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Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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So I've got terraforming now and am starting to properly design my town centre. How frustrating is it that you can only move one building per day? 

After the town centre is sorted, I'll sort out the houses. I'm still going to live near the centre, and I'm thinking I'll create three little estates of three houses each for the rest of the villagers. 

I've started tidying my rivers, unfortunately I've got an out of place bridge or two now. It's such a shame it's a laborious process to move them, or should I say destroy and rebuild, especially as I just need to edge one a space or two across. 

I've got enough in the bank to pay off the final home loan now but holding off for a bit so I have money for Sunday's turnips. 

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After nearly 200 hours into the game, i've finally finished off my island to the way I want it. All the landscaping has now been done.
















That's a BIG bulk of the game done for me now. I still have a couple of plots of land that need occupying with something and I have one big building getting fitted with gear at the moment but for the most part I can now take it easy on the game. All that really needs doing now is to keep on top of things (bugs and fish each month) and wait for new items to arrive so I can place them. Speaking of which, is it just me or is there a serious lack of variety when it comes to furniture in this game? The amount of times i've seen doubles of items, both from balloons and shops, is ridiculous. It's taken some time decking out the island in a way that suited me because there just doesn't seem to be a decent variety at the moment. It doesn't help that balloons now also dish out crafting materials, meaning you have less chance to get new items.

I think RedShell brought this up a couple of weeks ago now and that is that the lack of any notification about what items you have already bought is just ridiculous. I'm not going for a complete collection but I have found myself buying the same item of furniture or clothing a couple of times now. How hard would it be to have implemented a little red tick or something like it to indicate that you already own the item. It's another one of those weird design choices that doesn't make any sense to me. 

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3 minutes ago, Ashley said:

So what's a good way to earn some bells? Dabbled in turnips but not had much luck but what's some other ways of earning money? 

Peacock butterflies. They sell for 2500 bells a piece and spawn pretty fast if you have some hybrid flowers kicking about.

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3 minutes ago, Ike said:

Where's the Nintendo themed items at, that's what I want to know.

I get the impression all of this will be paid DLC... which would be a shame given how much of this was given away free in New Leaf.

7 minutes ago, Ashley said:

So what's a good way to earn some bells? Dabbled in turnips but not had much luck but what's some other ways of earning money? 

I actually think it's not worth making money any other way than turnips. Turnip selling is so much more profitable than anything else to the extent that you'd have to sell thousands of fruit to make the same as a decent turnip haul. If you can buy a million bells worth of turnips and keep your eye out for a place to sell them, after a couple of times you don't really need to worry about making money ever again. Which is kinda nice, allows you to leave the fruit on your trees and spend your time doing other things.

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7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Peacock butterflies. They sell for 2500 bells a piece and spawn pretty fast if you have some hybrid flowers kicking about.

I need to look into flower growing, I've not done any yet. 

2 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

I get the impression all of this will be paid DLC... which would be a shame given how much of this was given away free in New Leaf.

I actually think it's not worth making money any other way than turnips. Turnip selling is so much more profitable than anything else to the extent that you'd have to sell thousands of fruit to make the same as a decent turnip haul. If you can buy a million bells worth of turnips and keep your eye out for a place to sell them, after a couple of times you don't really need to worry about making money ever again. Which is kinda nice, allows you to leave the fruit on your trees and spend your time doing other things.

I've got 70k bells so I don't think I'll be spending millions on turnips anytime soon...

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1 minute ago, Ashley said:

I need to look into flower growing, I've not done any yet. 

I've got 70k bells so I don't think I'll be spending millions on turnips anytime soon...

It depends how much you want to do yourself, but I can also loan you some bells on Saturday evening if you'd like. The way I see it, money from selling turnips is basically money for nothing anyway so I wouldn't be to bothered about getting a loan. :p

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30 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

After nearly 200 hours into the game, i've finally finished off my island to the way I want it. All the landscaping has now been done.


  Pictures of my island (Reveal hidden contents)














That's a BIG bulk of the game done for me now. I still have a couple of plots of land that need occupying with something and I have one big building getting fitted with gear at the moment but for the most part I can now take it easy on the game. All that really needs doing now is to keep on top of things (bugs and fish each month) and wait for new items to arrive so I can place them. Speaking of which, is it just me or is there a serious lack of variety when it comes to furniture in this game? The amount of times i've seen doubles of items, both from balloons and shops, is ridiculous. It's taken some time decking out the island in a way that suited me because there just doesn't seem to be a decent variety at the moment. It doesn't help that balloons now also dish out crafting materials, meaning you have less chance to get new items.

I think RedShell brought this up a couple of weeks ago now and that is that the lack of any notification about what items you have already bought is just ridiculous. I'm not going for a complete collection but I have found myself buying the same item of furniture or clothing a couple of times now. How hard would it be to have implemented a little red tick or something like it to indicate that you already own the item. It's another one of those weird design choices that doesn't make any sense to me. 

Looking good! I wish I had the patience to do something with my island.

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

You've been on the game just as long as me. What the hell have you been doing? :laughing:

To be honest the past few weeks I haven't been on too much, just doing the usual daily activities and then logging off. My main big things I did was getting my island to 5 stars, then visiting a bunch of online islands to check out their shops. I do have a bad habit of leaving my system on though and switching to other channels!

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Wow @Hero-of-Time, your island looks absolutely amazing! Great job. :cool: Love the little footy pitch. :D 

I’m kinda struggling with mine in this version, still trying to reach 5 stars (have been stuck on 4 for a while now) but just not a fan of the island decoration system. :hmm: It seems like you have to place so much stuff and bloody fences etc., which is actually pretty annoying. I seem to have so much random crap around my island already, and the worst thing is that I won’t be able to remove stuff afterwards without lowering to 4 star again.

