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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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10 hours ago, GenericAperson said:
  DLC Rumour (Hide contents)


Strong rumours going round that there's going to be a Dragon Quest character in Smash Bros. Multiple leakers and hackers are claiming as such. If this turns out to be true I can understand and it makes a lot of sense.


If there is going to be Dragon Quest in Smash though will we have a similar situation music wise to Final Fantasy given that the Dragon Quest composer is very protective of his music?




I'd honestly be amazed if we got anything more than Final Fantasy levels of music. You'd probably have an easier time getting Disney songs in there.

But then again, the main selling points of each of these DLC character packs is that you get a character, a stage and a selection of music. It'd be pretty lame to buy a theoretical Dragon Quest pack and realise there's only 2 ripped MIDI's.

My solution would be instead of Dragon Quest's impossible to license soundtrack, fill up the music with songs from the likes of Bravely Default/Second and Octopath Traveller.

Holy crap, I'd be well hyped for Octopath music in Smash!


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So as well as getting the wireless gamecube switch controller, I sorted this out with my original cube controller! 

Nice little solution for a couple of quid rather than buying a new controller! 

I've been addicted to the adventure mode. Almost done now though. Got to the stage that almost every battle is easy because my spirits are levelled up, but have thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Also, this game has made me try the Nintendo Switch Online service for the first time with the free trial. Pretty naff, isn't it? Unsure whether I'll sign up afterwards or not, I don't really use it enough to justify. If I could just look on my friend list and invite someone to a game, there would be a higher chance, but nope. 

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Found my first stage in Adventure mode that I couldn't get past. It's one where you fight Sonic in stamina mode, and he has this pink, bubbly, bitch helping him. I can't beat him. The closest I got was getting him down to around 15hp, and then he somehow got a final smash from nowhere and destroyed me.

I'll probably go back with more appropriate spirits and try again later, but it was infuriating.

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13 hours ago, Mr-Paul said:

So as well as getting the wireless gamecube switch controller, I sorted this out with my original cube controller! 

Nice little solution for a couple of quid rather than buying a new controller! 

I've been addicted to the adventure mode. Almost done now though. Got to the stage that almost every battle is easy because my spirits are levelled up, but have thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Also, this game has made me try the Nintendo Switch Online service for the first time with the free trial. Pretty naff, isn't it? Unsure whether I'll sign up afterwards or not, I don't really use it enough to justify. If I could just look on my friend list and invite someone to a game, there would be a higher chance, but nope. 

Awesome! My control stick fell victim to the dog when I left it on the floor a few years ago, so I need to do the same. How simple was it on a scale of Walking Simulator to Dark Souls and does it require a special screwdriver head?

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1 hour ago, Nicktendo said:

Awesome! My control stick fell victim to the dog when I left it on the floor a few years ago, so I need to do the same. How simple was it on a scale of Walking Simulator to Dark Souls and does it require a special screwdriver head?

You'll need a Tri-Wing Screwdriver.

I was wondering which raplcement sticks you bought @Mr-Paul as I noticed there are some on eBay by ZedLabz but I'm guessing they are all pretty much the same.

I'm currently using the brand new controller I got with the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate pack but I would like to breathe new life into some of my old GC controllers.

As I was quietly sorting out a few bits and pieces, I found what I believe to be my original GC controller... it has definitely seen better days after a few thousand hours of use.

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I found what looks to be a good video showing how to replace the sticks as well...

It covers a few points that I hadn't considered and it's interesting to see how everything works.

I really do love the GameCube controller and I hope that it remains a viable method of control for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and other games for many years to come.

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7 hours ago, Nicktendo said:

Awesome! My control stick fell victim to the dog when I left it on the floor a few years ago, so I need to do the same. How simple was it on a scale of Walking Simulator to Dark Souls and does it require a special screwdriver head?

This is the one I bought: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F391307038012

As SCG said, you need a tri-wing screwdriver, which I bought from the same seller. They have an offer if you buy two items, you save 10 percent, so it came to just £3.63 for the pair. Ordered on the Wednesday night, came on Saturday morning. 

