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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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43 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

You joke, but I know someone who'd explode with excitement and happiness if Lloyd Irving got in.

And I think he has a decent chance for second Namco character.


29 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

C'mon, Lloyd Irving!

Or Crash Bandicoot.

Or Rayman.


Or an out-of-the-blue pick like a regular Voltorb. I dunno, I'd dig a surprise.

I can see it happening, I really can, that's why I'm going to put some energy into the thought that it could be Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia, coming to Smash. :D

Also, this could be coupled with another announcement, Tales of Symphonia Remastered for the Switch...

But didn't they remaster both Tales of Symphonia games for the PS3? Yes... but they really didn't do a great job, this could be a chance to port it again using the GC version. :)

As for Lloyd in smash though, he could work really well as a character, especially with regard to how the battle system works in Tales of... games, what with the battles taking place in a 3D arena, but you only ever attack in a straight line, so it always felt like you were mostly battling in 2D anyway, only using the rest of the 3D space to either evade attacks, or change attack position.

Plenty of fancy sword moves could be used, for attacks in all directions, the Final Smash could be a spirit summon, the arena could either be a floating style across the world map, similar to Dragon Quest, or just set it all inside Meltokio Colosseum, that way, you'd have plenty of scope to put any other Tales of... series characters in there as background elements or even make them part of the battle. :grin:

I can see the reveal trailer now...


Sword Kirby walks through a large, darkened doorway, into an unknown arena,

Many sword-wielding characters face off against him, in this dark arena,

You only catch a glimpse of them, but you can make them out from small details as they battle it out,

One by one, Kirby takes them all on, and uses their powers against each of them,

Then, as Hero-Kirby approaches the centre of the arena, one unfamiliar swordsman brandishes his sword,

"Give me your name, and I shall give you mine!" states the character... you catch sight of the back of his hand, is that? an Exsphere?!?

*ching!* It lights up, then the whole arena is lit up, fire torches are ablaze and the battleground is revealed, along with the challenger...

Lloyd Irving pledges his swords to Smash!


Ahem! Well, it would certainly make my day if it were to happen that way, anyway. :peace:

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3 hours ago, Julius said:

Oh heck yeah, I'd be onboard with that! Or Majima.


Majima might be a bit too crazy for Smash :D would indeed be awesome though. I already added him, Kiryu and Akiyama to the game as Mii fighters, along with my custom Yakuza stage:

Looks like we aren’t the only ones wanting Yakuza representation in Smash:


Seriously though, I’m going to be so utterly disappointed if it doesn’t happen, I mean the Yakuza series is just beyond perfect for Smash Bros. The moves, the heat system, the style, the humour, the music... all of it an absolutely perfect fit!! :cool: No Yakuza character in Ultimate would be such a missed opportunity. :shakehead

Edited by RedShell
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I am reading a lot of Crash Bandicoot on Reddit. But no one seems to know. 

I actually really don’t know. I would like another Nintendo character though as much of the DLC has been others. Ooh I know how about a LoZ Champions character. So Daruk, Mipha Revali and Urbosa in some way. Either similar to Pokemon trainer (so you can switch) or maybe just one of them. 

Edited by BowserBasher
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Crash could be in if they also announce Crash 4 coming to Switch.

My best bets:

- Rillaboom/Toxtricity (SwSh DLC just got hyped)

- Monster Hunter (Stories) representative

- Rex (Min Min was the last character to be added to the roster and both Xeno 2 and ARMS got launched fairly close to eachother)

- Tom Nook because of the absurd popularity of AC:NH (I don’t see another unique move set next to Villager and Isabelle though)

- Waluigi because Sakurai is a troll and loves to break the mold for who can or can’t be added to the roster

- Wart :(

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While he wouldn’t be my first choice, my money would be on Travis Touchdown.

Grasshopper supposedly helped out with Smash Bros Brawl (credit to ‘Did You Know Gaming’) and surely having one of their characters in Smash would be a suitable thanks.  I’m just not sure whether Nintendo would be happy with him in their family title.

There are a few I’d love to see, but if not Travis then I expect it’ll be either Crash, a Monster Hunter character or Dixie Kong (now I’m just listing characters, hah!). Either way, I enjoy the anticipation of a new character reveal! 😃

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10 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

I actually really don’t know. I would like another Nintendo character though as much of the DLC has been others. Ooh I know how about a LoZ Champions character. So Daruk, Mipha Revali and Urbosa in some way. Either similar to Pokemon trainer (so you can switch) or maybe just one of them. 

That's a lot of development time that has to be put in for one character slot, with the reduced DLC team to boot. Let's face it, Pokémon Trainer only came back because everyone had to. I'd be surprised if we ever get a "multiple characters in one fighter" ever again.

And honestly, that's fine. Pokémon Trainer stands out because he's the only one who can now switch character mid-fight. It represents Pokémon style gameplay perfectly. Why dilute that?

Crash Bandicoot is an interesting situation. Back before Ultimate came out, Crash was pretty much a dead franchise. You'd be laughed out of the room for suggesting he had a shot. But that miraculous revival has certainly put him in the running for this Fighter's Pass. The only thing I can see going against him is that Crash 4 isn't coming to Switch (Yet). But hey, that didn't stop Joker.

