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So in other words you have the gall to say that the Pro was unnecessary and that that you have no idea why Sony is making it, yet now you don't have the balls to go on record for saying how poor you think it'll do. There's a U-turn hiding in plain sight.


Oh please, it's not a U turn I just have no idea about console sales and figures. As Shorty says, it works both ways, why don't you provide a figure of what you think it will sell then? If I had to guess from a position of ignorance, I'd say maybe 3 or 4 million by the end of the year I guess? I just don't think it won't sell particularly well because, as anyone with two eyes would see, it's a very hard sell.


I really don't know why you bought a PS4 (except maybe for a lack of games elsewhere). You're almost universally critical of anything not on a Nintendo platform, and you pretty much praise anything Nintendo releases.


What utter, utter nonsense and so typical of the ultra defensive on here.


I love my PS4. Watchdogs, Tomb Raider, Tearaway, Rocket League, AC Syndicate, The Order, Trials, Journey... all fantastic games that I enjoyed very much. I'm critical of the PS4 Pro and the PS4 UI, that's about it. I still prefer Nintendo games, they stick in my mind a lot longer and place the emphasis on gameplay, but as a system, I think the PS4 is fantastic.


Just because I don't bow down to everything Sony do like some on here. If Nintendo had done such a piss poor presentation as that Playstation Meeting they would have gotten slaughtered on here for it.

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I think the issue is how you can say something like 'big numbers' but not quantify it - tbh for a product like this I actually think 3-4million by year end may be pretty good numbers! The PS4's almost 2 years old, with 40 million sales at Mayish - getting 10% of that in a year for the PS4KPro is pretty good imo!


Once old stock is done - we're looking at the Slim and the Pro as the two available market models right? I'd like to say the Slim would do better by a ratio of X:Y - but the price difference might make some go for the Pro over the Slim to future-proof the console.


Do we think Sony will sell at the current rate, and another 20mil in the next year? If so, I'd probably go with a figure like Ronnie's and say 15-25% of them will be Pro models. Be interesting to see if we ever get a breakdown of the different SKU sales.


It would nice if they actually had a presentation.


Why is the meeting still bring branded as a presentation, when it's clearly been aimed to not be?

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Oh please, it's not a U turn I just have no idea about console sales and figures.


It certainly won't sell big numbers, but will make Sony a few extra quid, which I'm sure was the aim while they prep PS5.


But it won't do big numbers you said. If it won't do big numbers, what are those big numbers it won't do that cause you to think this was a waste of time on Sony's part?

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I never said it was a waste of time on Sony's part. They'll obviously make a few quid from it, but as a product/strategy, I find it stupid.


Well your comment was: "I'm just perplexed how they think a console like this was necessary or a good idea."


If it is going to make Sony a few quid, as you put it, that would seem to answer your questions quite nicely. You are aware businesses seek to make money? The people they are targeting are also ones with deeper pockets than most.

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Consumers will most likely see this an another SKU (if that's the right word). Sony are basically saying: instead of one PS4 model, we are now offering two options.


In terms of defining success, I'm sure Sony will looking at total PS4s sold first (which will probably remain steady) before analysing the ratio of Slim to Pro sales. So it will be difficult to quantify the success of the Pro in terms of its isolated raw sales figures.

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If I had to guess from a position of ignorance, I'd say maybe 3 or 4 million by the end of the year I guess? I just don't think it won't sell particularly well because, as anyone with two eyes would see, it's a very hard sell.

OK, perspective is important here.


PS4 Pro launches November 10. Assuming you mean calendar months, you're giving a period of roughly 1.6 months to judge it on but we'll categorise it as the last two for comparison, especially since sales will accelerate towards Christmas.


So November to December window 2015:


PS4 sold 8 million units (record sales for the period)

Wii U sold 1.5 million units (best since launch year)

Xbox One sold 4.6 million units (roughly even with 2014)

3DS 2.7 million (way down from 2014)


I'm using vgchartz year-on-year charts


The PS4 Pro being a bit of a luxury purchase even for gamers, you think 3-4 million would be a below-average result? I would've thought 1-2 million and that would be a good result for them at the launch price since PS4 Pro sales are only supplementary to their market share without fracturing a userbase the way PS3/PS4, Xbox 360/Xbox One or Wii/Wii U did.


If you can't agree on what will be "good" there certainly won't be any way to accept whether or not it's a success when the time rolls around.


Although I struggle to see why it matters that much anyway. As long as they're not selling at a loss, (factoring in all R&D) why does it have to fit a definite measure of success to make sense? It should still be a worthwhile measure for the industry just to take this leap and try it.

Edited by Shorty
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Well your comment was: "I'm just perplexed how they think a console like this was necessary or a good idea."


If it is going to make Sony a few quid, as you put it, that would seem to answer your questions quite nicely. You are aware businesses seek to make money? The people they are targeting are also ones with deeper pockets than most.