I'm not good with fiddly things myself but this was simple - just unscrew, lift off Z button and wire, lift circuit board, replace stick, then reassemble. Haven't looked at the video above, but there's an ifixit guide that I used which you can find if you Google it. 

Hope that helps - going to order another for myself now for my other controller that is back at my parents' house! 

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On 1/6/2019 at 9:04 PM, Mr-Paul said:

So as well as getting the wireless gamecube switch controller, I sorted this out with my original cube controller! 


Jeese! Did a dog get at your old stick? Or were you just hungry while you were playing and ran out of snacks?

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Picked up a Power A Wireless GameCube controller for the Nintendo Switch, mainly to use with Smash Bros Ultimate but this one also has the extra Switch buttons so can work as a Switch Pro Controller with other games too :)

I forgot how comfortable the GameCube controller is.

Nintendo should have kept this form factor for all it's pro controllers post-Gamecube gen.


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1 hour ago, FalcoLombardi said:

For some reason I recently became interested in Nier Automata. Anyone think that those main characters have a chance of making it in as a DLC character? There's the Platinum and Square Enix connection. And I'm hoping that a port of that game is coming to the Switch soon.

Just a gut feeling this, but I don't think a second Square Enix rep would be coming from Nier of all things.

I mean, at least with Joker, you could argue that Persona is one of Atlus' more well-known series. But Square has much bigger series to draw from.

I'd be all over a Nier Automata port though.

Edited by Glen-i
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1 hour ago, FalcoLombardi said:

For some reason I recently became interested in Nier Automata. Anyone think that those main characters have a chance of making it in as a DLC character? There's the Platinum and Square Enix connection. And I'm hoping that a port of that game is coming to the Switch soon.

Unless a Switch port of Nier Automata happens? Impossible.


There are only two rules Sakurai has mentioned for including 3rd party characters in Smash.


1: They must have originated from a video game (so no Shrek you numbskulls!)

2: They must have a history on Nintendo platforms (Cloud appeared in both Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and in Theatrhythm 1 & 2, so he qualifies; while Joker appears in Persona Q2, so he qualifies too).


None of the Nier characters have ever appeared on a Nintendo platform, so the answer is no.


If we do get another S-E rep, my money is on either Erdrick (From Dragon Quest 1) or Crono (From Chrono Trigger).

Edited by Dcubed
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46 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Unless a Switch port of Nier Automata happens? Impossible.


There are only two rules Sakurai has mentioned for including 3rd party characters in Smash.


1: They must have originated from a video game (so no Shrek you numbskulls!)

2: They must have a history on Nintendo platforms (Cloud appeared in both Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and in Theatrhythm 1 & 2, so he qualifies; while Joker appears in Persona Q2, so he qualifies too).


None of the Nier characters have ever appeared on a Nintendo platform, so the answer is no.


If we do get another S-E rep, my money is on either Erdrick (From Dragon Quest 1) or Crono (From Chrono Trigger).

I wouldn't be surprised if Sakurai pulls a sneaky on us and changes the rules, though. Heck, I can even see him removing an assist trophy or two in order to make them a DLC player. Imagine the internet freakout if Waliugi was DLC. :laughing:

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Just finished World of Light....with a 99.67% completion....WTF?

I'm fairly OCD with these type of things, I made sure every area I was in I got all Spirits before I left.

Other than this little annoyance that I will try figure out tomorrow I LOVED World of Light.

Last few fights we're fantastic lovely but of fan service with that 2nd last fight ;)


And the final showdown...EPIC

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2 hours ago, Mokong said:

Just finished World of Light....with a 99.67% completion....WTF?

I'm fairly OCD with these type of things, I made sure every area I was in I got all Spirits before I left.

Other than this little annoyance that I will try figure out tomorrow I LOVED World of Light.

Last few fights we're fantastic lovely but of fan service with that 2nd last fight ;)


And the final showdown...EPIC


There's three endings, chances are you're missing the other two.