And also, anything that makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale look even more sad is fine by me.

Making fun of that trainwreck will never not be funny.

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I'm going for Mr Resetti.


Or it would be, if he was relevant any more. It's kind of sad that they'll pretty much only make DLC characters from franchises they want a boost in sales to. Or promoting an upcoming game. I understand why, it's free advertising for them. It's just sad that we're unlikely to get any obscure or retro characters.


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Just now, WackerJr said:

The crazy thing is they are appear to be realistic prospects too!

I would also genuinely love them, too. The first pack only had Banjo-Kazooie that I was interested in, I know nothing about any of the other four franchises.

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I don't know if it would be a realistic choice given that the IP has been dormant since the Switch remake of the original game but I'd say Klonoa would be a pretty good shout if they were wanting to go for fewer human characters this time around in the second fighters pass. Could easily see that character fitting in well even with minimal exposure on Nintendo hardware over the years (that didn't stop the likes of Cloud being a main roster character or stop Joker being added in the first pass).

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Hahahahahahaha Sakurai's face at the end of that trailer :laughing:


Steve was not much of a surprise (think it was a well talked about character before Ultimate released as a potential fighter), but Enderman and the others being included the way they are sure is! At least for me, I had been expecting just some Steve recolours or something. 

Edited by Julius
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Fantastic. Even as someone who's never played Minecraft, i think Steve and co are great inclusions given they're from one of the biggest games in the world.

Looks a fun wacky fighter to use too.

Oh and called it, kind of :laughing: 

Tetris block next please Nintendo!

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Microsoft won't ever outright buy Nintendo but you've got to wonder just how much money exchanged hands in order to make this happen.

From a business perspective, and making a load of fans of Minecraft happy, it's a genius move.

From a roster perspective, this feels like a wasted spot, when you consider how many other characters from the entire history of videogames could have been included.

It is what it is though, and I reckon the only way is up from here when it comes to the other character reveals.

This could have been so much worse, or better, depending on your perspective, personally, I can see it for what it is, but I can't say that I'm that surprised or enthused.

If this means that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now enjoyed by a lot more people who wouldn't have considered it before though, or who will now buy the dlc, this is surely only a good thing for ensuring the long-term sales future of the series, but there isn't that much else to say about a character reveal where the motives behind it are so transparent.

Ah well, this is the Pirahnah Plant of the season pass, for me at least... I just hope this is appreciated by those who actually asked for it, they can at least be grateful.

I'm still going to play as the character, just like every other one in the roster, released or unreleased, but this was the best time to showcase this character, rather than wait until the end of the Season Pass... though it really does make me wonder, just which other characters we'll be getting now. :indeed:

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Holy crap, the kids I play with would absolutely freak over this.

16 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Fantastic. Even as someone who's never played Minecraft, i think Steve and co are great inclusions given they're from one of the biggest games in the world.

Resetera are naturally furious, which means that you're absolutely right.

In a game celebrating video game history, Minecraft deserves to be in. The thing is ginormous.

Gotta disagree with you somewhat @S.C.G In terms of gaming clout, only Mario and Pokémon outclass Minecraft. It's now the third biggest franchise in Smash.

(First, Min Min, and now Steve. Is this Fighter's Pass going to consist solely of characters from games I don't like? Guess Crash is totes in then)

Edited by Glen-i
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I think I actually would’ve even preferred another Fire Emblem character to this, in fact I definitely would have preferred that! At least the quality of the game’s presentation wouldn’t be getting massively tarnished in that case. :nono: For me this update does nothing but make Smash Bros. Ultimate look bad. Horrible stuff. :angry:

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16 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

From a roster perspective, this feels like a wasted spot, when you consider how many other characters from the entire history of videogames could have been included.

Gotta agree with @Glen-i, Minecraft is up there as one of if not the biggest gaming thing in the world, and in a game that celebrates the whole industry, it's a worthwhile pick for me.

16 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Resetera are naturally furious

Even better!

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Not the most exciting announcement for people like us but it's impossible to deny the impact that Minecraft has had on the industry over the last decade, it absolutely deserves representation in a series that sets out to celebrate the history of gaming. 

Hopefully the rest of the second fighter pass is made of third party characters too, it's an absolute must that one of them is a Resident Evil representative but all the other absentees are up for debate really. I would love to see the totally left field inclusion of Tony Hawk though, that would be hilarious. 

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10 minutes ago, RedShell said:

I think I actually would’ve even preferred another Fire Emblem character to this, in fact I definitely would have preferred that! At least the quality of the game’s presentation wouldn’t be getting massively tarnished in that case. :nono: For me this update does nothing but make Smash Bros. Ultimate look bad. Horrible stuff. :angry:

Isn't Minecraft the best selling game of all time? If anything, Minecraft benefits less from Smash.

I always mention the Smash effect of a game's sales improving because of Smash, but this time I think the reverse will happen. Kids will want in on this.

Certainly not the character I would have picked. But he has that Mr. G&W rubbish animation vibe and I kinda dig that.

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