3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I think RedShell brought this up a couple of weeks ago now and that is that the lack of any notification about what items you have already bought is just ridiculous. I'm not going for a complete collection but I have found myself buying the same item of furniture or clothing a couple of times now. How hard would it be to have implemented a little red tick or something like it to indicate that you already own the item. It's another one of those weird design choices that doesn't make any sense to me. 

Yeah, really hate that. Even more so because they actually already have a solution built in to the game. If you try to buy one of the DIY recipes in the shop a second time, Tommy will mention how you already purchased it. Why the hell couldn’t that bit of dialogue just be used for furniture too?! ::shrug: 

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There has to be a space between two inclines.
I hate it. So many things I've planned have been ruined because of some stupid, arbitrary limitations :nono: Bells wasted, time wasted, plan wasted.

Time travel to speed up demolitions/moves/construction gets more and more enticing...

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1 minute ago, drahkon said:

There has to be a space between two inclines.
I hate it. So many things I've planned have been ruined because of some stupid, arbitrary limitations :nono: Bells wasted, time wasted, plan wasted.

Time travel to speed up demolitions/moves/construction gets more and more enticing...

If it doesn't work out or fit then just talk to Nook again. He'll take back the building kit and give you a refund.


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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

After nearly 200 hours into the game, i've finally finished off my island to the way I want it. All the landscaping has now been done.


Incredible!!!  You don't do things by halves, do you? :hehe:

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Right? I've just gone on to get two bridges demolished. Nope. Only one per day. So it will take four days to remove two bridges and let me rebuild them in better positions. JUST LET ME MOVE THE BLOODY THINGS.

In good news, Truffles has just asked me if I'm OK with her leaving. Yes. Yes I am. Piss off. Hope someone better comes in her place!

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4 hours ago, Mr-Paul said:

So I've got terraforming now and am starting to properly design my town centre. How frustrating is it that you can only move one building per day? 

I got the Island Designer app the other morning, too. I haven't tried it out much because I don't have a specific vision for my island at the moment, however I took it for a test run to see how it works and... it took me longer than I ever expected to move a waterfall forward three squares. :blank: Revamping the island will take yonks. (Pleasantly surprised it doesn't need you to amass resources or craft earth, water or path inventory first!)

I've done a couple of building moves (you may have noticed I stuck a bunch of animal houses together in close quarters) and the time and money involved was a bit over the top. I also wanted to move my shop one square and it took days because you have to move things to an empty space rather than just shift them. Crazy.

4 hours ago, bob said:

Can you limit the amount of villagers? Or do those fuckers just keep coming no matter what you do?

It's all about the plots... which at least gives you more control over the villager influx than previous AC games. When someone moves out can you destroy their plot to prevent someone new coming? I'd be tempted to whittle the population down instead of converting my island into a bustling minitropolous.

4 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Peacock butterflies. They sell for 2500 bells a piece and spawn pretty fast if you have some hybrid flowers kicking about.

Never crosses my mind to sell insects! I just dump one in the museum and ignore them otherwise--I always think they are on the same value level as seashells. In fact, today I donated a Peacock butterfly and... have no intention of keeping an eye out for more. :D
The map view of your town made me think of Saronia in FF III. :blank:

4 hours ago, Ike said:

Where's the Nintendo themed items at, that's what I want to know.

I think the Nintendo themed stuff is in Minecraft these days.

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15 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

Never crosses my mind to sell insects!


What, really?  This is as bad as that time I failed to recruit that character in Dragon Quest VI because I told him he turned into a monster at night.  Honesty is the best policy.


Regarding progress in general, I'm in a similar place to you.  I need to pay off my 2,498,000 loan, which feels a bit too much to power through at the same pace I did the previous ones.  I'm also in the process of laying paths in a neat formation, having corners at natural points etc, lining up the horizontal ones with vertical in the right places, and it's dawning on me how expensive it's going to be to move everyone's houses, ramps etc.  Annoyingly, I also believe one of my bridges could be one square closer to the estuary, so that's going to be expensive to rectify (and take ages).


4 hours ago, Ashley said:

So what's a good way to earn some bells? Dabbled in turnips but not had much luck but what's some other ways of earning money? 


Personally, I think the best way (if you're not playing online) is to become familiar with the high-value fish and insects.  Some of them are significantly more valuable than the others.  Fish are a bit of a lottery, but I think it's worth catching these bugs:


  • Peacock Butterfly - 2,500
  • Paper Kite Butterfly - 1,000
  • Agrias Butterfly - 3,000
  • Rajah Brooke's Birdwing - 2,500
  • Atlas Moth - 3,000
  • Madagascan Sunset Moth - 2,500
  • Orchid Mantis - 2,400
  • Wasp - 2,500
  • Giant Water Bug - 2,000
  • Man-faced Stink Bug - 1,000
  • Tiger Beetle - 1,500
  • Jewel Beetle - 2,500
  • Hermit Crab - 1,000
  • Tarantula - 8,000




I've highlighted the ones I feel have a particularly good effort-to-value ratio once you have the conditions set up.  Fish are great as well, but all sizes can be valuable, and you don't know what it is until you've caught it.  Also, keep in mind C.J. will pay more for your fish and Flick will pay more for your bugs.

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See, @Hero-of-Time, I'm wondering who you had to shank to make that graveyard.

Which kinda makes your island even better.

I'm not gonna go that extreme on my Island. But I am gonna do something with the cliffs on the left hand side of my island just as a petty rebuttal to a certain snarky comment someone might have made about my shirt.

I call it Spiteful Island Designer and it's gonna be the next hit spin-off game.

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