Wesley Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 I think he is bad actor in the movie, what's the big deal? Why should I take the time out to watch another movie with him in it just to see if he acts just as bad? Calm down dear, it's only an actor.
Chris the great Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 he might play mostly whiney bitches, but to be fair, if you cast him as anything else, it would break the film industry. i dont think hes funny, i dont like him. its not ignorant to claim he isnt a good actor when every time ive seen him, hes been bad (see eagle eye for a fine example of how to have 0 charisma). plus, theres just somthing about his face that screams "punch me"
EEVILMURRAY Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 ReZourceman said: His character in Even Stevens is great! Don't bullshit us.
starscream316 Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Tales of Earthsea Visually stunning, but kind of cliched...Lord COb was my fave Ghibli villain, and Arren was a good lead, but it felt kind of done before... Alexandro Jodorovsky's 'El Topo' Possibly the greatest film ever created! WATCH IT!
Jimbob Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Wesley said: I think he is bad actor in the movie, what's the big deal? Why should I take the time out to watch another movie with him in it just to see if he acts just as bad? Calm down dear, it's only an actor. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And sometimes, someone can perform better in a different genre of film than say the one where they act aweful. I say sometimes loosely because it is very very rare!.
Retro_Link Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Big Willy manages it, and yet still people question his acting abilities.
Jimbob Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Retro_Link said: Big Willy manages it, and yet still people question his acting abilities. I don't question them, he is a good actor. (as long as we are thinking the same)
Daft Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 ReZourceman said: His character in Even Stevens is great! And that's where his career should have ended. He was good in Constantine. Definitely played to his acting strengths, being a minor character, being sidelined, dying.
Pookiablo Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Cube said: Good: Explosions, CGI and Megan Fox's body.Bad: Everything else. Seconded. 10char. Disappointing for an ardent fan.
Paj! Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Daft said: He was good in Constantine. Definitely played to his acting strengths, being a minor character, being sidelined, dying. To be fair, I've not ever thought "OMG he's awful!". In fact, I enjoyed the Ooh! mature and mildly humourous bit about wanking in Transformers. He just gets on everyone's nerves. I mean, in Indiana Jones, srsly. Like the personification of annoyance. Maybe Megan Fox just makes his acting seem better.
Babooo Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Transformers 2 - enjoyed it. Megan Fox was a sexy beast. Still remember that opening shot so clearly. Fell asleep through bits of it, but that was down to tiredness and not the movie itself. 7/10 The Hangover - was above average. Everyone said it was good but tbh I found it to be a bit......dry i guess. There were some funny lol moments but not enough. 6.5/10 Star Trek - thought this was pretty damn awesome. The character and personality that came through Spock and Kirk was immense and was one of the best things about the movie. Not even a Trekkie fan myself (I mean....at all!) and thought it was good entertainment! 8.5/10 Seven Pounds - found this to be pretty boring but picked up later on. Thought the ending was especially quite good....but other than that, didn't really hold my interest. 5.8/10
Daft Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Paj Meen Ah said: To be fair, I've not ever thought "OMG he's awful!". In fact, I enjoyed the Ooh! mature and mildly humourous bit about wanking in Transformers. He just gets on everyone's nerves. I mean, in Indiana Jones, srsly. Like the personification of annoyance. Maybe Megan Fox just makes his acting seem better. Yeah, he never stuck out as annoying until he somehow ended up in every film coming out ever. I really don't think he is a good lead actor. I might have liked him in Transformers if it wasn't for Michael Bay's incessant need to make my eyes feel like they've been raped by a cheese grater by, what I can only imagine, having the camera strapped to the head of a woodpecker who's OD'ed on crack. Don't get me wrong, I love robots and explosions (so much so they are almost necessary for my enjoyment) but Transformers is lame in the truest sense.
Hero-of-Time Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 mcj metroid said: transformers 2: WHO GAVE THIS TEN!!!? Me and what of it! Me and the lads from work are already planning our next visit to the cinema to see it again this week.
ReZourceman Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Hero-of-Time said: Me and what of it! Me and the lads from work are already planning our next visit to the cinema to see it again this week. I'm seeing it again too!
