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A great film for sure, but I was left wanting to know more about Rorschachshchchchschsc (yeah I can't spell his name) and his history. Don't get the comments about there being a ton of big blue cock in it though, for the most part he's covered up or wearing some...sling sort of thing :heh:


Face it, nobody wants to see blue schlong.

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film was shit and yes there was plenty of bluecock in it and it wasn't covered up very well. It's the best example of a movie that's up it's own arse :)


And I absolutely hate the excuses people make for this such as, " oh you didn't like it cause you never read the graphic novel" or" it was written during the height of the cold war" lol maybe i WOULD appreciate it more if I read the graphic novel but sigh no..




I went in to it knowing nothing about the film at all and came out satisfied that I knew enough about what was going on, but wanting to know more about the back story of the characters. I plan on picking up the graphic novel tomorrow with an ancient HMV gift voucher I found.

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I went in to it knowing nothing about the film at all and came out satisfied that I knew enough about what was going on, but wanting to know more about the back story of the characters. I plan on picking up the graphic novel tomorrow with an ancient HMV gift voucher I found.


I started enjoying it and then it went to shit with rubbish action scenes and the revelation that pretty much everything was pointless as only one person actually did something in the entire film.

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To quote my own review...


However during the film, as during the graphic novel, he walks around without any clothes on and while this is meant as an expression of the character’s disconnection from society it could potentially draw the attention away from some viewers who can’t see anything other than a flaccid blue penis.



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I was under the impression that he could do pretty much anything (except for doing things that his morality won't let him do), and that he was energy and not matter.


It's never really put into exacts, but you'd assume that tampering with his own atomic structure would be fatal, as a gas cloud has no brain with which to control his powers, and no organs with which to survive (whether or not he needs these organs is debatable). :wtf:

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A great film for sure, but I was left wanting to know more about Rorschachshchchchschsc (yeah I can't spell his name) and his history. Don't get the comments about there being a ton of big blue cock in it though, for the most part he's covered up or wearing some...sling sort of thing :heh:



I feel like there is slight disappointment contained within this post! :p


Ermm... about the Blue Penis, call me thick but I didn't notice it.

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The Fountain


Hugh Jackman goes beautifully crazy ass, Mayan-Space Buddha style. I think. I'm not entirely sure what was going on there but somehow I just don't care. It was awesome.


Solving cancer, saving Spain and exploring space. Who says men can't multitask?

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The Fountain is one of my favourite movies, although I couldn't tell you why. Strangely I always come away from watching with a feeling of understanding, although if someone actually asked me to explain it to them I wouldn't know what to say; it's as if the answer is right there on the periphery of your vision, but as soon as you try to concentrate on it everything becomes a blur.


Or maybe I'm just dumb. I love it all the same.

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Monsters vs Aliens


Typical Dreamworks. An entertaining enough diddy (even if I drifted off toward the end) but completely lacking any heart. Obviously a high concept film (in the academic sense; i.e. one that can be described in a sentence or in this case the title alone) in which the title came first. It was okay, had some amusing parts and Stephen Colbert as the President was an amusing choice, although probably a bit too American pop culture-centric. And if the Sergeant captured four aliens, all seemingly toward the start of the 50 years he's been doing this, what the hell else did he do? Easy job.


Oh and I hated the art direction. The manga-shaped heads, the tiny palms and huge fingers, the OTT stretch and squash logic. Plus of course Renee Zellwegger who is as interesting as a white wall.

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I Can Be Bad All By Myself


Not enough Madea in it, there should have been more of her but apart from that, best Tyler Perry movie.




Fame (1980)


I've been meaning to watch this for quite a while (since last December) but I kept on forgetting. I actually liked it, one of the greatest 80's movie I've seen. Weirdly looking forward to the remake even though I KNOW it will be shite.






I don't care what anyone says, this is better than the Godfather in my opinion and I adore the Godfather series.




Sorority Row


Good slasher movie. Better than what I expected it to be. Funny one-liners from the blonde Jessica and Jamie Chung is just too hot! There's only one problem I have with it...


did Garrett stab Megan with the tire iron for? I just don't see why he did it and it never explained it. If it did, then I must have missed it.




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Interview (2007)


Engaging, and I enjoyed it. I love Sienna Miller. And Steve Buschemii (sp?) was good too. It's just the two of them in it. It's sorta like a play.


