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22 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I'll believe it when it's actually Sony saying: "There will be an event."

Oh yeah, for sure. Like Schreier and Grubb (who has been carrying the news torch for a June event since, like, March?) said, definitely could be subject to change with everything going on at the moment.

I'll be very surprised if we don't see an event by the end of June, though. It's very different to the Switch and the quick turnaround there I suppose because, like it or not, PlayStation are being seen as competing for mindshare with Xbox (which, lets face it, they are). 

Fingers crossed for an event sooner rather than later! 

22 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Please please please let the fake silhouetted crowd be back

I'd find this hilarious to be honest :laughing: 

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Next week would make sense and seems to tie in what several people have reported for a while.

I don't think we'll see a release date or price but I imagine they'll show off the console and some launch window games. I'm just HOPING the team that made the superb Shadow of the Colossus remake are working on a Demon Soul's remake. 

Of course, in terms of new games, I'm sure we'll see games that use the SSD to its fullest potential. A glimpse of the world in Horizon 2 would be great.

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32 minutes ago, Goron_3 said:

I don't think we'll see a release date or price but I imagine they'll show off the console and some launch window games. I'm just HOPING the team that made the superb Shadow of the Colossus remake are working on a Demon Soul's remake. 

Of course, in terms of new games, I'm sure we'll see games that use the SSD to its fullest potential. A glimpse of the world in Horizon 2 would be great.

Unfortunately I don't think we'll get a price either, just because I see them and Xbox getting caught in a silent, Cold War-like price-matching contest which could go on for a while. 

I want to say that we could get the release date, because it wouldn't have much bearing on their competition seeing as they're likely to be close to matching one another and we know they're likely launching the same month, but so much is in flux right now that it just seems like a bad idea to do so. Plus, without the price, there's no point in telling us that release date, because we won't be able to pre-order anyways. 

In terms of games, I feel like Horizon 2 is probably the most likely to be the game present of all the big first party studios, considering how much time has passed since Zero Dawn, and if we see Aloy flying on some of these robots and using climbing it will feel like we're being showed an experience which is next-gen, and not possibly on current systems.

I'm in a weird spot with the rumoured Demon's Souls remake: would like it as a jumping in point for myself with From Software games, but I don't feel like it's necessarily a blockbuster title in the way that something like Breath of the Wild was at launch (not necessary I suppose, but definitely hasn't got the mass market appeal some other games could potentially have), and more importantly - again, correct me if I'm wrong as someone who hasn't played the game before - I'm having a hard time thinking about how a remake of a PS3 game could be shown to do something not thought possible on the PS4, hence why it is (presumably) a PS5 exclusive. I loved Bluepoint's work on 2018's Shadow of the Colossus, but yeah, just think it's potentially a weird move for them if it is true and is a launch title. 

Cautiously optimistic we could see a tease for God of War II or Spider-Man 2 at some point, even if we don't see either land until Q3 2021 at the earliest, just as a signal of intent to get fans to buy into the ecosystem. Japan Studio is a potential wildcard, and then I suppose it depends what third party publishers and development studios are doing, but Capcom have certainly liked showing things off exclusively for PlayStation before. 

That all being said, I think they just need one big first party game to hook people in, get people talking, and show off what the PS5 is capable of, and I'm having a tough time thinking what that could realistically be besides Horizon 2. 

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I think they owe their fans a huge show to be honest, after the near radio silence this past year or two, not to mention cancelling their PSX fan events for the last couple years. Throw in no big first party reveals since 2017 (I still find that pretty crazy) and I'd say showing something of Horizon 2, God of War 2, Spider Man 2 and possibly something like a new Uncharted is an absolute must at this point.

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49 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I think they owe their fans a huge show to be honest, after the near radio silence this past year or two, not to mention cancelling their PSX fan events for the last couple years. Throw in no big first party reveals since 2017 (I still find that pretty crazy) and I'd say showing something of Horizon 2, God of War 2, Spider Man 2 and possibly something like a new Uncharted is an absolute must at this point.

I don't know about that, all they needed last time was this XD


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19 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Please please please let the fake silhouetted crowd be back

I vote for balloon audience


I love marketing nonsense like  "...that rewrite the rules of what a PlayStation console can do". Yes, by virtue of creating a new console that would be true but good for you!

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On 28/05/2020 at 11:44 AM, Ashley said:

I love marketing nonsense like  "...that rewrite the rules of what a PlayStation console can do". Yes, by virtue of creating a new console that would be true but good for you!

