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Rate the last film you saw


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I don't know whether to class these as movies but I watched them on DVD so...meh.



Lee Evans: Access All Arenas


Fantastic DVD and a fantastic comedian. It's the best bits of three of his DVD shows and funnily enough, most of them are my favourite parts so I thought it was awesome. Such a laugh.





Jimmy Carr- Telling Jokes


Very funny, Jimmy Carr is great but I think his last two DVDs were better. Don't get me wrong, I thought this was funny but the jokes on the last two were better IMO.





Roy Chubby Brown- Too Fat To Be Gay


Normally I like Roy Chubby Brown but very lately, he sucks. This DVD is just terrible. There were two or three jokes I laughed at and the rest of the DVD were recycled with crap songs.





The Mighty Boosh- Future Sailors Tour


As soon as I saw this advertised, I couldn't wait to watch it. I am a BIG Mighty Boosh fan, I loved the first two seasons and the third season I liked but it lost it's magic a little but I thought I'd give the live show a chance anyway. It was actually funny in some points but some sketches weren't funny whatsoever and felt it was forced. Unfortunately, I think the Boosh might have lost it's way because of the fame of the third season :( but still, it was alright. The Hitcher was hilarious though.



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In Twilight's defence (oh god),


I don't believe the wolves are ever referred to as Werewolves. It's just a tribe of "shape-shifters" from my sister says. Thingie Bella asks "Oh, so you're a werewolf?!" in the film IIRC, but in a jokey way.

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In Twilight's defence (oh god),


I don't believe the wolves are ever referred to as Werewolves. It's just a tribe of "shape-shifters" from my sister says. Thingie Bella asks "Oh, so you're a werewolf?!" in the film IIRC, but in a jokey way.


Yeah, your sister is right. They think they're werewolves but they're actually shapeshifters since they can turn into a wolf at any point. Going to watch this tonight. Hopefully not many of the stupid Jedward fan girls will not be in the cinema screaming over Edward or Jacob so I can actually hear what's happening...





Great drama. It's like a chavved-up Skins movie. It's not something I'd watch again for a long time though.







It's better than Kidulthood and the storyline is a little better. Though one or two characters in the movie were terrible actors, it wasn't enough to spoil the movie. Overall, quite good but like Kidulthood, it's not something I could watch again for a long time. Bring on Elderlyhood! :p



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Paranormal Activity




For me the film was funnier than it was scary but that's because I've a slightly macabre mind.



When she gets dragged away everyone in the cinema screamed in shock and horror, I screamed with laughter



That's not to say I didn't enjoy the movie however. When something is dubbed "one of the scariest movies of all time" You pretty much know it's not going to be. What the movie does well is the suspense. It builts it up beautifully and then has subtle pay off throughout the film that really works. The film fits well with the phrase less is more.


It slowly lets in the terror. :)


I liked the whole Night 1 system and it was great to see people reacting before anything happened by the time it got to about Night 19. :D



What I loved is the audiences reaction. People were genuinely freaked out and scared by it which was cool. Also we were right at the front of the cinema that's the first time I've sat at the front. I felt as if I was closer to the action.


Which meant the final bit properly scared my friends. :p When she throws him in front of the camera and the knocks it over.


I saw that coming from a mile off. :heh: I was quietly waiting for the audience outburst.



It felt very realistic as in the actors were believable that they were this ordinary people. I liked the casting. It was great to see actual people as oppose to glamorous teenagers with no imperfections like you get in more recent horror/slasher films. Sometimes what the characters do is unrealistic though. you'll be thinking why don't you just...? a few times.


Overall I really enjoyed the atmosphere the movie created and I thought it was well made with a few problems.


I think the whole theatre enjoyed the movie as everyone was buzzing and talking about it afterwards.



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Paranormal Activity


I think the whole theatre enjoyed the movie as everyone was buzzing and talking about it afterwards.




Paranormal Activity


Yeah, after the showing, just looking around everyone had a sort of crazed stunned look on their face, it was good. I think it would have been scraier at home though, like ealy on people were evidently really scared and I just wasn't, which made it seem even less scary for me.


Still, I thought it was good, though it only really started to get scary in the last scene or two, and then it just ended.


Then again, I did actually have a paranormal activity-esque dream last night, (not nightmare though) so must have been fairly scary.


Great work considering the low budget, though didn't quite live up to the scary hype.


7.5 / 10


Edit. Said 'scary' way too many times there.

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The Twilight Saga: New Moon


Finally watched it. It's another case of great-trailer-meh-movie. This was my least favourite book of the series but I thought the movie would be different. Turns out I was wrong, just like the book, it dragged in some scenes when there was no need. The acting from the Quileutes* were awful as was Robert Pattinson as Edward. Everyone else were okay but Dakota Fanning as Jane was just awesome.


Overall, I expected it to be better but it was still alright. Twilight is far better than New Moon.


6/10 for the beginning

7/10 for the middle and end


The Quileutes is the wolf pack for people who don't read Twilight




Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


This I love. It's awesome and it's kept very close to the books. Need I say more about this awesome movie? Bring on Deathly Hallows!!! You all probably know what I'm going to give this as a score



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It's awesome and it's kept very close to the books.


Literally the most false thing I've ever read in my life. The 6th film was the worse yet, and had no coherent storyline. It didn't stick to the book very well at all, basically all that happened in the film was that Dumbledore died, Malfoy was torn, Slughorn told Harry about Horcruxes, and everyone got off with each other (really unconvincingly). It was a hollow bridge to set up for the 7th film(s).