There's such a thing as engendering goodwill in your userbase, something Sony had been doing so well at this generation until the neo leaks hit and the "Playstation Meeting" horror show.


So yes I stand by my point, it's a half arsed 4K machine at a time when few people have 4K TVs, doesn't play UHD Blurays and who's HDR trump card will be available on both other PS4s = unecessary. If we're looking at it from a cold business point of view, it'll make Sony a bit richer so yes well done them, must be a good idea after all.


OK, perspective is important here.


PS4 Pro launches November 10. Assuming you mean calendar months, you're giving a period of roughly 1.6 months to judge it on but we'll categorise it as the last two for comparison, especially since sales will accelerate towards Christmas.


So November to December window 2015:


PS4 sold 8 million units (record sales for the period)

Wii U sold 1.5 million units (best since launch year)

Xbox One sold 4.6 million units (roughly even with 2014)

3DS 2.7 million (way down from 2014)


I'm using vgchartz year-on-year charts


The PS4 Pro being a bit of a luxury purchase even for gamers, you think 3-4 million would be a below-average result? I would've thought 1-2 million and that would be a good result for them at the launch price since PS4 Pro sales are only supplementary to their market share without fracturing a userbase the way PS3/PS4, Xbox 360/Xbox One or Wii/Wii U did.


If you can't agree on what will be "good" there certainly won't be any way to accept whether or not it's a success when the time rolls around.


Although I struggle to see why it matters that much anyway. As long as they're not selling at a loss, (factoring in all R&D) why does it have to fit a definite measure of success to make sense? It should still be a worthwhile measure for the industry just to take this leap and try it.


Fair enough, 3-4 million sold would higher than expected. As I said, I'm pretty ignorant about sales figures hence why I didn't suggest a number to begin with, until repeatedly pushed to do so. I'll stick with my predition that it certainly won't "clean up" this Christmas, and won't do big numbers.

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I reckon it'll sell at least 10.


I reckon it will sell at least...








...4K :awesome:


I think there will be AT LEAST literally dozens sold.


Man, all these predictions are positively dizzying! Calm your hype levels down, people!


It will sell more than the WiiU, simply based on the goodwill built with the PS4 so far.


Especially here in the UK, where it might as well be the only home console at the moment. I actually find it easier to find amiibos than finding WiiU games. Which is both funny and slightly upsetting.

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Nintendo should call all their Directs "meetings", it'll quash any criticism :laughing:


There's a very big difference here as you well know - much of what was being shown and needed to be shown at the 'Meeting' were indeed things you could only truly get and appreciate by being there over watching at home. There is no live and present audience for a direct. Also @Ronnie you continue to use the term 'big numbers' whilst offering no definition!! Are you saying your prediction of 3-4million is, or is not, a 'big number'? All contradictions it seems. I can't understand how you can use a term like 'big numbers' without having a projected idea of it(even as ratio/proportions etc).


Consumers will most likely see this an another SKU (if that's the right word). Sony are basically saying: instead of one PS4 model, we are now offering two options.


In terms of defining success, I'm sure Sony will looking at total PS4s sold first (which will probably remain steady) before analysing the ratio of Slim to Pro sales. So it will be difficult to quantify the success of the Pro in terms of its isolated raw sales figures.


I'm looking at it in SKU terms, and sure I agree with the latter - but it will be interesting to see the ratio of the two especially with the price difference. Will it be enough to tip over someone on the edge of going 4K? Will it even be enough to push them over the edge and actually go 4K now rather than later? As Daft's already said - he's one who's gone for both.

Edited by Rummy
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Annoyingly I'm tempted by one of these now... Want to know what it does to PSVR first though.


I'm the same. Even though I am perfectly happy with how PSVR works as it is. If there's a way to improve it I'm there.


I'm finding it hard to go back to normal games now. :/

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I'm the same. Even though I am perfectly happy with how PSVR works as it is. If there's a way to improve it I'm there.


I'm finding it hard to go back to normal games now. :/


Games have to have a PS4 Pro profile(that includes all vr games) so they will be taking advantage in various ways.

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I've got one pre-ordered but now I'm getting indecisive. I'm definitely going to get a PS4 before 'The Last Guardian' comes out but I'm not sure if I should just wait a couple of weeks after the Pro launches before biting the bullet. What do you guys think availability is going to be like? I'm hoping if I cancel my pre-order and wait a couple of weeks they'll be readily available but demand seems pretty hard to gauge.

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I've got one pre-ordered but now I'm getting indecisive. I'm definitely going to get a PS4 before 'The Last Guardian' comes out but I'm not sure if I should just wait a couple of weeks after the Pro launches before biting the bullet. What do you guys think availability is going to be like? I'm hoping if I cancel my pre-order and wait a couple of weeks they'll be readily available but demand seems pretty hard to gauge.


This isn't a Nintendo console or toy. Should be able to find it. It's not like VR pre orders either.


Re Pro games: All games from October have a mandatory PS4 profile.

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