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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Just now, ArtMediocre said:

Great set of games guys! Except for one bad lag, it went really smooth, and I was screaming with laughter more than once :D

Thanks for the games. I saved some replays, not sure if there's a way to share them yet.

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Always that one guy.. Shoutout to @Clownferret a.k.a. "Mr. youtube guy".

16 hours ago, Mokong said:

In World of Light, the Yuri Kozukata spirit is doing my head in. Her assist trophy continually spawns and her attacks do stupid damage and freeze you in place so the Zelda clone and just destory you gggrrrr

That fucking camera man.

4 hours ago, Mokong said:

At the first crossroad which character did ye go for? I went for Shiek first but didn't know it would lock the other two paths, had I known that I would have gone with Martha but I resisting doing a reset and said I made my choice I gonna stick with it.

Also Sheik.. To be honest I had no real preference for any of those 3.

4 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

What main Spirit is everyone rocking? I managed to level up Salamance to the max ( did everyone get him when the game first fired up or is it random )

Purely because I love Chibi. Got him from the one of two amiibos I own (also scanned poochie). And yeah it seems to be random. My "first boot-up present" was a guy named Gangrel. But I keep using Chibi now i have him, even though the game complains a lot about having a disadvantage.

I have checked out most of the stuff yesterday.. Did classic mode with Samus (confirms I'm not good enough for a real boss apparently), had a few fun online battles with @martinist @LazyBoy & @Tim B, did a little bit of World of Light (though I prefer unlocking characters with those random battles that pop-up), did a few spirit challenges, and one of those 100 enemies challenges. Just now I checked out the music player mode and created a playlist. It works! Still haven't unlocked Jigglypuff sadly. I'll go try some more classic mode, and I'll probably be online tonight for some more ehm, online games.

Edited by Sméagol
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The fans on Twitter were doing my head in all year going on about Smash constantly and pretty much ignoring every other great game that has come out on the Switch this year. But I have to admit, they were right. This is the best game to appear on the Switch in 2018, though I do think it is a significant step up from the last few entries in the series.

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

There is an INSANE amount of creativity in the Spirits mode. It's amazing how the fighters have been customized to look and fight like characters from other games. Its so impressive and also funny at the same time. Very clever stuff.

I fully agree, World of Light is awesome!!

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Just held a 16 player tourney at the local community centre, BTW. Glad to have that feature back.

Finals was a match between a King K. Rool and a Bayonetta. It was tense as hell! Right down to the wire! That King K. Rool kid had to work damn hard for his box of chocolates!

Also, I recently noticed that a lot of Shulk's air attacks come out much quicker. I like it when characters I like get buffs!


The Rathalos fight in this game cracks me up! Everything about it is incredibly silly.

There's a lot of lovely secret techniques for Monster Hunter fans to exploit. You can throw a Deku Nut at it's face to stun it, use a pitfall to stop it flying around. Even damaging it's tail enough causes it to drop goodies!

They did their research and it shows!


Edited by Glen-i
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Just catching up. Unsurprisingly this thread moves fast...


Joker from Persona 5 being in Smash takes on a new dimension when you realise that he's voice by Xander Mobus. So, the announcer gets to announce himself!



Been playing World of Light but my main thing has been trying to unlock all the characters, I want to get all 74 characters unlocked asap before I take the game to some friends. I also decided to record my attempts to unlock the brand new characters:



I've made a special custom ruleset called "Unlock Fighters Mode" which is essentially a one stock mode. After each unlocked fighter I reset the game and do it again and it immediately comes up with the next fighter. Using this method I have unlocked about 90% of the roster.


I've also imported my Mii Fighter collection over from Smash Wii U and 3DS. Well, as much of which I wanted to bring over plus a few new ones:



Also been checking out the new Palutena's Guidence and there are some amazing quotes in here:





Snake wasn't so lucky however...



Taking time off the game for now, I've got a new job starting soon which I have to prepare for, rotten timing that the new Smash Bros game happens to come out right before to disrupt such preperation.

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What controller are we all using for this then? 

Ive picked up the Power A GC wireless controller (which also works for all other Switch games) and i absolutely love it. 

My only concern is when I have to play in handheld mode as i cant imagine the buttons and placement of them lend themselves too well to Smash. 

Especially having been used to this GC controller now. 

I could play undocked and still connect the GC controller i suppose! 

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4 hours ago, Ashley said:

Is there a decent 4 controller GameCube adaptor that is wireless? My TV is the best part of 3 metres from the sofas and wires are so 2003.

Only thing I'm aware of is this, but you'll need to buy 4. I also think it maps it as a Pro controller as the grab is on L/R and block is on the Z button. http://www.8bitdo.com/gbros/ They also take 2 AA batteries.

20 minutes ago, Aneres11 said:

What controller are we all using for this then? 

Ive picked up the Power A GC wireless controller (which also works for all other Switch games) and i absolutely love it. 

My only concern is when I have to play in handheld mode as i cant imagine the buttons and placement of them lend themselves too well to Smash. 

Especially having been used to this GC controller now. 

I could play undocked and still connect the GC controller i suppose! 

Gamecube controller. Remember to use it undocked you'll need a USB-A hub to USB-C.


5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Just held a 16 player tourney at the local community centre, BTW. Glad to have that feature back.

Finals was a match between a King K. Rool and a Bayonetta. It was tense as hell! Right down to the wire! That King K. Rool kid had to work damn hard for his box of chocolates!

Also, I recently noticed that a lot of Shulk's air attacks come out much quicker. I like it when characters I like get buffs!

  Marth/Yoshi Classic Mode boss spoiler (Reveal hidden contents)

The Rathalos fight in this game cracks me up! Everything about it is incredibly silly.

There's a lot of lovely secret techniques for Monster Hunter fans to exploit. You can throw a Deku Nut at it's face to stun it, use a pitfall to stop it flying around. Even damaging it's tail enough causes it to drop goodies!

They did their research and it shows!


Yeah, that was a nice touch, I was wondering why they gave such seemingly random items until I realised.

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5 minutes ago, Ike said:

Only thing I'm aware of is this, but you'll need to buy 4. I also think it maps it as a Pro controller as the grab is on L/R and block is on the Z button. http://www.8bitdo.com/gbros/ They also take 2 AA batteries.

Gamecube controller. Remember to use it undocked you'll need a USB-A hub to USB-C.


Yeah, that was a nice touch, I was wondering why they gave such seemingly random items until I realised.


I picked up a wireless one so it’s useable undocked thankfully. 

None of this wired nonsense. :p

Although for those who play competitively I’m sure wired is preferred. :) 

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