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Yup just watched it, and it was amazing.


I was expecting a whimsical tale much like Garden State, but what I saw was a powerful drama with amazing performances from pretty much everyone (well what do ya expect it was written/adapted by paul haggis = genius).


Zack Braff shits all over what he did in State, he actually emotes on several levels and shows his serious side in a more compelling way.


The soundtrack (cary brothers, coldplay, joshua radin, snow patrol, imogen heap) too was fantastic and it all fitted perfectly into the themes.


So yeah, see this film and help it be more successful as it's doing pretty badly at the box office.



It's definatley in my top 5 of the year.

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finally saw Hellboy.

this got good reviews and from the trailers i just did not believe a word of it. fortunatly, this is actually quite good afterall. Hellboy himself is an interesting character and the storyline is certianly interesting and it has a truly unique oddball wit too it. Having seen this and the amazing screw on head, I can safely say I need to catch up with the work of the guy who wrote the hellboy comics.



I always saw good reviews for this, bought it and thought it was prety shiiit. Maybe it was because I was prety tired while watching it. Never kept me gripped as say V for Vendetta.

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I saw oldboy last night.


It's a relatively recent korean film about this guy who gets inexplicably locked up for 15 years, then has 5 days to work out why. It sets up lots of mysteries really well, but the solution at the end (not wanting to spoil anyone) isn't all that brilliant.


So overall... 6.5/10.

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The Proposition: Pretty cool film set in the Australian outback during the 19th Century, Guy Pearce has 2 brothers once is currently under arrest by Ray Winstone, the other is a wanted villan. The younger brother will be released if Guy kills the older one. An intersting story but it could have done with perhaps felshign the characters out a bit more. Ray Winstone is excellent though well worth a watch 7/10


Evil Dead 2: Love this film Bruce Campbell is the man. Sam Raimis best film to date by some way. If you havent seen it shame on you watch it now. 9.5/10


The Thing: Nice atmospheric horror film by John Carpenter. The tension really builds as you really don't know what the thing has taken the form of. Also well worth a watch. 7/10

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A Scanner Darkly


Adapted from a book by Philip K Dick, it centres around Bob Arctor who is a detective working undercover to find out who is resposible for distributing the drug 'Substance D'. It's directed by Richard Linklater and is entirely rotoscoped, allowing for pretty interesting visuals that really suit the tone and setting of the film.


It's nicely done and is definately a worthy adaptation of Dick's work, but I couldn't help wondering how much better Charlie Kaufman's adaptation would've been. He seems much more suited to the sensibilites of Philip K Dick.


Overall though, pretty good.


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I saw oldboy last night.


It's a relatively recent korean film about this guy who gets inexplicably locked up for 15 years, then has 5 days to work out why. It sets up lots of mysteries really well, but the solution at the end (not wanting to spoil anyone) isn't all that brilliant.


So overall... 6.5/10.

The ending could have been better yes, but the film is so class in nearly every other aspect.

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The Godfather pt.III


Shat on by most critics, and admittingly, there are problems (like coppola's acting etc.), but personally, I think it was a fitting ending to the Godfather saga about Michael Corleone begging to get out of the violent buisiness, but keeps being pulled right back in. A very strong script, although a bit rushed towards the end, and very beautifully shot which makes up for it's unfamiliality of the trilogy because of the absence of technicolor (which the previous two Godfather's were shot in). Overall, very good.







It might have been because of the film I watched right before it, but I was expecting some sort of Godfather ending right after the final scene. But anyway, I enjoyed this film. It's nice to see something new and differant these days. If you don't know, it's basically a throw-back film-noir film, but set amongst high school students, where Brandon, our hero, investgates the death of his former girlfriend. The plot makes this film, and is very good, but the pacing is a bit uneven, and the whole teenage angle annoyed me a little towards the end.





Glengarry Glen Ross.


Watched it again for the sake of it. It's a buisiness/crime story about a bunch of struggling real estate agents. The best part of the film is basically the already excellent cast (Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Kevin Spacey), all practically have tourettes in this film (Pacino goes on a swearing streak at spacey near the end, which is pretty awesome) , I mean, frikkin' heck, you have to watch it to see what I mean. There's a lot of dialouge, but still a very strong plot and script, with fantastic acting from evreyone.



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Got dragged along last night to see Marie Antoinette. Didn't want to go see it but was politely asked and I thought there might be a possibility of seeing Kirsten Dunst all sexed up and seductive. Which would have been a plus, instead you see her naked from behind once in a non sexual situation and that's it. :(


The film? It was like a shit ITV1 period drama minus the drama. Any possible drama there was sidelined because of how they were all 'supposed' to act around each other. I thought there was a chance it would all come to a head with the people breaking their social boundaries but there was nothing of the sort.


