real.

The humour in it had most my cinema laughing, so there you are in a minority.


I watch films to be entertained, not to have brand names flashed up on screen constantly. I wouldn't have minded if they just said "We tracked you down using the Internet", but to keep shouting "THE TRANSFORMERS FIND HIM FROM EBAY" is just tiresome. It's Transformers, for Christ's sake! I doubt there's a person alive in this generation who hasn't heard of it. It doesn't need to have advert money pumped into it.


And read what I said about the effects again. I said I hated the design of the Transformers - they look like spindly Meccano kits. Horrible to look at. And I hated the humour. I don't think wanking and pissing jokes really go well with Transformers. I don't care if I'm "in a minority" on that, I'm not going to change my opinion because other people think differently. That would be stupid.


  Haggis said:
Omg, comon' so now you won't go see a movie just because he's in it? He was hardly bad in this movie was he? He also got great reviews in a guide to recognising your saints and other stuff too.


He was hardly amazing. He looked like he was reading his lines off a card most of the time. I lost count of the number of times that he shouted "Nonononononono!" or "Blockemblockemblockemblockem!".

  Jack said:
I watch films to be entertained, not to have brand names flashed up on screen constantly. I wouldn't have minded if they just said "We tracked you down using the Internet", but to keep shouting "THE TRANSFORMERS FIND HIM FROM EBAY" is just tiresome. It's Transformers, for Christ's sake! I doubt there's a person alive in this generation who hasn't heard of it. It doesn't need to have advert money pumped into it.


And read what I said about the effects again. I said I hated the design of the Transformers - they look like spindly Meccano kits. Horrible to look at. And I hated the humour. I don't think wanking and pissing jokes really go well with Transformers. I don't care if I'm "in a minority" on that, I'm not going to change my opinion because other people think differently. That would be stupid.


He was hardly amazing. He looked like he was reading his lines off a card most of the time. I lost count of the number of times that he shouted "Nonononononono!" or "Blockemblockemblockemblockem!".


Well yes, he wasn't "wow!" but he wasn't exactly bad, and saying you won't watch disturbia just because he's in it is over the top, agreed?


But I can see why some people would be bothered by product placement, but me I don't really care.


well, im gonna watch it, but to be honest, if people tell you your in the minority, all it means is you can think for your self, im not saying that if you arnt in the minority your a tool, that would be silly, but i'll never be offended by people telling me im in the minority.


im not expecting it to be the classic every one is saying it is, but i'll know in the next few days.

  Haggis said:
Not to moan, but who really cares about product placement? Does it matter if they use something we use in real life? Surely it makes it that much more realistic interms of living. Or am I alone on that thought?


My favourite product placement is in Casino Royale. Bond and the woman are sitting on a train. She sees his watch and goes "Is that a Quartz (or some other brand?)" He goes "yes" and then she mistfully goes "It's........beautiful"


I laughed in the cinema when that happened.


EDIT: Wait, did that happen? Actual events and imagined events are seen as the same in my mind.




That was fucking horrible.


The camera has been the worst I have ever seen in a movie this year, hardly any of the sequences tied together and the direction was terrible.


A.k.a "I'm being chased by a monster, look here he comes now!" Cue a massive robot running in the middle of a fucking car park that the chick should have noticed a godamn mile off.


The acting was horrible, after hearing about how the MTV generation have all simultaneously orgasmed after hearing he was in the film I must admit I wasn't expecting much even though he was excellent in AGTRYS rather than this poor piece of trash.


The transformers themselves were irritating with the inclusion of the 'Token black guy' fecking robot! Poor script, extremely poor dialog and the Transformer fight scenes seemed more like a fighting robot montage featuring an assortment random kicks, punches and throws than an actual well choerographed flowing duel.


Couple this with the fact that half the time the Autobots are bumbling fools who don't understand the concept of hide, which doesn't matter 'cause the public are too idiotic to notice a troup of fecking robots patrolling the neighbourhood. Megatron also seems to have 'Matt Damon' syndrome where most of the time he only utters his own name really makes what was supposed to be the best part of this movie, big kick ass robots, actually pretty pathetic.


The whole movie just felt pointless, dialog was cringe worthy with added masturbation and fart jokes for the pre-teens and a cast of unnessecary characters who range from token black guy hackers to a couple of guys fighting in the far east who end up representing the whole army in the climatic battle, whoop whoop.


And whats with Micheal Bay plugging his own films? "It's like, 100 times better than Armaggedon!" says some fat geeky git after discovering an Autobot.


For ruining transformers I have this to say to Micheal Bay, get bent you talentless idiot.




Edit* I forgot about The Simpsons


Hit and miss I believe. It did have great comical areas but they were evenly matched with poor parts. In all it was definetly higher than my expectations and worth a view, but defiently not worthy of purchasing.


Not as good as Simpsons of old but better than modern Simpsons.



  Bluejay said:
My favourite product placement is in Casino Royale. Bond and the woman are sitting on a train. She sees his watch and goes "Is that a Quartz (or some other brand?)" He goes "yes" and then she mistfully goes "It's........beautiful"


I laughed in the cinema when that happened.


EDIT: Wait, did that happen? Actual events and imagined events are seen as the same in my mind.


I think it was like this:


"No, Omega."



Normally I'm not too bothered about product placements. I mean real products keep the film real, I hate it when they use silly fake names though.

However in Casino Royale they really tried to do the shots so that the Sony logo was visible on every piece of technology. That's overdoing it a bit imo, but normally I'm not too bothered.


To Kill a Mocking Bird


Hated this film when I watched it in school as a teenager, but found it quite enjoyable now :) The kids can get annoying at times, but it has a nice little ending and the courtroom scene is really good. Never read the book, but might be inclined to do so now.



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