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Mario Tennis Aces

Tim B

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I think the core game seems solid.

Take away the special shots, pick up a couple of GameCube controllers and just play offline local multiplayer with standard tennis rules and I feel it will be a much better experience.

Of course I'll still play the single player story content but I can't see myself being that bothered about playing the online... much.

It still feels like the best Mario Tennis game I've played since the N64 and GameCube versions.

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Over the course of last night and today I've gone from a "meh, maybe when it's half price" to "Day 1!"

Absolutely fantastic demo, well done Nintendo, they've sold me on this completely. I've always been a much bigger fan of the Golf series, but loved Tennis on the 64, never played the GC version and almost threw up when I saw what content the Wii U version was packing.

The mechanics are solid, the gimmicks add a fantastic risk / reward element that never feels cheap. The characters handle differently and suit different play styles (though I'd like to see Chain Chomp nerfed significantly). Looking forward to trying the story mode and seeing what other stadiums and characters they include, hoping for a lot of variation.

I've just won my first tournament and I think I'm gonna call time on this demo, as much as I appreciate Camelot's unique approach to in-game music, I don't know how much more of this tune I can take... :D Despite my pitifully slow connection I've only encountered minor lag, and after finding out you could reject opponents, I just said no to anyone with 2 bars or lower and it's been silky smooth ever since, and I always managed to find another game within seconds. Excellent. Long may pre-release weekend demos / trials continue. 


Edited by Nicktendo
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29 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

@Nicktendo raises a great point and I feel like this is very important, so I'll reiterate it.

You can reject players if you don't like the look of their signal strength.

90% of the time, this will avoid laggy matches.

I'm just hoping this demo has given Nintendo the feedback they need to improve online stability before the release. Let's not forget, many people will be paying for this service soon, so it has to be up to scratch.

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31 minutes ago, DuD said:

The amount of people that do that return special and don't realise its a waste of their special and they're still gonna lose the point. 

Especially if their opponent does a drop shot.

Works way too often.

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No automatic alt text available.Done at the third time of asking (After reaching a Final) and my only match not against another Rosalina player. The final was actually easier than some of my early round matches but that feeling of reading the announcer calling the game in my favour was so satisfying, shortly after I pulled up the eShop and put my pre-order down, great little title and I hope to take part in some N-Europe tournaments on the main games release.

My final demo Record:

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OK, what's with this malarkey where people can Zone shot directly from their serve!? Have seen it multiple times already and it's very annoying. :mad: Anyone else encounter this?

Anyway, final stats:


@Emerald Emblem, ending on 64 matches virtual high five! :cool::heh:

Despite a few issues I am still very much looking forward to the full game, and of course some N-E match-ups. :) 


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4 minutes ago, RedShell said:

OK, what's with this malarkey where people can Zone shot directly from their serve!? Have seen it multiple times already and it's very annoying. :mad: Anyone else encounter this?

@Emerald Emblem, ending on 64 matches virtual high five! :cool::heh:

Despite a few issues I am still very much looking forward to the full game, and of course some N-E match-ups. :) 


I use it sometimes, just serve using the zoneshot button, trade off is that you only have one area to aim at so it's a risky manoeuvre.

Also I didn't realise that, virtual high five. lol

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Final tally for me. Only got to play a bit last night and some today so not as many games as some of you, Best I did was a semi final which I lost to a Toad player.



Had this amazing 33 hit rally earlier today too. Shame it only got the tail end of it. It was awesome.


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Downloaded this on a whim. I've never been able to really get into Mario Tennis even though I enjoy the real sport and I love the idea it kind if just never happened. I remember there was one Mario Tennis game I enjoyed, I think on the N64 but I never properly bought into the series.




LOVE this.

I've honestly not had this much laugh-out-loud fun playing a game in ages. It's relatively easy to pick up, although I'm hoping in the final game it goes into shot selection a little more and reveals it's almost hidden mechanics a little more, too (like placing your body in relation to the racket hit, shot timing, how taunting benefits you over a whole match, etc,.). I'm sure it will with its single campaign and all, so that's not an issue – I just have high hopes and it looks like I won't be let down.


I have a couple issues. Rosalina is a bullshit character. I hate that she floats. It makes reading her shifting momentum frustratingly hard to read and she can curve shot like a mo-fo, which compounds the matter. Maybe I just need to play a few more matches against her but my first impressions of here were that she has an annoying Oddjob advantages to her. Maybe this was just me. Did anyone else have this issue?