Ended quite abruptly and very unsatisfying. Wouldn't bother with it.

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Just recieved my Region 1 copy today and I thought it was a great film. Although Sandler remains funny during the movie it does have alot of emotion tied into the storyline. Its also nice to see Sandler still keeping his mates close by and the appearance from the Latrell character from the Wayans brothers movie White Chick had me in stitches. The only thing that was disappointing was the fact despite the comedy and emotion it was really just another take on A Christmas Carol, but a very good one at that.



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OMG i just watched Rocky 1 for the 100th time. It's still amazing after all this time :D. Great acting by Stallone (ironically one of his only good acting performances), and he is able to make you feel sorry for Rocky for having such a bad life even though he is actually a great guy. The montage scene never gets old!



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OMG i just watched Rocky 1 for the 100th time. It's still amazing after all this time :D. Great acting by Stallone (ironically one of his only good acting performances), and he is able to make you feel sorry for Rocky for having such a bad life even though he is actually a great guy. The montage scene never gets old!




I take it you've seen the others too, my favourite is still probably I, although IV is pretty epic. I really need to see Rocky again before my bout coming up in just over a week, for a bit of inspiration :heh:

I know Rocky Balboa is out in America on December 22nd but anyone know about UK?

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I saw oldboy last night.


It's a relatively recent korean film about this guy who gets inexplicably locked up for 15 years, then has 5 days to work out why. It sets up lots of mysteries really well, but the solution at the end (not wanting to spoil anyone) isn't all that brilliant.


So overall... 6.5/10.


The ending was good! i really didn't see it coming, I was expecting a run-of-the-mill revenge tale and then the photo album opened and I was really shocked.

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I take it you've seen the others too, my favourite is still probably I, although IV is pretty epic. I really need to see Rocky again before my bout coming up in just over a week, for a bit of inspiration :heh:

I know Rocky Balboa is out in America on December 22nd but anyone know about UK?


Apparantly it's April :(

And yes, i've seen all the others too. 1 and 2 are definately my favourites because they show his character so well..but i thought the fight in 4 was just amazing.

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The ending was good! i really didn't see it coming, I was expecting a run-of-the-mill revenge tale and then the photo album opened and I was really shocked.


I watched it with my friends and

Very good film. 9/10

Hmm... I guessed before, but then I guess higurashi has taught me to analyse every possibility to death.


On that note, were you aware that oldboy was based on a manga series?

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i've saw a lot recently so :-


Marie Antoinette- Fucking boring film that you expect to be really good and action packed with drama and soppy girls stuff-actually some boring pretentious film trying to chronicle the life of the 'let them eat cake' famed ex queen of France by using minimal amounts of dialogue!




The History Boys- AWESOME FILM! so funny and it has a good plot and some great actors and the guy who plays the youngish teacher is inexplicably hot! go see this film, especially if you're in year 13 and wanna go to uni next year (it might make you work harder :p)




The Devil Wears Prada - one of my favorite films of the year, I've already saw this film 3 times but its definatly one of Meryl Streeps best roles! She's this evil demanding editor in chief of the holy grail of fashion - RUNWAY. and plays the role beautifully. the clothes and costume design in this film are simply jaw droppingly beautiful! Anne Hathaway isn't bad but she does play up to the typical American smart ugly girl made smarter and pretty. Overall though its a film worth seeing and one i shall look for on DVD as soon as its released!



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I take it you've seen the others too, my favourite is still probably I, although IV is pretty epic. I really need to see Rocky again before my bout coming up in just over a week, for a bit of inspiration :heh:

I know Rocky Balboa is out in America on December 22nd but anyone know about UK?


Rocky 4 FTW purely for the epic and inspiring soundtrack. As for Rocky Balboa its out over here in Feb 07.

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The Devil Wears Prada - one of my favorite films of the year, I've already saw this film 3 times but its definatly one of Meryl Streeps best roles! She's this evil demanding editor in chief of the holy grail of fashion - RUNWAY. and plays the role beautifully. the clothes and costume design in this film are simply jaw droppingly beautiful! Anne Hathaway isn't bad but she does play up to the typical American smart ugly girl made smarter and pretty. Overall though its a film worth seeing and one i shall look for on DVD as soon as its released!




The GF was going to drag me to see this, but I was spared in the end...Hmmm Kinda wanna see it after this.

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