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Rate the last film you saw


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Alice in wounderland


utter shite.




the hurt locker


really glad i got to see it on the big screen (special screening at a local cinema). a truly great film, increadably tense. beautifuly shot and told a story in a belivable manner.


what i particularly liked

the bit back home felt so strange, abroupt and awkward. really did make me consider how difficult it would be to try and readjust to normal life




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Exactly, it felt so uninspired and generic.

As if Burton just went: "Fuck it, I'll make it like last few movies I made"

The only memorable thing about the movie for me was the Yorkshire cat and the red queen everything else was just really "meh".


I hated the ending, Alice just went Dr. Phil on all of her problems.


I agree with you on the ending. What was that? Eurghh.

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Hachi: A Dog's Story


Seriously one of the best movies I have seen so far this year. I adored it!




I'm happy somebody has reviewed this, I'm sorely tempted to see it, I mean after I've finally watched avatar and alice in wonderland, it looks cute but not over the top!

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I'm happy somebody has reviewed this, I'm sorely tempted to see it, I mean after I've finally watched avatar and alice in wonderland, it looks cute but not over the top!


It's a brilliant movie and it's not over the top which I was happy about. I'd recommend it.


It's quite cute, yeah, but exactly like the original... I would've changed some things. ;)


I've never seen the original so I couldn't say, I want to watch it though. Anyways, I think it's such a nice story and a brilliant family movie.

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I prefer the original (even if the shot about 3 minutes in came out of nowhere). I feel the American one just smacks it in your face "look, he's following him EVERY DAY AND THEY'RE BECOMING SO CLOSE!"


Plus there's no explanation as to why the dog was even called Haichi in the American. Yes, they wanted to keep the story close to the original, but its just such an un-American name.


Oh and the token Japanese guy. "Hmm there's something Japanesey about Haichi we don't understand...let's talk to my Japanese friend and then randomly do some sword fighting!"


I'm happy somebody has reviewed this, I'm sorely tempted to see it, I mean after I've finally watched avatar and alice in wonderland, it looks cute but not over the top!


I reviewed it a few pages back :p

Edited by Ashley
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Secret of Kells


Managed to catch this on tv, and I absolutely love it! I fell in love with the style of the characters and the backgrounds from the very first minute. So very beautiful.


Also, found out someone who was in my animation class a few years ago actually worked on this film as well. Awesome. =D


*needs this on dvd*

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Don't be silly. Hachi means "Eight" so I'm guessing he has eight legs.


His full name is Hachiko which means 'wise leaf' apparently. Either way, doesn't make sense :laughing:


His name is Haichi, hence why he's always called Hachi :p It means eight (as Shorty said), which is apparently lucky in Japan and his coming into their lives was out of luck (or negligence really but one man's trash...). Oh and apparently he was in crate number 8, but I can't remember if that's expressed in the film or if that's from the real dog.


-ko is a cutsey/friendly suffix. Like "chan". And I suppose comparable to "-ey" (like we may call Flink "Flinkey" because he's so cute....or something but his real name is Flink). I believe (from what I remember) it was added later on in life.


Anyway this is explained in the Japanese film. But not in the American. Or if it was it was lame. Was it on the label (which the address was conveniently ripped off)?


Eenuh :D I'm surprised it was on TV already. But its a nice little film :)

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Eenuh :D I'm surprised it was on TV already. But its a nice little film :)


It was on one of those channels that only shows films (and you pay per month for it). But yeah I really loved the style. The story itself isn't the best out there, but I didn't care cause it just looked so pretty. =P

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The Invention of Lying


In a world where nobody can lie or even grasp the concept of lying, the guy who does can seriously mess things up. Especially the first half of the movie introduces very interesting and creative concepts. For instance all the "films" are people reading historically accurate stuff off a telepromter because they don't have fiction either as a result of not lying. The whole thing is tied together by a love story, that doesn't have one kissing scene, probably because there is no chemistry between Jennifer Garner and Ricky Gervais at all. Still the movie is very funny but drags on a bit in the second half.





Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief


Now what was that? Percy Jackson is accused of stealing Zeus' Lightning when he doesn't even know he's a greek half-god and has no idea about Zeus' existence. Does anyone else see some flawed logic? Well he then goes on to fight lots of greek mythology baddies that were actually defeated and killed before. I figured out who the real thief was about halfway through the movie and just stayed for the other half to find out if I was right. The CGI was quite alright though.