yesteryeargames Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 (edited) transformers 2 was great, only thing that annoyed me were those stupid little twin things, and the fact that most of the transformers looked a like just grey coloured , was a little confusing what was going on and who was who,. id rate it 8/10 and i will buy the blue ray for suew and possibly go see it again when its a cheap showing , i though mfox was sexy but /\ bit too whorey lol the 1st movie was a bit better for me, and the original cartoon one is still the best of them all revenge of fallen is one of those films you leave your brain at the ticket till and pick it up after bring on the 3rd i hope Edited June 22, 2009 by yesteryeargames
dan-likes-trees Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 It just me who doesn't find Megan Fox particularly hot? No? Just me? Okay then. Oh yeah and Shia IS good in Even Stevens, what a show Haven't seen him in anything else but it irritates me how many average blockbusters he seems to pop up in. Always the sort of film that everyone goes to see but are a bit rubbish. Could be that he's in shit films, as opposed to being a shit actor? In other news, Caught the second half of Minority Report the other day as I'd heard that, like someone else said on here, it was based on a Philip Dick novel so I thought it must have been more the Spielburg Cruise blockbuster action fest I has assumed it would be. Was pretty good, nicely fleshed out futuristic setting, and an interesting central plot. Last minute or so were a bit lala lovely lovely yay though. And I watched Batman Begins just now which I thought was utterly stunning. The sets were incredible, Gothem City brilliantly realised, and I do love the Bale. Oh and Cillian Murphy as the Scarecrow was great... brilliant actor. Can't actually say I was a huge fan of TDK (Or at least, it was too overhyped for it to live up to expectations) but having seen this I think I should give it another watch 9 / 10
Cube Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Far Cry I wanted to see how bad it is...and boy is it bad. You can see why Uwe Boll didn't even bother releasing it outside Germany. First you see a couple of army guys getting stalked by someone with black-and-white blurry vision (like rubbish horror films) and some bad shooting and truck flipping effects. Then they explain 30 minutes explaining the rather bland characters (Evil Bond Villain, His Female Bodyguard, The "human life is important" Army Dude, Main Guy With Military Past, Annoying/Dumb Reporter Woman, etc) when the biggest surprise of the whole film happens.... ...General Hammond walks onto a scene. I'm guessing that this is where most of the (apparently 30-odd million) budget went as it definitely didn't go anywhere else. Anyway, a bit later Annoying Reporter Woman and Hero finally arrive at the island and they finally show the first few seconds of the game (kind of...it's at night rather than the day) as the army dudes shoot a rocket at Hero's boat. Then proceed to an amazingly stupid action scene. With dialogue such as: Quote "What are these?""Hand grenades. Throw one." *ARW throws grenade* "It didn't work" "Take the pin out" Which proves that ARW is definitely not smarter than a 10-year old. Hero gets a chance to easily kill Evil Female Bodyguard but doesn't feel like it. They escape (getting drenched along the way). ARW doesn't care that Uncle (who she is here to meet) is likely in trouble. Loads of awkward scenes and then they have sex. They then joke about it the next day as if they're not in any danger, use a stupid tactic to get a uniform and drive to the base. They both get captured (first ARW then Hero, after meeting Annoying Non-Funny Fat Guy, who is in most scenes from now on), Evil Bond Villain lets out Genetic Enhanced Soldiers that he can't control to kill Hero, Uncle (now an GES) helps out Hero, GESs escape (they were held back by nothing but weak glass - plus the security system is programmed to open all the remaining cells containing GESs if one escapes). Cue a long, dull battle. Army Dude calls his men back, Evil Female Bodyguard kills him, Uncle kills her and Annoying Non-Funny Fat Guy nicks Evil Bond Villain's escape boat. ANFFG, ARW and Hero escape, leaving EBV surrounded by uncontrollable GES (who are essentially animals who kill everything for no reason) it then fades away before you get to see EBV get killed. Then there's a little bit at the end saying that the government won't let ARW write the article, and Hero walks away from the set as if he can't take any more of the film. 2/10. It's laughably funny. At least it's better than the second game. (and yes, I was ultra bored)
mcj metroid Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Hero-of-Time said: Me and what of it! Me and the lads from work are already planning our next visit to the cinema to see it again this week. ha it's like the total revenge film for guys when your girlfriend brings you to something like mamma mia or something.. nah seriously the film's got issues.. big issues.. it's like 7/10 at best.. that's the best I'd go for a film with a plot that made no sense.
Wesley Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Big Fish I got bored and played on my iPhone while watching it/10 Also, I take back my comment about that weird looking kid's acting. He's super.
Oxigen_Waste Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 Wesley said: Big Fish I got bored and played on my iPhone while watching it/10 You serious, boy?
Cube Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 Knowing It's an entertaining film. The main problem is that the more you think about it, the stupider the film becomes. It could have been pretty good, but... Reveal hidden contents Well. I was happy enough believing that the psychic girl predicted/felt/whatever the future herself. But it turns out that aliens made her write everything down so that they could get two kids in a specific location. And apparently it happened in multiple places around the world. If they were that concerned about humanity why didn't they save more people? And why couldn't they simply save themselves a lot of trouble and abduct the kids. It seemed like it was trying to have a religious and science resolution at the same time, and ended up with some strange mess instead. Here's a better way to end the film: Have annoying woman (I actually laughed when she died - that's how annoying she was) drive off with her kid. Have Cage fail to find anything on the door and have him and his son drive home. Then blow up the world. As it is: 6/10 With my proposed ending: 8.5/10
Molly Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 Transformers 2 Really really really long. Could cut out an hour of ridiculous sand everywhere, helicoptor/plane/star destroyer/aircraft carrier/people running and shooting in slow mo action scenes, there is such a thing as too much action Michael. I love it when they transform and I loved some of the transformer fights, it is really ''Ah that's fucking awesome!!!'' but the rest of the film...fairly horrific. Difficult to rate without having ReZ disown me/10
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