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My Nintendo ( Club Nintendo Successor )


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I don't get your playstation network vs the acronym point...



As I see it NNID is a key to access your "Nintendo account" and "My Nintendo" is found inside the Nintendo account. Although I haven't really looked in depth at it all so I may be wrong :P


It's like NNID, your Wii U, MK8. I think it's pretty disingenious to suggest you can't keep track of 3 elements when you have gotten on just fine with engaging 3 in the past.


Your NNID is required to play MK8 online, your Wii U is required to play MK8. It's actually more complicated than I had appreciated, but actually was seamless enough that once set up I personally haven't really thought about those 3 elements interacting. In fact there is the 4th because there was also interaction (albeit limited) with club nintendo.


But currently NNID is our account. So what is Nintendo Account?


@dazzybee, if you have a NNID you can simply use that to log in to MyNintendo. People without a NNID can also sign up for the service.


I sort of get the My Nintendo thing, that's like Club Nintendo. It's more the NNID and Nintendo Account. Maybe I just don't understand it, but in my head, it's the same thing.

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I sort of get the My Nintendo thing, that's like Club Nintendo. It's more the NNID and Nintendo Account. Maybe I just don't understand it, but in my head, it's the same thing.


I'm pretty sure the Nintendo Account is just the new name.

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I'd say Nintendo account is kind of "extended" NNID, where aside from NNID username and password, you can now use Facebook account, Google+ etc to use it.


One account to rule them all, so to speak. Should help with casual users, who would prefer logging in to their smartphone apps with Facebook. At least I think that's the catch.

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But currently NNID is our account.


From Nintendo:

A Nintendo Network ID is an ID that grants access to various Nintendo Network services.


So Nintendo account is a Nintendo Network service. MyNintendo I gather is like club Nintendo but is now a Nintendo Network service.


The NNID is a Nintendo specific access route to the Nintendo Network, I guess they are now opening this up wider to allow you to login using other accounts to reduce barriers to accessing the Nintendo Network.


Oh I get it, but its sounds stupid, if Nintendo Account is the new super version, why allow us to sign in with an old account system? I don't understand it, why not not just bin off NNID completely?


The NNID is controlled by Nintendo, if they scrapped the NNID's they would be in a similar situation as with the Wii online infrastructure. ie if down the line charges are introduced, external company ceases to be etc. the Nintendo product will be unavoidably affected.

I suspect if someone never actively creates an NNID and just uses their fb account to login, an NNID will be created behind the scenes so if for example someday fb login is no longer possible the fb MyNintendo/Nintendo account won't be irretrievable.

Edited by Pestneb
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From Nintendo:



So Nintendo account is a Nintendo Network service. MyNintendo I gather is like club Nintendo but is now a Nintendo Network service.


The NNID is a Nintendo specific access route to the Nintendo Network, I guess they are now opening this up wider to allow you to login using other accounts to reduce barriers to accessing the Nintendo Network.




The NNID is controlled by Nintendo, if they scrapped the NNID's they would be in a similar situation as with the Wii online infrastructure. ie if down the line charges are introduced, external company ceases to be etc. the Nintendo product will be unavoidably affected.

I suspect if someone never actively creates an NNID and just uses their fb account to login, an NNID will be created behind the scenes so if for example someday fb login is no longer possible the fb MyNintendo/Nintendo account won't be irretrievable.


Yeah that makes sense. Especially if they want people to come in from mobile; they've almost certainly already got a Facebook or Twitter account, so it allows people to register for Nintendo's My Nintendo service without having to bother putting in any details again at all.


And if it gets duplicated as a Nintendo Network ID in the background, then if they decide to move over to Nintendo's own gaming platforms, their details are already there; registered and ready to go immediately. It lowers the barriers to entry significantly.


Actually seems pretty clever really!

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I agree with Dcubed, and anything that lowers the barrier to the My Nintendo service gives more opportunity for a larger user base.


These are steps in the right direction, and anything that doesn't restrict it to just Nintendo hardware owners means there is the potential to encourage them to become hardware owners in the future.

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From Nintendo:



So Nintendo account is a Nintendo Network service. MyNintendo I gather is like club Nintendo but is now a Nintendo Network service.


The NNID is a Nintendo specific access route to the Nintendo Network, I guess they are now opening this up wider to allow you to login using other accounts to reduce barriers to accessing the Nintendo Network.




The NNID is controlled by Nintendo, if they scrapped the NNID's they would be in a similar situation as with the Wii online infrastructure. ie if down the line charges are introduced, external company ceases to be etc. the Nintendo product will be unavoidably affected.

I suspect if someone never actively creates an NNID and just uses their fb account to login, an NNID will be created behind the scenes so if for example someday fb login is no longer possible the fb MyNintendo/Nintendo account won't be irretrievable.


Nothing here is explaining to me why the nintendo account isn't the same thing as NNID. Other than some technicalities. Am I being stupid?! Why can't the Nintendo Account do the same thing the NNID does?

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Nothing here is explaining to me why the nintendo account isn't the same thing as NNID. Other than some technicalities. Am I being stupid?! Why can't the Nintendo Account do the same thing the NNID does?