Ninja Assassin


They probably took every cliche of Ninja films and threw it in there. But somehow they managed to hold it together with good characters. The story mainly is an excuse though for battles, which are extremely bloody, very well choreographed and cut and generally awesome. Pacing is also very good but I didn't really connect with the hero which made it less thrilling.



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In a world where nobody can lie or even grasp the concept of lying, the guy who does can seriously mess things up.


I don't know anything about the film, but I recall that the book (not the book the film was based on, but one with the same concept) was also really interesting.

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The Hurt Locker

Very disappointing. Where was the plot? This film was just a random series of events with some very unlikeable characters that you couldn't give a toss about. There was one good "event" where Ralph Finnes showed up, which involved a very tense sniper battle, but otherwise it was very poor and dull.


You clearly didn't get this film at all.


Hurt Locker


I thought it was really good. Very un-hollywood is terms of structure, pacing and basically...everything, including the actors and the roles they play. The big actors are actually used in the film to artfully serve as more fuel to the metaphoricla fire Bigelow stirs. (Basically, idea of the everyman being the "hero" if you can call it that...more like...the insecurity of it all, the viewer has virtually nothing to grasp onto in terms of how the film functions, an attempt to mirror the feelings of the men. It works)


I like how it didn't "explain" everything. It just told me several interesting truths and they were told well.


I don't get this "unlikeable!" thing...the POINT is that this isn't a dashing rogue or all-american hero or any other stereotype you can latch onto for security while watching. We're all standing here on this frozen lake together.


I really liked it for that.




Yeah, it was great. And just a really arresting portrait that actually captures something tangible and horrific, though with hardly any blood/guts...it's all in the insecurity and silence.



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Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief


Now what was that? Percy Jackson is accused of stealing Zeus' Lightning when he doesn't even know he's a greek half-god and has no idea about Zeus' existence. Does anyone else see some flawed logic? Well he then goes on to fight lots of greek mythology baddies that were actually defeated and killed before. I figured out who the real thief was about halfway through the movie and just stayed for the other half to find out if I was right. The CGI was quite alright though.




Yup, I noticed all of that but then I remembered it was a kids' movie so I let it go, haha. But yeah, that irritated me a little.

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The Invention of Lying


In a world where nobody can lie or even grasp the concept of lying, the guy who does can seriously mess things up. Especially the first half of the movie introduces very interesting and creative concepts. For instance all the "films" are people reading historically accurate stuff off a telepromter because they don't have fiction either as a result of not lying. The whole thing is tied together by a love story, that doesn't have one kissing scene, probably because there is no chemistry between Jennifer Garner and Ricky Gervais at all. Still the movie is very funny but drags on a bit in the second half.





Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief


Now what was that? Percy Jackson is accused of stealing Zeus' Lightning when he doesn't even know he's a greek half-god and has no idea about Zeus' existence. Does anyone else see some flawed logic? Well he then goes on to fight lots of greek mythology baddies that were actually defeated and killed before. I figured out who the real thief was about halfway through the movie and just stayed for the other half to find out if I was right. The CGI was quite alright though.




Ninja Assassin


They probably took every cliche of Ninja films and threw it in there. But somehow they managed to hold it together with good characters. The story mainly is an excuse though for battles, which are extremely bloody, very well choreographed and cut and generally awesome. Pacing is also very good but I didn't really connect with the hero which made it less thrilling.




Yup, I noticed all of that but then I remembered it was a kids' movie so I let it go, haha. But yeah, that irritated me a little.


It was painfully obvious who to the staple traitor was, from his very first scene.

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I had TOO much fun with Percy and the Jackson boys. It was so obvious who the lightening thief was but there was much hilarity to be had. I lost it at the part when the guy grows goat legs. :D


It was better than I thought and I think if I was younger I would have loved it! :grin: Reminded me of the first Harry Potter in a way but not as good because that movie is so cute now with Tiny Harry, Ron and Hermione!

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Role Models

Enjoyable comedy, which was just fine. Cheesy ending though.



Eagle Eye

Started off very well, with a good premise, but that soon changed after it became predicatble, silly and filled with pointless action. Michelle Monaghan also managed to be out-acted by Shia!


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