The acting was atrocious. Especially from Ginny Weasley.


I don't mind when people enjoy trash, but I can't stand when they tell lies.


Considering Dancer In The Dark and Star Trek, both films that make me shriek like a banshee, were rated 10 on this very same page, please don't dirty the sanctity of 10 by giving it to shite films.

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Considering Dancer In The Dark and Star Trek, both films that make me shriek like a banshee, were rated 10 on this very same page, please don't dirty the sanctity of 10 by giving it to shite films.


I'm sorry, when did subjectivity become outlawed?

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Pulp Fiction


Stars John Travolta, Samuel L Jackson, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis. Excellent movie by Quentin Tarantino. Always love this line from Jackson


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.



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When its wrong.


This is a subjective statement. GTFO.


The Jungle Book





Also, was one of the vulchers supposed to sound like Ringo Starr? And in spite of the fact it is set in an Indian jungle a lot of the animals sound awful British :p

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I find this film mesmerising. I've never not fell asleep during a Tarkovsky film so I can't compare this with his original.




Lol, it's funny you mention falling asleep because I seem to recall falling asleep when watching this - tbh I was in Canada and thus very jet-lagged at the time. I remember it having a rather surreal feel to it though.

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Literally the most false thing I've ever read in my life. The 6th film was the worse yet, and had no coherent storyline. It didn't stick to the book very well at all, basically all that happened in the film was that Dumbledore died, Malfoy was torn, Slughorn told Harry about Horcruxes, and everyone got off with each other (really unconvincingly). It was a hollow bridge to set up for the 7th film(s).


The acting was atrocious. Especially from Ginny Weasley.


I don't mind when people enjoy trash, but I can't stand when they tell lies.


Considering Dancer In The Dark and Star Trek, both films that make me shriek like a banshee, were rated 10 on this very same page, please don't dirty the sanctity of 10 by giving it to shite films.


I'm sorry, remind me to put In My Opinion next time as that is what it is, haha :) However I agree with Ginny Weasley....


I have read what I put and I will take back the word 'very' I used in the sentence but I do think it followed the books well. I don't think the acting was atrocious.


And plus, as I have mentioned before, I rate out of how much I enjoyed the movie, not the quality. I enjoyed it very much, therefore it's a 10. Quality-wise, I would rate 8.5/10.




Law Abiding Citizen


I enjoyed this quite a bit. Gerard Butler's acting was great. Very clever movie. Recommend you watch it.



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Star Trek 8/10


The Good:


-It wasn't as angst-filled as I expected a modern film would be. Though Spock showed a few emotions throughout the film, and obvious contempt for his treatment, it never made him seem a whiny little shit. Same for Kirk. Obvious father issues, but he obviously needs the pain.


-Some very nice nods to the heritage of the series, without getting bogged down in the whiter-than-white vision of the future that Roddenberry wanted. What made DS9 good was their courage to say "There are still assholes in the future" and it worked here too.


-Pine managed to successfully show the transition from arrogant farm boy to arrogant ships captain with good acting ability.


-Props to the writers, director and actress for not making Uhura too... black. Now, I know King V will probably get all upset at me for this, but hear me out: there's a tendency in film makers to not be able to get past certain racial stereotypes with characters. Asians are good at maths, Hispanics have to call everyone "jefe" or "cholo" at least once and black characters have to be streetwise and confrontational. Luckily, like in the Original Series the character of Uhura wasn't played as a black woman, but just as a woman.


-Fabulous space battles. Probably the best in the franchise since First Contact. Though the two Armadas in "Sacrifice of Angels" still gets a "FUCK YEAH!" from me whenever those green disruptor bolts start to fly.



The Bad:


-Eric Bana. It's not that he's a bad actor, I just feel he's never had the right role.


-The supporting cast were a bit of a joke. Scotty in particular was poorly used as comic relief. Here's the guy who in the original series used to fix the ship using sellotape and started a barfight with a room full of Klingons when they called the Enterprise "Garbage". I know Simon Pegg is a comic actor, but... come on, yeah?


-Not enough fighting after the first battle. You can't have such an awesome opening and then get all talky for the rest of the time.



Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this, and I am really excited to see more. Though for me, Wrath of Khan will always be the definitive Star Trek film.

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Law Abiding Citizen


Good film, crap ending.


First part of the film sets up Mr Butler to be some sort of good guy, middle part makes him seem like a mega genius, then in the ending (which is literally about 5 minutes) he comes down with a sudden case of sillybuggers and gets outsmarted.


Oh and the recital/all of the lawyers family, completely unneccesary other than the usual "Oh noes! Not my family!". Even then, there is never really any specific threat to them.


Who was the accomplice? Was there even one? It seemed a lot like it was the blonde lady. Who was Chester? I assumed it was Mr Butler, which means she definately was an accomplice. But then that means that he let them find his tunnel into prison, which makes the ending even stupider. So either Chester was a completely unknown person, which is just plain lazy, or Mr Butler came down with a massive case of spastic at the end (leading them to his control centre and cell)



Before the ending: 9/10

After the ending: 6.5/10

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Paris Is Burning




I don't understand how I didn't know this film existed until a few weeks ago. It's so good.


Really really informative, and really interesting in light of the "Queerness & Family" discussion forum I attended a few weeks ago.


A must-see film.




Ladyhawke/St. Vincent feel so rude. (St. Vincent not so much, because she's actually a good musician).

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