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A Scanner Darkly


A striking technical achievement in film making. The plot, being as it is written by a drug crazed maniac about drug crazed maniacs, is difficult to keep track of and even somewhat obscure but the film manages to rise above it. The key theme and moral of the story, about the dangers of drugs and general societies inability to deal with them remain starkly intact and obviously hold a great deal of resonance in today's society. Enthralling and truly psychotic, watch this at least once.



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A Scanner Darkly


A striking technical achievement in film making. The plot, being as it is written by a drug crazed maniac about drug crazed maniacs, is difficult to keep track of and even somewhat obscure but film manages to rise above it. The key theme and moral of the story, about the dangers of drugs and general societies inability to deal with them remain starkly intact and obviously hold a great deal of resonance in today's society. Watch this at least once.




Fantastic, really want to see this. Is it out on DVD in EU?

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Does it pick up after the first 30 mins, then? I saw the first 30 mins on IGN and it was very dire.


And yes, It is out on DVD


The whole film is pretty much like that. You've pretty much got to watch the whole thing in order to even have the faintest hope of understanding what's going on. This isn't the Matrix. This is lots of people standing or sitting around having conversations that don't actually make a great deal of sense. (Wait a minute..)


Actually should all just watch at least twice - I'm watching it again and the plot's making a bit more sense now. Just watch it will you?

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Final Fantasy Advent Children


I think this is the fourth time I watched it but the first with proper dubbing instead of some poor subs. It actually made a lot more sense and I could really concentrate on the images instead of the subtitles.

The animation and action sequences are awesome but the storyline is pretty thin but because there are certain symbols I still didn't figure out properly I guess I'll watch it another four times :)



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The Naked Gun


Not as much nudity as the title promises...

No just kidding. This film is so hilarious and the fact that the people act seriously makes it all the more fun. I don't know what to praise or criticise it simply manages to entertain and amuse on an epic scale.



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Guest Stefkov


Even though my brother said it was crap I thoroughly enjoyed it. Dunno why, it was cheesy and predictable but I liked it. Especially got they got a move like hadouken in it. Palm blast ftw.


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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


Brilliant film, though I think everyone knows that it is such a very good film in one way or the other. Nicholson is great, as is the guy who plays the chief. Effectively about naturalism and rebellion, which lead to some extremely tense and electrifying scenes (The riot scene is pretty damn good, for example). I can't say much more, really; it's just a really great film.



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