Second issue, as many of you have pointed out, is the online. It can be good, but it can be abjectly awful (when it's good it's good so when it's bad it feels brutally unfair). I like that you can choose your opponent and avoid really crap connections, but I think I only ever encountered one person with 4 bars – the rest were 3 bars and I rejected anyone lower. So it was nice to have that kind of control, I really appreciate that. But, the connection just shouldn't be that unreliable. And I think without fail, the connection always degraded as the match went on. It never seemed to improve. If Nintendo want to charge for its online, this cannot continue.


Ignoring the online issue, I had some super intense and fun matches. Trying to read the opponent was a lot of fun. I ended up in a massive rally against someone who seemed about my level and we basically pulled out every trick in the book. I had a full charge bar but decided to keep it in the pocket and managed to lob him for the point. Felt super satisfying to be a part of. I kind of wish there was a way of communicating in game in the same was as Rocket League or Overwatch. I know you can taunt but I think like a 'Well played' line would be cool, or something like that. (The cynic in me thinks someone would find a way to abuse it.)


Anyway, super excited for this. I wish it was out this week. But whatever, it's pre-ordered.

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22 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Am I the only one who never uses trick shots? There just doesn't seem to be enough time to anticipate needing it to move to the other side of the court and then pulling it off.

I  found a good way to use them was to basically hug one side of the court, giving your opponent good reason to go for the wide open space and then when they fall for the invitation, just twinkle-toe moonwalk (because I'm playing as Waluigi) across the court and bam it back over for a pretty good chance of a winning shot and a nice bit of charge.

Some trick shots are easier to pull off than others, too. So it might be worth using it more with some people. I played someone who was Toad who was annoying good at getting their Trick Shot.

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48 minutes ago, Daft said:

I  found a good way to use them was to basically hug one side of the court, giving your opponent good reason to go for the wide open space and then when they fall for the invitation, just twinkle-toe moonwalk (because I'm playing as Waluigi) across the court and bam it back over for a pretty good chance of a winning shot and a nice bit of charge.

Some trick shots are easier to pull off than others, too. So it might be worth using it more with some people. I played someone who was Toad who was annoying good at getting their Trick Shot.

You wanna be careful though. Do that too often and someone might cop on and then fake you out by aiming the ball right at your face. Leaving you stylishly moving away from the ball. It's also worth noting that if someone decides to do a zone shot suddenly. Trick shots make it even harder to successfully block the ball.

I've done that a few times already.

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I try to mix things up as much a possible. The easiest opponents are the predictable ones, ha! Although I'm sure if I watched some of my games back there are things that I do a bit too much. One thing I'm pretty certain of is that I usually push forward toward the net the longer a rally goes on for.

I've definitely not got the hang of trick shots and such, I cannot block to save my life.

Although I did KO someone using Bowser in a Semi-Final match. I hadn't actually realised I'd already broken on of his rackets. :p

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That trailer, despite being hilarious, also shows that you can challenge shots (Have a hissy fit and say that was SO not out) when you're playing with motion controls. (Officially called Swing Mode)

That's an interesting decision, you'd think with video game Tennis, you wouldn't need to do that.

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4 hours ago, markderoos said:

Please add a playable Nadal Mii as post launch free DLC.

Or better yet, not a Mii version but a realistic one. It will be ‘MK8 X Mercedes’ all over again! 😂

I would be A-OK with Nadal VS Boo. The Ultimate Tennis Match.

Worked pretty well for Danica Patrick.


This was a thing and I loved it!

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Mario Tennis Aces will get two additional playable characters after launch: Koopa Troopa and Blooper. Nintendo announced today that the characters will be added to the game as free, downloadable content this summer.

But there’s a bit of a twist to how Nintendo is rolling out Koopa Troopa and Blooper: Players will only be able to get access to those characters early if they take part in online tournaments for Mario Tennis Aces.

During a Nintendo Treehouse Live stream at E3 on Wednesday, a Treehouse employee named Roxanne revealed that Koopa Troopa will be available for every Mario Tennis Acesowner on Aug. 1, but that players can get early access to the character in July.

“If you participate in the online tournament that will be held in July after the game launches [and] if you earn enough points in the tournament, you can earn Koopa Troopa as a playable character early,” Roxanne said. “Otherwise, he will be available for everyone starting Aug. 1.”

Similarly, players who take part in an online tournament in August will get access to Blooper early. For everyone else, Blooper will be unlocked in September.

Interesting take on unlocking characters. I quite like it.

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