Nothing can beat the AI HDR nonsense for silliness. No doubt AI is the new Cloud now.


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From the PlayStation blog, posted by Jim Ryan: 


You’re Invited: A Look at the Future of Gaming on PlayStation 5

With each generation, from the first PlayStation to PlayStation 4, we aim higher and we push the boundaries further, to try and deliver better experiences for our community. This has been the mission of the PlayStation brand for more than 25 years. A mission I have been a part of nearly since the beginning.  

There are few things as exciting as the launch of a new console. While this road to launch has been a bit…different, we are as thrilled as ever to bring you with us on this journey to redefine the future of videogames.

We’ve shared technical specifications and shown you the new DualSense wireless controller. But what is a launch without games? 

That’s why I’m excited to share that we will soon give you a first look at the games you’ll be playing after PlayStation 5 launches this holiday. The games coming to PS5 represent the best in the industry from innovative studios that span the globe. Studios, both larger and smaller, those newer and those more established, all have been hard at work developing games that will showcase the potential of the hardware. 

This digital showcase will run for a bit more than an hour and, for the first time, we will all be together virtually experiencing the excitement together. A lack of physical events has given us an amazing opportunity to think differently and bring you on this journey with us, and hopefully, closer than ever before. This is part of our series of PS5 updates and, rest assured, after next week’s showcase, we will still have much to share with you. 

Please join us on Twitch or YouTube on June 4 at 1pm PDT / 9pm BST / 10pm CEST to see what’s in store for the next generation of games. I hope we can make you proud. 

A bit more than an hour - AN HOUR - with a focus on games that "show off the hardware" - choice and fighting words :p not totally sure from the wording, but reads like some third parties might be present too? Feel like they would have just outright said PlayStation Studios otherwise, and not talk so vaguely. 

My excitement cannot be contained :bouncy:

It was noticed earlier this morning that the EU and US blogs were merged, but I didn't think it could be taken as confirmation of news coming today! Clearly, this was why!  

Edited by Julius
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Crazy thought: could that background sound be the start-up sound? 

Anyway, an interview with Jim Ryan over at gamesindustry.biz again pushes that PS5 is coming this year, and mentions that work on their launch line-up hasn't been too greatly impacted (though like Phil Spencer, reiterates a knock-on effect could be seen in 2021 and 2022), and interestingly talks about the value of games not necessarily meaning the lowest price. Wonder if this means they're set on a price now that they've noticed Xbox playing the waiting game too?

Also very clearly reiterates (as he did on the PlayStation blog, and has been said a while back) PlayStation's stance on having clearly defined generations. Well worth a read. 

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About fucking time.

Time to put up or shut up.  And no, I won't accept vague empty promises of hopes and dreams with bullshit CGI teasers (They're totally gonna fill it with bullshit CGI teasers of literally fucking nothing - I'm looking at YOU Square-Enix and your inevitable bullshit FF16 CGI teaser with literally no gameplay!)

GT7 should be here at least.  No reason why they shouldn't have some actual real-time gameplay to show.

Show me real, actual hardware; show me the UI running in real time; show me actual games with actual real-time gameplay that will actually be launching within the first year!

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1 hour ago, Dcubed said:

About fucking time.

Time to put up or shut up.  And no, I won't accept vague empty promises of hopes and dreams with bullshit CGI teasers (They're totally gonna fill it with bullshit CGI teasers of literally fucking nothing - I'm looking at YOU Square-Enix and your inevitable bullshit FF16 CGI teaser with literally no gameplay!)

GT7 should be here at least.  No reason why they shouldn't have some actual real-time gameplay to show.

Show me real, actual hardware; show me the UI running in real time; show me actual games with actual real-time gameplay that will actually be launching within the first year!


Looking forward to this but have no real expectations. I'm nailed on to get a PS5 at some point and it will be my choice of console for the next generation. 

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6 hours ago, Dcubed said:

About fucking time.

I mean, assuming it's launching around Thanksgiving they've got another 6 months, so that seems like plenty of time?

Though I do feel it is crazy how long they've dripped things out over to this point though, I listened to an old EZA podcast from last April, and completely forgot that it was so long ago since we first heard the first bits of news about the console through those WIRED articles! 


Time to put up or shut up. And no, I won't accept vague empty promises of hopes and dreams with bullshit CGI teasers

They mention a lot about the focus on games, and considering how Xbox mostly showed off gameplay in their event earlier this month and were still met with backlash (mainly for their meagre offering, but still), I'll be surprised if we end up with more CG teasers than actual gameplay.

