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Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase 20/7 @3pm BST


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Definitely trying to dampen expectations with that description.

It won't work though, I look forward to the inevitable outrage on ResetEra that this 10 minute presentation focusing on previously announced 3rd party games didn't have a 3-pack of 3D Mario remakes.

EDIT: Oh my! Some people there are actually hoping for footage of Bayo 3, No More Heroes and Shin Megami Tensei V?

This fallout is going to be magnificent!

Edited by Glen-i
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I wouldn't say that Bayonetta 3 is out of the realms of possibility for showing up. This is being presented as a partner based Direct mini so that game would fall under that umbrella term given that its a third party property being developed through an exclusivity deal with Nintendo. Will it actually be there? I doubt it, especially as the update on Babylon Fall (another Platinum game) was delayed due to changes brought about by the ongoing pandemic, but its entirely possible and shouldn't be dismissed unequivocally.

Its such a weird way to announce a Direct, even a mini one. And the wording is very business like, reads more like something Microsoft would spout as opposed to the rhetoric Nintendo would tend to use. Similarly, announcing it late last night for this afternoon is again weird. Such a short turn around on the announcement for an afternoon Direct. I could understand if it was happening at 11pm as they've done in the past but it really is unusual for them.

I'm not expecting much from it. They've allowed third parties to go ahead and announce games this Summer without them yet very little has come to fruition outside of a smattering of indie games across the multitude of streams. And first party wise, what's announced is far off at this point. Likelihood is we'll have an update on Bravelt Default 2 (expecting this to slip to next year), maybe some of the EA ports tgat they announced a little back (Plants vs. Zombies, Apex Legends) but it won't go much beyond that.

I do subscribe to the idea that I've seen posited that this might be the start of a series of Directs split across first, third and indie developers in the coming weeks/months. Spread the news out in smaller chunks, especially if they've maybe not got the biggest slate of titles due to delays brought about by the pandemic (they had said things coming this year were progressing as planned but Nintendo do seem to be one of the development groups struggling with adapting to the current situation). It means there'd be a steady stream of news and while nothing might be mind-blowing, they'll still maintain a good supply of titles for the Switch into the Holiday season (though I don't think they'll have that big first party title at the end of the year this time, the timings haven't really worked out for most of their properties).

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It's up.

Thoughts before watching: my expectations are low, but still excited to see what they might have in store for us. I just wish that Nintendo were a bit more transparent about the difficulties that they're having at the moment with working from home, I know that they want to assure investors that things are fine, but it's still odd to me. The way they handled Prime 4 shows they can be transparent when they need to be, too. 

Edited by Julius
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Cadence of Hyrule Physical Version confirmed! :D (glad I waited)

WWF Wrestling Game - looks good for anyone who likes Wrestling games.

Shin Megami Tesei III HD Remaster.

Shin Megami Tensei V trailer.

Wow, this really was a mini direct.

Edited by S.C.G
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Given the brevity of the Direct mini and the smaller number of titles touched upon, I think what might have been better was to take a leaf out of say Sony's book where they had a series of announcements of indie games the other week (I think there was 9 in total) and they were announced every half an hour through their blog with accompanying trailer and blog post from the developers, thus giving each plenty of space and time. That might have suited this better and done much to dampen the ridiculous hype that was shooting about the net in anticipation for this.

From my perspective, I don't think what they showed warranted a Direct but Nintendo don't use the blog style system of Sony or Microsoft for their ID@Xbox stuff and the like. Perhaps, as I say, its something they maybe should consider if they're going to do more of these smaller showing with a handful of titles to shine specific light on them across the day rather than a quick 8 minute video thats now done and dusted and probably being torn apart everywhere. Just such an odd choice with that selection of games that would have greatly benefitted from a different style of spotlight, especially as the games shown speak to very specific niche areas of the games market.

Curious more to see the timetable of these going forward and how regular they'll be (i.e. Will it be once a month, every two weeks?). That's definitely something that Nintendo could do with teeing up front to get ahead of this all by saying "If you didn't find something to your taste today, don't worry as there'll be more on this date" or something to that effect. Layout a road map of these and temper expectations by moving things away from the Direct format if not needed. I don't know, just my thoughts.

Edit: Also a thought for Nintendo, of you're going to do it as a Direct don't upload the trailers from your two main announcements at the same time as the video for this as it defeats the purpose of watching a Direct that took time to put together from a small team of people (another reason why a series of blog posts about the games would be better. Save the effort for putting together a video package Direct for when its warranted).

Edited by Ganepark32
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10 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Huh, so SMT V was actually shown? Colour me pleasently surprised.

Still no gameplay.

Direct was short and disappointing. I mean I liked most of what I saw to some degree, even if most of it doesn't really cater to me, I just thought this whole presentation and the approach they took is baffling.

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They should have had more games. If you have 8 minutes, don't spend 2 minutes on each game. And don't announce it beforehand, just release it without warning.

I don't care for Cadence or SMT so was nothing of interest for me. That's fine. But I hope this is followed up by another presentation soon.

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Yeah. The problem is I can't get hyped for it. They didn't announce it beforehand (well, not early enough), so I didn't know when to expect it, and as a result, I missed it "live" (I just got up). The problem with that is that while looking  for the Direct, I already saw the thumbnails for SMT 3 & SMT 5. So that's 2 surprises gone.

Then the direct itself: too short, too few games, and some of it still well out of the way.. 2021? What about this year?

  • Cadence: updates looks cool, but I have absolutely zero interest in the game.
  • Wrestling thing: this actually, looks somewhat fun. I'm not interested in wrestling at all, but with the more arcady vibe, I might give it a try, though chances are still very small. Plus I've already seen it before the direct.
  • Rogue thing: still looks decent, but another thing we've already seen. 3rd person view, so I'm probably not going to touch it regardless.
  • SMT3: doesn't look as interesting to me as 5 (I've never played any of them), but I would need to see more.
  • SMT5: still looks intriguing, but I'd like to see gameplay by now. 2021 <sigh>
  • And then it was over. With only a remaster released in 2021 being the only real new thing  announced, which I've already seen right when I was looking for the direct.

This was in the Japanese Direct: which would have made it more interesting:


Anyway, I'm going to salvage this massive disappointment by watching GameXplain's 45 minute prediction video, and having a laugh.

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