In a way, I think it could have done some more jarring direction and cutting between shots to suggest an ambiguous time frame/difference; the difference is attitudes toward each other veer backwards ans fowards too much to truly be believable.


Good though. A nice cynical take on celebrity/judgement/life blah



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I won't even lie. I cried like a total bitch.


Hadn't seen this in years, and when I came in from a night out it happened to be on so I decided to sit down and watch. Absolutely loved every second of it, like I did when I saw it all those times years ago. Touching story, some fantastic acting and utterly heartbreaking in places. I love the moment where she's lying on the plank literally a second away from giving up before realising the promise she made to Jack before desperately swimming for the whistle in a last attempt to be rescued. It's the "Jack? Jack? Jack!" bit that got me. There's so many moments in the movie that are generally a joy to watch, and the way they portrayed Jack and Rose slowly falling in love was completely heart-warming. Like the painting, the night below decks and the build up to their terrifyingly sweaty moment in the car. I love that they made the last hour almost real time, in keeping with when the captain said the ship would be down in "an hour at most". It meant the last hour came at you so thick and fast, it was almost hard to keep up and made the panic portrayed in the film come across as all the more real.


Supposedly it's being re-released in "high quality 3D" which takes over a year. Cameron says he's seen a few minutes and that it looks "spectacular". I'd love to see it again when released



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Very rarely do I feel so strongly about a film (or warning people away from) that I feel I have to post something about it. Now, i'll say this now I was not 'looking forward' to seeing this film or held any interest prior. I went as I thought it might be entertaining and was curious to see why it gained an 18.


The film i'm talking about is Gamer. I warn everyone reading this to just stay well clear, it's an abomination in every possible way. Direction, acting, script, story, everything was absolutely terrible. My previous worst film that i'd ever seen was Resident Evil: Apocalypse but only now can I appreciate how good that film is compared to this. I would rather watch that looped back to back for a day I think than watch Gamer again. I thought the fact it had Gerard Butler in it that it might possibly be ok. Jeez it's right what they say about assumptions... I think this film is a culmination of some weirdos retarded wet dream and a distorted view of what gamers actually are. There is no way in hell this game was made by gamers, in fact i'd go as far as to say this seemed like a public service video warning people off of games. Thing is though that doesn't really bother me as the mainstream media has never had a clue about the gaming community. Plus I don't hold any loyalty to it anyway. The film was just simply bollocks. There were times I tried to get into it but the story would just fall through with another unexplained twist. Also I do believe they only had 2 locations for the entire film and possibly one actual stunt shot from 20 angles to make it look different. All in all it just seemed like one relentless collage of grey. I'd rather cut my own face off with a shard of broken glass than see it again.


Personal highlight: Probably the most cringeworthy moment in any film ever. Man says to woman "How about I breach your firewall ;)"



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Unfortunately I disagree. Completely underwhelmed after someone who I believe is usually a good critic for films bigged it up. I'm not saying it was THAT bad. Just didn't feel the same magic obviously as other people?


Major positive was the amazing soundtrack.

Major negative? Easily the last line about the girl's name. Almost as bad as Wanted's last line: "What the fuck have you done today?"

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Just watched Priceless (I think...), which is basically a french chick flick, with that hot chick from amelie, Coco and Chanel, etc (lots of sideboob!) playing one of those hotel whores who slowly falls in love with a bartender who she thinks is a millionnaire. Lots of julia roberts influence, and basically a film for gays and girls -- but it's in french so us manly gorillas can just pretend it's some arty world cinema thing and get away with watching it.


13/20 - Wears 'cute' very well.

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Just watched Priceless (I think...), which is basically a french chick flick, with that hot chick from amelie, Coco and Chanel, etc (lots of sideboob!) playing one of those hotel whores who slowly falls in love with a bartender who she thinks is a millionnaire. Lots of julia roberts influence, and basically a film for gays and girls -- but it's in french so us manly gorillas can just pretend it's some arty world cinema thing and get away with watching it.


13/20 - Wears 'cute' very well.


I have a secret crush on Audrey Tautou. Love her.


I watched a few films recently. One I watched in Spain was Le scaphandre et le papillon (or "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"). It's the true story about a man who becomes completely paralysed, apart from his left eye, yet he finds a way to communicate and write a book this way. It took me a while to get used to the way it's filmed, but I enjoyed the film. It's slow, there's no action at all, but it was all pretty good in my opinion. =)

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