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UK General Election 2019 - Voting on 12th Dec


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This either just goes to show that people are either still hung up on Brexit or only willing to put in the basic amount of research before deciding to vote.


I do wonder what the age demographic of voters for each party was in this election. Still shocked that people actually voted for a party effectively run by the British Trump... but then again Americans voted for Trump...

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I am...speechless...and scared. I'm actually scared. Boris Johnson will fuck this country up, I just know it. I can't believe there's working class out there voting for Tories. It's crazy! Guys, buckle up, the next five years is going to be something!

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I am speechless. Very scared now. Friday the 13th is in effect for the next five years, it seems. I am truly devastated. Another five years of this shit. Everything has been worse since they were in power and if we think that it's bad now, I'm terrified what the future will bring.

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only 8 years in the last 50 have seen a government other than the conservatives. so about 1/4 of my life. I think we have to be careful to note that external influences can alter our perceptions of a government, we aren't entirely empirical, but for me personally, the Cameron/Clegg through to the May government (this one doesn't really count to me, so far it's just been an extended GE) have been really bad, I really hope Johnson does significantly better than them. I do think he is capable of being a great prime minister, though I don't believe he will realise that potential. It would be nice if he at least does a more honourable job (whatever his incentives) than I believe is generally expected of him.

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Look I'm angry and upset, so I'm liable to say stupid stuff. But there is the sad reality that if you're under 35, hell even under 40 the system is rigged against you, that will continue to be the case, and increasingly so. The UKs population is aging fairly quickly, and old people vote conservative (not just the party, but conservative policies like Brexit). Always will. If they turn out there's no winning for progressive politics. This is only supercharged by our press, which is owned primarily by a wealthy elite which will leverage its power and the fears of this demographic with an efficiency that new media cannot compete with. It's a sad situation and I can't see it getting better.

My tip - leave the country. Seriously consider it, there are happier places out there.

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I don't think many lessons have been learnt from the Brexit vote and the country still seems to be reeling from that. All of the major issues like healthcare, education, climate change, policing have all been pushed to the side and Brexit has dominated this discussion. The day after the referendum, I said that we would pay the price of that decision for years to come and I have seen absolutely nothing to make me believe that I was wrong.

I'm disappointed in the UK and with the choice that they have made, especially when I think that there is plenty of evidence out there to see the damage that austerity has done to this country. NHS, education and policing cuts have been devastating. Yet, somehow, the Conservatives still got in. Unfortunately, the media have thrown enough labels at Corbyn (communist, Marxist, anti-royal, anti-military, pro-IRA, pro-Palestine) that they have stuck. A bit anecdotal, but when I was discussing the election yesterday with Conservative voters, they immediately dismissed Labour because of Corbyn. That is, unfortunately, a major issue.

The UK media sucks, the voting/election system sucks (we need PR), the choice of parties sucks and yesterday's result sucks. Politics is now just about throwing slogans around and using them again and again until the public think of nothing else. "Get Brexit Done", for example. Well, what many fail to reflect on is that Johnson's bill passed its second reading in Parliament, but the MPs rejected the absurd timetable that Johnson was trying to impose. E.g. he wanted to get his deal through within days, without it being held up to the scrutiny required and deserved. It's fucking unreal. This is a man who has decided to avoid as much of the leaders' debates as possible, too. He has ducked and dived his way through this process and has been let completely off the hook. I am amazed at the hold that this man has over the British public. 

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3 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

I don't think many lessons have been learnt from the Brexit vote and the country still seems to be reeling from that. All of the major issues like healthcare, education, climate change, policing have all been pushed to the side and Brexit has dominated this discussion. The day after the referendum, I said that we would pay the price of that decision for years to come and I have seen absolutely nothing to make me believe that I was wrong.

I'm disappointed in the UK and with the choice that they have made, especially when I think that there is plenty of evidence out there to see the damage that austerity has done to this country. NHS, education and policing cuts have been devastating. Yet, somehow, the Conservatives still got in. Unfortunately, the media have thrown enough labels at Corbyn (communist, Marxist, anti-royal, anti-military, pro-IRA, pro-Palestine) that they have stuck. A bit anecdotal, but when I was discussing the election yesterday with Conservative voters, they immediately dismissed Labour because of Corbyn. That is, unfortunately, a major issue.

