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Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

I think the arch is the final gift if you manage to create everything else.

No idea, but I've read that you get two more recipes on the 12th if you've crafted every bunny item.

Anyways, here something not very fun: Balloons in Animal Crossing are currently bugged to where if you pop 300, you can't obtain any more.

Doesn't happen to everyone, but it is a possible bug...really hope it won't affect me during the event.

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44 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Anyways, here something not very fun: Balloons in Animal Crossing are currently bugged to where if you pop 300, you can't obtain any more.

Doesn't happen to everyone, but it is a possible bug...really hope it won't affect me during the event.

Thanks for the heads up. Currently at 170, although it feels like around 100 of those were just today! So many balloons! :hehe: 

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6 hours ago, Sheikah said:

Not the missus, just me. :p

I tried out the terraforming, it's pretty neat. The main use for me so far was to straighten out the rivers a little where I needed to build bridges. This game is very picky about how rivers need to be to build bridges on them, so this tool came in handy.

I can't wait to unlock terraforming, my island has generated in such a way that there are only three spots I can create bridges at, which are not of any great use outside of one spot lol

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Snapping Turtles don't exist in my game...:nono: Spent 3 hours trying to find one, but no...

I do, however, only need one more Bunny Day Recipe, so there's that.

Edit: Freaking finally. Got the little reptile :D

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Bunch of stuff happened the last few days.

First of all.. Got a tent visitor. It's Chops. I did want to talk to him, but decided I don't want him on my island.. Unfortunately I didn't have the option of not inviting him. Am I stuck with him if I want to progress? Or will he leave if I ignore him? Really don't want him.

This happend last week, but to get back to that Cast master achievement.. I've got it now, but it took me a while, as I still fuck it up once in a while. Everyone who says it's easy forgot or didn't experience what it was like in the older games, because I swear the game is easier in this regard. Fishing seems easier, but I still got the twitchy trigger finger from the previous games, when you needed more than fast reaction time to catch the rare fish.

Anyway it's April, time again to not ignore all the small fish or the riverl.. Catch everything again! I was up most of last night, and I suspect I've caught most new stuff already (before the eggs started showing up haha), but haven't checked a list.

Also a quick tip, especially with the new bugs and fish to catch: you can use the dropbox to quickly get an indication if something is valuable to sell in the store.

Love the cherry blossoms. But it was weird witnessing the transition at 5 o'clock.. And to get the public news announcement right then. I thought the transition was at 6. Thanks to @Vileplume2000, I know I can catch the petals which I needed for recipes. I already have a bunch of cute cherry bonsai trees!

I like finding the eggs. I can somewhat imagine it being annoying if you just want to fish, but luckily I already caught a bunch of new stuff, and I can wait until Easter (I refuse to call it "Bunny day") is over. I'm also not in a hurry to upgrade my house, so I don't really need the money either. Apart from building bridges and inclinations, which I should do soon. Anyway, I got a lot of easter recipes, but some type of eggs are rare, so I can't build everything. Not in the mood to visit other island just to get more of those specific eggs.

Anyway, like I said, I got the camp yesterday. I also finally visited my first special island a few days ago, so I finally got my bamboo. Between the bamboo discovery, the easter recipes, and the stuff from the upgraded resident service center, I've been crafting a lot of stuff the last few days. So I build and placed a bunch of things on my island, like the outdoor bath. I also visited a relatively normal island, but full of hybrid flowers, so I took a bunch of them with me. I already had a few growing in the wild, but now I have plenty. Butterflies everywhere!

Also, for science, I checked what the bell voucher does, and it gives you 3000. Could be handy late-game, but at this stage the miles are more valuable. So no need to get those.

@Glen-i Don't you know someone who has the update? I think you can update your game through someone else locally? I never had to do this, so I'm not sure if I'm remembering this feature correctly. Otherwise, no wifi spot anywhere close?


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31 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Don't you know someone who has the update? I think you can update your game through someone else locally? I never had to do this, so I'm not sure if I'm remembering this feature correctly. Otherwise, no wifi spot anywhere close?

He has the update but the game requires an internet connection for the event to appear. People have tested putting the game into airplane mode and the bunny never showed up but once they knocked it off he then appeared. I'm not sure if that is just for when you see him the first time or whether it happens every time you try it. Sadly, one way or another it seems he needs an internet connection.

54 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Bunch of stuff happened the last few days.

First of all.. Got a tent visitor. It's Chops. I did want to talk to him, but decided I don't want him on my island.. Unfortunately I didn't have the option of not inviting him. Am I stuck with him if I want to progress? Or will he leave if I ignore him? Really don't want him.

