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I guess most of you have a pint at least every once in a while. What beer do you usually go for? Are you into Real Ale or craft beers? Ever been to any beer festivals, or gone abroad and tried something completely different?


In more recent years I've been more into ales than anything else. I don't really have one type/style I prefer above all others, although I'm liking darker beers like porters and stouts at the moment.


I've been to the Welsh beer festival for the last 5 years, and the big one in London the last 2. They've generally been nice relaxed events with a great selection of stuff to try. I try to be sensible and not overdo it and it seems most people attending also do the same. I've rarely seen 'lad' binge drinking happen at them. I've also been on holiday to Munich and Belgium in the last few years, tried some really great beers there.

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I don't drink very often these days...


...but when I do I tend to drink Doom Bar. ;)


It was originally a local ale but you can get it in a lot of different places now, it still tastes pretty decent and I would recommend it. :)

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All beer in the UK is awful, even the "premium" imported beers... if you go to the places those beers come from the locals will tell you it's cheap shit!


I've been to a few places but the best beer I've ever had is the Riegele Wieße bier, from the Riegele Brewery in Augsburg. Amazing stuff!




Plärrer Bier Festival, Augsburg:



I'm not sure how to embed just a video. ::shrug:



I'm a whiskey drinker really though, Laphroig, Lagavulin and Talisker being amongst my favourites.

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I'm more of a cider, brah. Buuuuut, I do enjoy Belgian Beer!




Duvel! It's pretty awesome.


I also like Cristal Alken.




Kriek is also nice from what I remember.




Not a fan of drinking beer when in the UK. But, I enjoy it a lot more in Belgium.

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I have to hang my head in shame as a Belgian and say that I don't actually like beer... :(


I prefer white wine and cider to be honest. Though the one type of beer I will drink (and which is hard/impossible to find here I think), is a kriek. Basically it's a beer with specific cherry flavour (the type of cherry is called kriek, hence the name). There are versions with raspberry too I think. It's a lovely beer to have on a warm Summer's day, sitting outside in the sun at a café (Belgian pub). :)




Other than that, I use Leffe Brown to make my Belgian beef stew. I haven't actually tried it yet by itself, but I can tell that it's quite a strong beer. Works great in the stew though!



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The darker the better. Though I'll try anything really. European beers don't make it over here a ton, as I'm sure Michigan beers don't make it there.


As of current I decided to try a hard ginger ale and it is horrible. The worst ginger ale...

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My current favourite is Einstok White Ales. Very crisp and refreshing.


I don't like beers that are too hoppy.


All beer in the UK is awful, even the "premium" imported beers... if you go to the places those beers come from the locals will tell you it's cheap shit!


If you'd have made that statement 10 years ago you'd be correct. But now there are so many good pubs and bars that sell huge ranges of excellent beers. If you still think all beer in the UK is awful then you're going to the wrong places.

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My current favourite is Einstok White Ales. Very crisp and refreshing.


I don't like beers that are too hoppy.


If you'd have made that statement 10 years ago you'd be correct. But now there are so many good pubs and bars that sell huge ranges of excellent beers. If you still think all beer in the UK is awful then you're going to the wrong places.


I'm not going to the wrong places, I'm just comparing the beers here to Bavarian bier... bought and drank in the brewery's themselves. It's just an unfair comparison, that's all. Haha


I know it's not crap here, it's just not as (nowhere near) good.

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I’m much more of a whiskey drinker nowadays (less calories, tastes bloody amazing) but I love a great craft beer. Nothing too hoppy but I love the variety of flavours that you can get in the UK now, particularly from the ever growing U.S beer scene.


I really enjoy West Coast I.P.A’s (there is a specific hop they use that tastes insanely good..very crisp finish). I’d recommend hunting down a bottle of Bear State by the guys at Thornebridge if you get the chance as it’s fantastic. Their Jaipur IPA is also fantastic without being overpowering.


My ‘go to’ beers are almost always Sierra Nevada or Anchor Steam (not the lager). The latter especially has a very coppery finish. Einstok is also highly recommended. Me and @MoogleViper used to visit a Wetherspoons in Nottingham where we’d be able to buy 3 for a fiver!


I’ve pretty much stopped drinking lager, with the exception of when it’s the only thing available OR when I’m about to have a big drinking sessions. In the words of @Zell, ‘you need a lager to get your body ready.’ Ha ;)


Anyway, beer is great. I stopped drinking it after I finished being a student as I only drank cheap beer (Stella, Carlsberg etc) throughout my teens and early 20's. The beer scene in Nottingham is so damn good that I got drawn back into it once Moogle moved here. I’m pretty convinced that there’s a beer for everyone, so even if you’re not much of drinker, try some craft beer. It’s super rewarding once you begin to explore different flavours and find one that suits you.

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Hugely cut out beer and cider about 18 months ago, been the biggest contributor to weight loss for me, I think. I still have it on occasion, usually just a nice pale or golden ale. With cider I actually try and lean towards the stronger, dryer options now as you're less likely to chug down masses of it. The sweet stuff like bulmers and strongbow are just like soft drinks, far too easy to consume a lot of.


I'm more partial to a glass of red these days or a G&T. Rum and coke when I'm not worried about what the caffeine's gonna do to me :p whiskey when I'm feeling especially dignified.

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I love beer. Lager, ale. Most things.

And cider. Dry or fruity.

And wine. Red or white or rosé or sparkling.

And spirits. Not a G&T kind of guy really though.


I'm really not that fussy!


Although Carling is awful. Literally the worst. I'll drink pretty much anything else as long as it's cold!

I'm no real connoisseur. Although if I was to pick anything, it'd be a nice strong cider. An Old Rosie or Henry Weston's Vintage.

Or a bottle of dry white wine. Lovely. Bourbon. Or dark rum. Spirit of the gods.


I would like to try more craft beers/ales, but despite what my post might suggest, I don't actually drink too often! I will not down the suggestions in this thread and give some more of them a go!

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Not a big fan of complex craft beers, prefer a good simple lager.




Probably my favourite, never get sick of it. This is pretty boiler plate by Czech standards but it's still lovely. Went on a micro brewery tour in Prague last year and some of those were samples were amazing.

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The standard beers you get in pubs, i'm certainly getting bored with. However, since @Mandalore started introducing me to different beers, i've certainly grown a taste to different ones. Have been (with him) to beer festivals and various pubs serving craft beers.

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Not a big fan of complex craft beers, prefer a good simple lager.




Probably my favourite, never get sick of it. This is pretty boiler plate by Czech standards but it's still lovely. Went on a micro brewery tour in Prague last year and some of those were samples were amazing.


Nice Paul! I personally love a Carling :)

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