The UK media sucks, the voting/election system sucks (we need PR), the choice of parties sucks and yesterday's result sucks. Politics is now just about throwing slogans around and using them again and again until the public think of nothing else. "Get Brexit Done", for example. Well, what many fail to reflect on is that Johnson's bill passed its second reading in Parliament, but the MPs rejected the absurd timetable that Johnson was trying to impose. E.g. he wanted to get his deal through within days, without it being held up to the scrutiny required and deserved. It's fucking unreal. This is a man who has decided to avoid as much of the leaders' debates as possible, too. He has ducked and dived his way through this process and has been let completely off the hook. I am amazed at the hold that this man has over the British public. 

Being totally honest here, speaking to the Tory voters today, every single one of them had said they voted Conservatives because they want a Brexit with a hard no-deal, they don't want "no more immigrants ruining the country" and because they hate Corbyn. What surprises me more is that these people are working-class, struggling to make ends meet but they overrule that because they want to "Get Brexit Done".

What's more ridiculous is that there's people out there who were also saying they would be happy to pay more tax and leave the minimum wage as it is. I was met with so much nonsense today that I actually grew tired and was drained of any energy trying to even listen to the bullshit and responding to what may as well have been a brick wall. 

Like @Fierce_LiNk, I also said we would pay for this choice when the Brexit vote happened (worst Birthday present ever) and we have and we will. Dirty lies and dirty tactics have led to this and it hasn't stopped since.

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I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the impact that Farage has had in this. He garnered loads of support with the Brexit Party and later decided not to run in Tory target or marginal seats so as to not split the vote, leaving all the gammons out there no choice but to vote Conservative. The man is totally repugnant and to cap it all off, I was watching him give an interview yesterday where he said something along the lines of “Boris’ deal is horrible, but at least we’ll be getting our Brexit” What sort of sociopathic attitude is that?


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Farage is covering his bases. If it goes wrong, it's because Boris screwed up. If it goes great - even with the bad deal Brexit is a super success!
I think tbh he is bitterly disappointed he has to find a new cash cow now. Maybe he will apply for German citizenship so he can return to the EU.

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On 12/13/2019 at 7:09 PM, Fierce_LiNk said:

I don't think many lessons have been learnt from the Brexit vote and the country still seems to be reeling from that. All of the major issues like healthcare, education, climate change, policing have all been pushed to the side and Brexit has dominated this discussion. The day after the referendum, I said that we would pay the price of that decision for years to come and I have seen absolutely nothing to make me believe that I was wrong.

I'm disappointed in the UK and with the choice that they have made, especially when I think that there is plenty of evidence out there to see the damage that austerity has done to this country. NHS, education and policing cuts have been devastating. Yet, somehow, the Conservatives still got in. Unfortunately, the media have thrown enough labels at Corbyn (communist, Marxist, anti-royal, anti-military, pro-IRA, pro-Palestine) that they have stuck. A bit anecdotal, but when I was discussing the election yesterday with Conservative voters, they immediately dismissed Labour because of Corbyn. That is, unfortunately, a major issue.

The UK media sucks, the voting/election system sucks (we need PR), the choice of parties sucks and yesterday's result sucks. Politics is now just about throwing slogans around and using them again and again until the public think of nothing else. "Get Brexit Done", for example. Well, what many fail to reflect on is that Johnson's bill passed its second reading in Parliament, but the MPs rejected the absurd timetable that Johnson was trying to impose. E.g. he wanted to get his deal through within days, without it being held up to the scrutiny required and deserved. It's fucking unreal. This is a man who has decided to avoid as much of the leaders' debates as possible, too. He has ducked and dived his way through this process and has been let completely off the hook. I am amazed at the hold that this man has over the British public. 

I agree with this but also a lot of what Jonathan Pie's latest video said, people have spent the years since brexit saying anyone who voted leave was an idiot and uneducated whilst completely ignoring the fact they can, will and have then rise up and vote against you in protest.

So i guess i'm now in the same stage i was a week after Trump won, hoping it won't be as bad as i fear.........Lets hope this time luck goes the way i want and i'm proved wrong for once because i really really REALLY want to be wrong on all this and it won't be as bad, brexit will be good and i won't be bankrupt and destitute by the next election

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