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7 hours ago, Mokong said:

Just finished World of Light....with a 99.67% completion....WTF?


Same happened to me. As Glen-i said, you have to finish each of the final bosses seperately, as they both count towards the percentage count.

I spent WAY too long scanning the worlds for spirits I missed until I read that online :p


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I'm on the third phase of the final boss, if I choose change party on the continue screen will that send me back to the start of the fight? Want to make some changes but worried it'll mean I have to start the whole thing over again. I would probably have beaten it by now if I didn't keep making stupid mistakes, I'm amazed I've got this far into it and still I'm not very good at the basics.

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I understand the need to make this game bigger and better than all the previous ones (it is called Ultimate after all), but it's all very confusing. There are just too many aspects of it - I feel it could have done with some streamlining. I mean, you have the spirits, which you upgrade with snacks, but you can also upgrade them with cores. The spirits have levels, but also power amounts. You collect gold coins, SP tokens, tickets, spirits (main and support), snacks, EXP, mii fighter costumes, normal points, battle and spirit items, golden hammers and god know what else. You can spend the SP on spirits, but also spend cores on new spirits? I don't even know what you spend the gold coins on. Continues? But also you can get continues with tickets. How do you replenish tickets? Probably by selling snacks to gain EXP and unlock more golden SP costumes. Why are there so many currencies?!

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11 minutes ago, bob said:

 I don't even know what you spend the gold coins on. Continues?

There's a shop in the Vault section. Spend gold there.

I can understand that everything can feel overwhelming though. There's a lot going on outside of fighting.

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19 hours ago, Mokong said:

Just finished World of Light....with a 99.67% completion....WTF?

A similar thing happened to me...


...and even after completing the additional boss fights I still wasn't at 100%.

Turns out I was missing something from one of the much earlier areas that appears to be completed (marked with a star on the main map) but actually isn't. So yeah, if it isn't the extra boss fights for you, chances are it'll be the same thing I was missing. In which case let me know and I'll jump in my adventure mode again and find out the name of that area. :)


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Making my way through the World of Light and have come across two that I just can’t do. 


In the bottom left of the map there is the Ganondorf stamina battle which I just can’t do, his sword hits just do me in, and there’s the spirit in the base for Dr Wily one where you have to be loads of metal mega man  in stamina mode again  I just can’t get anywhere in these  

I think I’m going to go back to classic mode for a bit and play through some of the fighters ive unlocked. 

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Yep it was the two bad endings I missed that left me at 99.67%

Didn't realise there were multiple endings haha.

Got my 100% now :)

Noticed there is now a New Game+ option....is there any benefit of doing that? Do I get to start with all fighters or will I have to awaken all over again?

Gonna try do everyone's Classic mode now....and hopefully get my elusive 9.9 :)


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4 hours ago, Mokong said:

Noticed there is now a New Game+ option....is there any benefit of doing that? Do I get to start with all fighters or will I have to awaken all over again?

You keep all your fighters, spirits and skills unlocked on the skill tree.

There are two things you'll need to do New Game + for.

- Chances are, you don't have every skill yet. One of the challenges is to get every single one of those. New Game + lets you get the chests again, which should get you the skill spheres needed to get there.

- This is more of an OCD thing, but the Dracula Primary Spirit is one of those enhanceable ones. So if you're like me and want one of every spirit on you, you'll have to play up until that Boss Fight again anyway.

Be warned though, if you start a New Game +, your previous save is overwritten. There are a number of challenges revolving around the final battle, so it might be best to do those first.

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I've noticed difficulty in Classic Mode varies wildly. Getting 9.9 with Snake took very little time, and I got it with Wolf & Mega Man in my first run, without even trying. But then I try with Chrom & Dark Samus (whose paths look easy), and I can't even reach the boss without dying.

Regardless, getting it with Link and Zelda felt like an achievement, since their boss is tricky to beat. Still can't do it with Simon.

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