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One of the best movies I've ever seen. I advise anyone to see this, it should be Movie of the Year




I don't think it was that good, as, to me, the directing wasn't noticeably exceptional. It was a great film, but it was shot kinda oddly, for the subject matter.


It could have done with more brooding, artistic shots...


But yeah.


I would give 9/10 too.

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I heard from someone on a different forum, that they watched a bootleg copy. Here;s the quote.


I watched a boot leg of it a few days ago...it's...truly something special.


Notable moments:


Bella arrives at a new school and instantly makes 7-8 friends, even though she has absolutely no personality and makes zero effort to engage in conversation with them. For some inexplicable reason, she is asked out to the prom by probably the nicest guy in the movie, but she blows him off because a pale kid glares at her all day.


When Edward first sees Bella, he makes a face like he's about to upchuck. I'm not sure what Pattinson was going for.


Jacob's smile is the face you see before you die.


"I got a rush of adrenaline. It's very common. You can google it."




There's a scene where they play baseball...it's...a montage of super sped up and slo-mo scenes to out-of-place music. It's followed by a big growl off between the vampires.


Edward and Bella's first conversation plays like a **** victim confronting her rapist.

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I'm going to watch Twilight. But I'm going to see it after I've read the book, the books are normally better so I'll read it first and then watch the movie. I've heard good things about the book but bad things about the movie and I've just realised my signature quotes things from Twilight, lol.

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I've seen Terminator 2: Judgement Day about twice in two days. God bless j00 Aye Tee Vee Tooo!


Great film, although my opinion changes on whether or not that I think this is superior to the original or not. There's so many good things about this film, like the soundtrack, the relationship between John and the Terminator, and also...the T-onefuckingthousand. One of the greatest movie villains ever.


But, I don't think it is quite as tense as the first film was. The first film felt more cat and mouse, especially as Kyle Reese was a human, and so it was human vs. terminator, not Terminator vs. Terminator. Also, how John, Sarah and Arnie escape from Pescadero and flee South. The film slows down a bit there, and the only reason the T-1000 ends up finding them is when he visits Dyson's house. Whereas the film was pretty relentless in the first. No matter where Sarah and Kyle were, the Terminator followed. Technoir, the police station, the motel, the factory. Awesome.


I still love this, and the awesomes outweigh the bads.


9/10, with the original getting a perfect 10 for me.

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Godzilla - King of the Monsters




Can't help shouting that since watching it. Need to watch the original original (as this is the American bastardisation of the original) but scenes from the original are there so it helps me get a start on my assignment.


It is amusing how they've badly dubbed some people and then just cut to Raymond Burr saying "I don't speak Japanese, what did they say Asian-looking but American-sounding assistant?" or "Oh look!".

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Godzilla - King of the Monsters




Can't help shouting that since watching it. Need to watch the original original (as this is the American bastardisation of the original) but scenes from the original are there so it helps me get a start on my assignment.


It is amusing how they've badly dubbed some people and then just cut to Raymond Burr saying "I don't speak Japanese, what did they say Asian-looking but American-sounding assistant?" or "Oh look!".

I highly recommend you watch the original (known as Gojira). It's far, far superior. The plot is better, the acting is better, pretty much everything is.
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I do plan to (as im doing an assignment about it). My lecturer was meant to lend it me but kept forgetting to bring it in (even though he lives round the corner) and now he's buggered off for xmas. Bidding on it on ebay but planned to watch it tonight to start this assignment tomorrow.

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The Incredible Hulk, noit bad, but could have been so much better. Still had too much to do with the previous film, a complete reboot would have been better. The homages to the TV series were nice though, and the finale fight wasn't bad, also was nice to see the Hulk talk, but only worth a 6/10 at best really.

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Actually a really good film. It wasn't mind-blowing, but I actually can't think of any faults. I don't think I've ever seen Penelope Cruz act before, she was great.


Thought-provoking story, and quite funny in parts, despite being subtitled (a family friend said that it was a lot funnier if one watched it with an understanding of Spanish, but yeah).


Really good.



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But I'm A Cheerleader


An amusingly ironic little film (about a cheerleader whose parents realise she's a lesbian and send her off to a "readjustment" camp but its all done ironically as ultimately it just makes them gayer)


I've only seen it once, a very odd movie.

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Well of course, it is Tim Burton. How many movies of his aren't good?


Number of films Burton has made, -1 = Number of films Buton has made that aren't good.



(I'm kidddinggg I'm kiddddingggg)


Going to see Earth Stand Matrix tomorrow, despite my better judgement/listening to reviews. If the Wolvie trailer isn't attached then I'll be pissed off.

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