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Are you a pessimist or an optimist?


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I've been thinking about this quite a lot lately and I'm just trying to figure out where I'm at.


Generally, I'd say that I am (or maybe I used to be) an optimistic person. However, these days, I wonder if my balance has shifted and I'd class myself as a bit of a pessimist. I'd say that I'm a lot more cynical these days, mainly down to bullshit with work. Just curious what others thought about themselves, too.

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I would like to say that I'm just a realist - I tend to go for the most likely outcome of an action rather than focusing on the negative or positive outcome. However, if someone is told to answer for me, they would probably say that I'm pessimistic to some extend as that's what reality most likely is.

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I would like to say that I'm just a realist - I tend to go for the most likely outcome of an action rather than focusing on the negative or positive outcome. However, if someone is told to answer for me, they would probably say that I'm pessimistic to some extend as that's what reality most likely is.


You're clearly a pessimist.

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Saying you're a realist is such a pointless and bullshit answer. Most people think their outlook is realistic, otherwise they wouldn't think that way.


Usually people who say they're a realist are pessimists but don't want to seem miserable.


Unless you have some sort of personality disorder where you don't feel hopes and desires as normal people do.

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It kind of depends. In terms of other people, I always seem to see the "good" in them. If someone does something bad, then I'd think or a rational reason for it. So I'm optimistic in that regard.


When it comes to myself...extremely pessimistic.

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Saying you're a realist is such a pointless and bullshit answer. Most people think their outlook is realistic, otherwise they wouldn't think that way.


Usually people who say they're a realist are pessimists but don't want to seem miserable.


Unless you have some sort of personality disorder where you don't feel hopes and desires as normal people do.


Er. No? One can be neither pessimistic or optimistic but merely looking at the facts. If something is inclined to happen then you expect it to happen. Pessimistic would be to expect the opposite to happen even though it's unlikely. If you always expect the negative outcome of an action then you're pessimistic but if you switch views depending on the odds then I would say it's more realistic.

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Er. No? One can be neither pessimistic or optimistic but merely looking at the facts. If something is inclined to happen then you expect it to happen. Pessimistic would be to expect the opposite to happen even though it's unlikely. If you always expect the negative outcome of an action then you're pessimistic but if you switch views depending on the odds then I would say it's more realistic.


So you never feel hopeful about anything? You never feel down about something when everyone else is positive? You rigorously analyse every possibility and only ever follow the most likely outcome of an event?


I'm guessing you've never gambled or played the lottery. I'm guessing you've never taken out insurance.


Everybody occasionally views things optimistically or pessimistically. An optimist doesn't view everything hopefully, and vice versa. Everyone switches depending on "the odds". The question is more about your general view on life. Do you tend to view things positively or negatively.

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So you never feel hopeful about anything? You never feel down about something when everyone else is positive? You rigorously analyse every possibility and only ever follow the most likely outcome of an event?


I'm guessing you've never gambled or played the lottery. I'm guessing you've never taken out insurance.


Everybody occasionally views things optimistically or pessimistically. An optimist doesn't view everything hopefully, and vice versa. Everyone switches depending on "the odds". The question is more about your general view on life. Do you tend to view things positively or negatively.


Of course I feel hopeful and down. I'm not a robot. But I wouldn't characterize myself as completely pessimistic or completely optimistic, it very much depends on the situation. On life matters, though, I just think I flow with it, think about the odds. For instance, and this is a secret (:smile:), we're working on getting a child and since there's a 17 % chance each month to get pregnant, I just don't think it'll happen right away, though it most likely eventually will. Is that pessimistic?


I never gamble, no, not with money at least, and I certainly don't play the lottery! I don't know what you mean with "taken out the insurance". I have insurance and I've used it when I get my bike stolen or when my 3DS was drowned in a downpour.


Edit: I do think that most pessimists do indeed know that they are pessimistic and thus not necessarily realistic in their expectations but that they just don't want to be disappointed. I think that's also why most people are in fact pessimistic - it's better to be pleasantly surprised than be let down hard.

Edited by MindFreak
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When I was younger and my health was better, I was optimistic to the point of delusion and naivety. I thought my body would fight off anything and repair any injury because, well, it always did.


At the same time, I was a much harsher critic of things that didn't really matter. I remember on here I used to moan about Metroid Prime just because I found it too difficult back then, and got really angry about how the Wii was sub-par. Nowadays I'd just think "So what?" (not necessarily a good thing, because it means you're less passionate).


As I've got older and my health has become worse, I only get upset about things that really bother me. There's no way I'd moan about a TV programme or film that I found disappointing, for example. In most cases they did their best, and if they couldn't quite pull it off, so what?


On a personal level I have almost no optimism left. On the World Stage, I'm neither optimistic nor pessimistic - there are a lot of good people and some very bad people, and you just can't guess how things will work out.

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I'd say I'm an optimist. I try to see the good side in every development, and to overlook the negative when I can. Not to say I ignore it, as one needs to learn from mistakes (both mine and others'), it's just that focusing on the bad things for too long can easily bring people down, and end up doing more harm than good.


It's also possible that the question might refer to the difference between an idealist and a cynic. An idealist expects the best (even when it is unlikely, and even harmful to do so), whereas a cynic expects the worst (even when it is unlikely, and even harmful to do so). This is where calling yourself a "realist" makes more sense.


It's certainly best to be a realist, but I think we're all predisposed towards being a bit more cynical or a bit more idealistic. I like to think I'm more on the side of idealism, myself.

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I'm... well i dunno,



I have an analytical mind that ALWAYS tries to figure out what is the WORST possible case scenario in any situation in life. And I think about these things deeply. I can always find flaws & bugs in systems, if it can be broken I can do it. Yet I'm EXTREMELY optimistic in life, always look on the bright side while being prepared and aware of the possible downfalls.

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