Your NNID is just a key to access multiple services, there's no need to get rid of it. It's no different to how you log into Miiverse now, or Club Nintendo before that got shut down and they let you log in using your NNID.

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Once we get a system where you can log into and out of your console freely without destroying your entire account (or file police reports), then we can celebrate. I believe this changes nothing for current consoles, but possibly with NX it can be different.

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Your NNID is just a key to access multiple services, there's no need to get rid of it. It's no different to how you log into Miiverse now, or Club Nintendo before that got shut down and they let you log in using your NNID.


I know, but the nintendo account can also be that 'key'. NNID is an account we created; we are now creating another one. Just doesn't make sense. Why can't the Nintendo Account log into miiverse? Or My Nintendo? It can. So much so that you don't even need an NNID in the new system.

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Ok, but what about Flipnote Studio 3D? :blank:

Not that anyone probably cares, besides @M_rock and myself. :heh:



Flipnote is one of the biggest reasons I got into drawing. But that was long before I joined this site.

I won the Zelda and Mario flipnote competitions, damnit!


I still think we're not getting it. It seems too good to be true.


Still this "earning rewards by playing" sounds intriguing. Looking forward to seeing what that means.

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I think in fact that there shouldn't be a need of all 3, and that if you use the NNID to create your Nintendo Account, that then actually deletes the NNID (just moves over all the data).


I know you guy are trying to justify it, but it makes no sense to have an NNID and a Nintendo Account.

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I think in fact that there shouldn't be a need of all 3, and that if you use the NNID to create your Nintendo Account, that then actually deletes the NNID (just moves over all the data).


I know you guy are trying to justify it, but it makes no sense to have an NNID and a Nintendo Account.


We probably need more info on how this is going to work before jumping to conclusions.

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I'm with Dazzybee here. The NNID should be the universal account, not just a way to sign up for this My Nintendo. Sure, be able to sign up with your Facebook/Twitter details or your email, like you can for many accounts. But signing up with these should give you a NNID, so if you then get a console you have a log-in already sorted, and don't have to create yet another account to link back the one you signed up to with your Facebook login. It seems overly complicated and suggests they've created the NNID in a way that they can't upgrade it to this sort of universal account.

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Not getting that excited until I hear that software is not tied to the hardware.


There is nothing here that confirms it isn't.


This is pretty much all I care about here. I'd rather buy games through the eShop, but I'll be buying physical copies of full price games until I know I can access the games on replacement hardware if need be.


A unified virtual console across all devices would be nice as well.

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I know, but the nintendo account can also be that 'key'. NNID is an account we created; we are now creating another one. Just doesn't make sense. Why can't the Nintendo Account log into miiverse? Or My Nintendo? It can. So much so that you don't even need an NNID in the new system.


The NNID is a username which is password connected...it's your ID.


as an analogy

NNID = name

My Nintendo = birth certificate

nintendo account = passport


You need the NNID, in the same way that your driving licence or passport would need your name to be valid and useful.


the NNID itself is just your IDentification. It is nothing more.

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The NNID is a username which is password connected...it's your ID.


as an analogy

NNID = name

My Nintendo = birth certificate

nintendo account = passport


You need the NNID, in the same way that your driving licence or passport would need your name to be valid and useful.


the NNID itself is just your IDentification. It is nothing more.


We're getting nowhere :) There is absolutely no reason whatsoever the Nintendo Account can't be the all in one account.


The ONLY reason NNID is even being mentioned I presume is because it's already established with millions of users, but (again presumably) due to their old backward system it can't be upgraded to how how they want to use they knew account (thankfully); but they are allowing us to create the new Nintendo Account from our old NNID, I hope, is so all our pucharses from this get moved over.


The Nintendo Account will have our name in it, the NNID is utterly completely 10% pointless moving forward. And the more I think about it, the more I'm confident we won't have all three and having a Nintendo Account created through NNID will REPLACE the NNID.


I just view the My Nintendo as rebranding. I don't see the confusion to be quite honest.


Yeah, of Club Nintendo. We're more talking about the NNI and Nintendo Account business.

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We're getting nowhere :)


You know I agree whole heartedly on this.


I may be misunderstanding it, so I will try to explain what I understood...


The Nintendo Network is accessed using a NNID.

Currently the Nintendo Network only allows Wii U/3DS access.


My Nintendo (this is from what I have read here from now on so may be wrong) will be the new version of Club Nintendo but will now sit WITHIN the Nintendo Network.


Nintendo Account will replace what I understand to be a largely locally based Wii U friends list and will allow cloud saves as well as friends list to be accessed remotely - far more like Miiverse.


To make accessing the Nintendo Network even easier Nintendo will also be allowing users to access using fb, twitter, google or email addresses.


Which points are wrong:wtf: Because it all seemed straightforward to me at first, now I'm getting confused myself.

I always thought the NNID was an Identification, not an account.. much like a PIN is a number :s

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What's the confusion around this?


I think the confusion is from gaps and ambiguities that are being interpreted differently... I've now decided I don't really care, but I personally think (now) that the Nintendo account and My Nintendo are both elements of club Nintendo but now accessed through your NNID, rather than using a club nintendo membership username and password... If it's different great, I'll find out soon enough! :)

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