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Super Mario Switch


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I'm getting the impression it's leaning more towards 3D World at the moment tbh. Perhaps also with the console being portable for multiplayer.


As far as we know, the Switch doesen't have 3D. So there is NO point in having the same top-down camera and tile-based levels. Hope this is changed to the final version.

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I'm getting the impression it's leaning more towards 3D World at the moment tbh. Perhaps also with the console being portable for multiplayer.


Hmmm... the camera seems to contradict this. Visually and thematically, it seems closest to 3D World, yes, but as far as the actual gameplay goes, it seems to be returning to the 64/Sunshine approach instead of the fixed camera.

Which would mean multiplayer is probably not a feature, at least not couch multiplayer.


Keyword is "seems", though, there's no conclusive evidence either way.

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Honestly if it's like 3D World I take back everything I've said in the last 24 hours and I will not buy a Switch. And I loved that game too, but it was like a Mario game stripped back for small children.

Oh my God, please don't let it be called Super Mario Switch. In fact, please just don't add "Switch" to the end of everything Nintendo, it sounds insanely dumb...

I really doubt they will. As I pointed out somewhere else, Switch is an integral mechanic. It doesn't lend itself to gameplay, it doesn't mean anything once you've turned it on and started playing. 64 however was used to say "this is the 64-bit version of this", "Wii" as a suffix meant "it's the motion controls outing!" and "Wii U" was to say "this is the version that uses the tablet" etc..

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As I pointed out somewhere else, Switch is an integral mechanic. It doesn't lend itself to gameplay


One of the added features to Mario Kart is being able to Switch between two items. I'm pretty sure that was done purely because of the name.

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After re-watching I've noticed it does move freely! A big sigh of relief. I always overreact to new Mario games, oops :laughing:


Calling what we've seen of this game "disgusting"? An overreaction?? Nooo.... :grin:


The camera and moveset feels deliberate to imply this is more 64/Sunshine/Galaxy than 3D Land/World. I hope this makes the haters of those two excellent Mario games happy.


It's nice to see some love for 3D Land and 3D World. The latter is probably my favourite 3D Mario game, though I do agree this one seems a half way step between 3DW and 64.

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One of the added features to Mario Kart is being able to Switch between two items. I'm pretty sure that was done purely because of the name.


Nah, it was done to annoy me. That's the only reason. I wont accept any other reason, no matter how sensible they may be!


If that's actually the reason, then it's a horribly misguided step that will encourage the boring over-defensive play that made Mario Kart Wii as boring as it was.

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3D World was the Wii U one. Yep the 3D name was stupid.


Yes, but the reason for the art style in 3D Land was that the 3DS had 3D and that art style was supposed to make the effect clearer.


3D World has always seemed to me like a rush job. When I first saw it, I immediately thought it was just supposed to hold us over until the REAL 3D Mario came out.


While I know that running a company is quite difficult and that every decision needs a whole lot of meetings between a whole lot of people, I still can't help imagining that things went down something like:


Reggie: "3D Mario U is taking too long, what do we do?"

Iwata: "Take 3D Land, make a few new levels and make mild improvements to the graphics."

Reggie: "Good idea. That shouldn't take more than six months. Then we could release TWO 3D Mario games for the Wii U. Which could save the system!"

Iwata: "Yeah, about that... Shift development of Mario U to our next system"

Reggie: "BRILL... Wait, what?"

Iwata: "Also, delay Breath of the Wild until the release of our as of yet unannounced console"

Reggie: "But we won't release that console for another three years. And Zelda's almost finished"

Iwata: "Well, keep our customers in the dark about it. And to distract them, make some more small games. How about two quick and cheap sidescrollers"

Reggie: "We've already released seven sidescrollers on the system. They didn't increase hardware sales AT ALL. We need something different. People want Animal Crossing, Starfox, F-Ze..."

Iwata: "GOD, do I have to think of everything around here? Here's 100 bucks. Go to the Unity Asset Store, buy the 5 dollar Board Game kit, then use the rest of the money to have a programmer insert some Animal Crossing art assets. Tell him he'll get another 100 bucks if it has Amiibo support as well"

Reggie: "Umm... That won't hold people over for three years"

Iwata: "Well, then drag Miyamoto out from his fucking hole and have him participate in gamejams. Then show these gamejam prototypes to the press at E3. What do you mean people won't be impressed? Ever heard of Goat Simulator?"

Reggie: "o.0"

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3D World looked and felt pretty great, imo. But, it seemed to be lacking something that would keep me hooked all the way to the end. It looked lovely, it sounded nice and it was smooth. It's very clinical. For me, I personally loved the level/hub design of both Mario 64 and Sunshine. Running around Isle Delfino was great. I almost feel that 3D World was too self-contained. A sequence of levels that weren't quite woven together in a way that I liked.

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3D World looked and felt pretty great, imo. But, it seemed to be lacking something that would keep me hooked all the way to the end. It looked lovely, it sounded nice and it was smooth. It's very clinical. For me, I personally loved the level/hub design of both Mario 64 and Sunshine. Running around Isle Delfino was great. I almost feel that 3D World was too self-contained. A sequence of levels that weren't quite woven together in a way that I liked.


As much as I loved the graphics and level design of 3D World, the gameplay just wasn't exciting. Playing a game built around the limitations of a d-pad made the game feel so clunky. Mario felt much better to control in Mario 64 and Sunshine (and even the Galaxy games).


It's telling that the footage showed Mario performing a triple jump and then a long jump. In the latter, Mario retains all of his forward momentum, just as he did in SM64, which immediately suggests that the game will have a full physics engine which is very exciting. If they can take the movement options of Mario 64 and the level design of 3D World, we're in for a treat.


Funnily enough, I would LOVE for them to include a 'Mario Chase' style multiplayer game into this. It's genuinely one of my favourite games in NintendoLand and I'd love to see it again.

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From the camera angle and the seemingly linear nature of the level, it gave me a Crash Bandicoot vibe more than anything.


My preference would be a 64/Sunshine style 3D Mario, but would be interested to see if they take it in a different direction.

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From the camera angle and the seemingly linear nature of the level, it gave me a Crash Bandicoot vibe more than anything.


My preference would be a 64/Sunshine style 3D Mario, but would be interested to see if they take it in a different direction.


We need a Mario Cricket, brah.

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I just watched the Gamexplain analysis of the footage and it suddenly got me excited for this :yay:



It obviously doesn't reveal much but it's great to see things pointed out that you may not notice or even have considered. I can't wait for my next 3D Mario adventure :yay:

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The world is already in a bad enough state. Don't inflict more cricket on it.


Admit it, if they ever released a Mario Cricket you would snap it up.


I can imagine it now. A Mushroom Kingdom touring XI playing cricket on Isle Delfino. Luigi valiantly building an innings against aggressive fast bowling from Wario. Donkey Kong keeping wicket, sledging from Waluigi, Toadsworth umpiring, Peach and Daisy preparing the teas...


Would be a real system seller I reckon.

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Admit it, if they ever released a Mario Cricket you would snap it up.


I can imagine it now. A Mushroom Kingdom touring XI playing cricket on Isle Delfino. Luigi valiantly building an innings against aggressive fast bowling from Wario. Donkey Kong keeping wicket, sledging from Waluigi, Toadsworth umpiring, Peach and Daisy preparing the teas...


Would be a real system seller I reckon.


Can I just have the champagne and strawberries?

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