You don't like him? I seen him on an island yesterday evening and had to have him back on Risa due to his hilarious style. He arrived this morning. As for getting him to leave. Once you get a all 10 villagers I think you can force one to leave if another arrives. They also ask to leave randomly but i'm sure they are others ways to speed up the process. I'll be looking into this myself as I can't stand Rocket and i'm not keen on Cobb either

Other than the flea, I have managed to get all the fish and bugs in April, so that's me sorted for the month. The giant water bug was a right pain in the backside. The thing just would show up. I decided to try my luck at a mystery island and see if it would show up there but I had rotten luck there because the game sent me to the bamboo island where there are no rivers! I wanted all of the bugs and fish done and dusted so I could then go ahead and start demolishing rivers and trees.

I'm still missing a couple of bunny recipes. I was getting one every few times I popped a balloon but then they just stopped dropping. Every balloon I burst just kept giving me eggs, even after bursting around 20 of them. I figured I would leave it there and try again in the morning. Maybe one will wash up on the beach or something.

I spent the best part of the day just trying to landscape my island. I mentioned earlier how much of a pain it is and I stand by that statement. You should be able to just hold the button down, move the character and then build or destroy in whatever direction you're facing. Having to press the button for each and every block you break/build is very tedious. I then had to eat a load of fruit ( why can't you just eat 10 at a time? ) and then manually move my trees out of the way in order for me to build. It took me ages to get done what I wanted.

I started off with this...


I then sorted the river out by straightening it up...


After that I got rid of any extra river parts and went to town on flattening the area on the right while building up the top area...


The second level is pretty much done but the third tier needs work and I can't shape it until my house has moved up there tomorrow. The extra bridge on the right is being demolished and I should be able to finish the river off in the morning.

This is where my game is going to grind to a halt. I want all of the villagers up on that second tier but I can only move one per day. I also want a few more bridges and slopes built so I can reach the tiers more easily. Again, you can only have only per day and I had to sacrifice building a new one today because if you demolish one thing then you can't build something else. I then also want to move the museum, tailor shop, Nook's Cranny and the campsite to each of the four corners of the main hall.

All of those things are going to be done very slowly over the course of the next few weeks but i'm quite excited to see how it will all take shape. Besides, I think I can afford to slow things down a bit now. Plus, Resident Evil 3 and Final Fantasy VII will soon be arriving and getting played. Saying that, I can still work on other things, especially on the right side of the island. I'll probably sort out an orchard and flower farm over there.

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I found a flea on one of my villagers this morning (scruffy git) so that's me completely up to date. :yay:

CJ visited my island today and I caught a few fish for him. I also completed his challenge and ordered a model of a Dace.

My bridge had been demolished and so I finished the river off. I then ordered a new slope. I'm not happy that you can't place slopes next to each other. Also, I hate how you can't actually put them exactly where you want them. They are kinda on an invisible grid and so once again I'm having to make adjustments to how I want things. It's not doing my OCD tendencies any good.

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I had a Egg DIY recipe wash up in a bottle this morning...not that I care, I'm selling them all at the moment to fund things...

Speaking of, can you change the shop opening hours like in NL? I'll be starting work at 8 when I go back from isolation, which hinders my turnip plans somewhat...

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5 minutes ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I had a Egg DIY recipe wash up in a bottle this morning...not that I care, I'm selling them all at the moment to fund things...

Speaking of, can you change the shop opening hours like in NL? I'll be starting work at 8 when I go back from isolation, which hinders my turnip plans somewhat...

Not with the first shop but I assume you will be able to once you get the upgraded store. 

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Crafted all the event items/clothes except for

  • earth egg collection
  • party hat and dress
  • arch
  • toy
  • wand

Have to wait for the final day to craft the last three. ::shrug:

Happy that I pretty much have everything this early. Only need to get some leaf and earth eggs in the coming days.

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I'm also done with the Bunny Day items. I needed the bag and the crown and was having no luck with popping the balloons. I was coming out of the shop when Marshal ran over to me and gave me one of them. A few minutes later the same happened again but this time it was Bluebear who handed over the recipe. Score! My two favourite islanders proving their worth yet again. :D 

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@Ashley You can display them in your house (and I assume around the island) if you want to but you usually get a decent amount for selling them.

I fucked up earlier, I ate some oranges and coconuts to free up some space in my pockets and decided to carry on mining stone and iron from rocks only to have the first one I hit crack and disappear. I thought it was just past it, that it had reached breaking point and went to farm minerals from another rock only for that one to break too! I noticed the fruit counter in the corner of the screen click down one when I hit it and realised my fatal mistake so I know never to do it again but now my island is down two sources of material!

Also I hate Zipper, he's just flooded my island with shite. 

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Cheers. Was just checking there wasn't something else I shouldn't be doing. 

How do I get a fourth row in my pocket? Thought buying a backpack would do it but seems not. Does it eventually become available to buy?

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12 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Cheers. Was just checking there wasn't something else I shouldn't be doing. 

How do I get a fourth row in my pocket? Thought buying a backpack would do it but seems not. Does it eventually become available to buy?

Yes, you can buy it for miles from the terminal once your town hall gets built.

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