And, to be clear, I will no doubt be just as potentially annoyed as you if that does happen. 

Real-time stuff like the first Death Stranding trailer to tease that God of War sequel might be the "worst" I imagine it potentially getting for first party stuff at least. I'm hopeful. 


I'm looking at YOU Square-Enix and your inevitable bullshit FF16 CGI teaser with literally no gameplay!

Yeah, I'm half hoping Final Fantasy XVI turns up. I've loved my two adventures with the franchise so far, and have many more left to go! Totally going to go off on a ranger about XVI here so...

I know they've got Final Fantasy VII Remake to work on, but I just don't see them focusing solely on that as their main Final Fantasy project as others elsewhere on the internet have suggested - it just isn't feasible. It's too big a franchise for Square Enix to not be pushing it every chance they get. 

I've actually been reading quite a bit into Square Enix's reshuffling of their divisions which took place last year over the last few days, and even though I do feel like a first look at XVI would potentially be CGI (though I think it will do a much better job than previous trailers I've seen of theirs at hinting at general gameplay and mechanics), I think there's the potential for the game to be much further along than a CGI trailer would initially suggest, especially if Yoshida is at the helm with Unit III. This is from last year:

Having read a bit into how Yoshida and his team helped turn around XIV with A Realm Reborn, and with how widely praised that game is by both fans and critics alike, he's clearly a fan favourite who people want to helm the next mainline Final Fantasy game. He and his team normally focus on MMORPG's, sure, but switching his focus to give him a chance with a mainline single player game and/or a journey which involves online GaaS elements besides that (i.e. online character creation, partying up, etc.) seems realistic given how XIV has been received.

The only other scenario I imagine here is that this is all in reference to XVII (I just can't see them taking him off mainline Final Fantasy in the near future), which would potentially be a new MMORPG launching in 4-5 years' time (not sure if S-E would hedge a bet on another MMORPG at that time though; even with how lucrative XIV being turned around has been for them, there are clearly safer options), which would mean XVI is much further along than we think.

Personally, I think that's unlikely and he and his team are leading XVI, with Unit I and Kitase continuing of course with Final Fantasy VII Remake and other massive AAA titles (i.e. Kingdom Hearts). For anyone curious, Unit II focuses mainly on Dragon Quest, NieR, and Bravely games, as well as I think some arcade stuff too (?), and Unit IV is responsible for Mana, ports, remasters, and mobile games. 

Which brings me to my next point: I don't think we ever got confirmation of which Unit that Luminous Productions were allocated to, but we do know they actively started developing something last year after pre-production in 2018, and we know that they were refocused as a studio that same year to focus on making games when Tabata left and that cool $33 million dollar loss was included in their September 2018 financial report.

So I wonder if we could also see something from them instead of, or perhaps in addition, to a potential XVI reveal? 


Show me real, actual hardware; show me the UI running in real time; show me actual games with actual real-time gameplay that will actually be launching within the first year!

Considering that only the controller was teased in the announcement video for next week's event, I don't think we'll be seeing the console here, and if that's the case, them I imagine likely not the price or launch date either. PlayStation and Xbox seem happy to wait each other out on those two key pieces on information for now, it seems. 

And again, I'll be very, very surprised if we don't see games planned for release in the first year running in real-time at this event. And I'll be out annoyed if that does happen, from a fan perspective and also as someone interested in the industry: it will show they've learned nothing at all from some of Xbox's missteps a couple of weeks ago.

That's why I don't think we have to worry: we know exactly how reactionary PlayStation can be when it comes to things like this. I'm honestly still very surprised that Xbox have potentially offered this first real round between these consoles - knowing full well that they're the underdog and even if they do have massive first party games to surprise us with come July - up to them on a silver platter like this. 

Really excited for the event (let's be honest: as I am for almost all of these events!) and can't wait to see what PlayStation brings to the table, because I'm hungry for it! 

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Sounds to me like Sony have a lot to say and show with this being just over an hour long.

Me being the optimist, I'm hoping for a show with a shit ton of games, a couple of megatons, a reveal of the actual console and a demonstration of the power of the hard drive and what it can do for games and to emphasise why this is a better investement than the more powerful XBOX.

Oh and at the end of the show a date of release and price for all territotories.  

I'm not asking for much....

Believe In Your Dreams GIF - AndySamberg SNL BelieveInYourDreams GIFs


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My expectations are pretty low.
Only thing I actually expect to show up: Demon's Souls Remake.

And they will not show the console itself. People should get that into their heads. :p

Sony need to monumentally fuck up to disappoint me :D

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