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My Nintendo ( Club Nintendo Successor )


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Windows phone, no smartphone?! Yep, nintendo should not pursue new avenues and mediums because 0.000001% of their fans don't realise it's 2016 :)


Oh, ow. The wit! It's so sharp!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't regret getting a Windows Phone. It's a lovely piece of kit for me. And the day I get a phone based on something Ninty did is the day I consider quitting gaming.

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Windows phone, no smartphone?! Yep, nintendo should not pursue new avenues and mediums because 0.000001% of their fans don't realise it's 2016 :)


I don't ever want a smartphone, if I can avoid doing so then I will. ;)


I'd rather have access to a full-size physical keyboard where possible. :heh:


Of course I have a "phone" but it's really just for emergencies, the way in which a lot of apps - including Miitomo - drain the battery proves that they really aren't meant to be running for as long as they seem to be.


Miitomo is fine for messing around, I wouldn't call it a must-have piece of software though - or anything on a smartphone for that matter - but I can understand why Nintendo has chosen to go down this route as it will obviously drive their business further.


If they don't forget their console fanbase in favour of a smartphone based one then all will be fine, as I understand it the smartphone part of the business if intended to drive their existing business anyway so having it all linked in with My Nintendo is a clever move but no matter what Nintendo does, I seriously doubt if it will be able to get a smartphone into my hands... if they can then I will be impressed but also disgusted. :blank:


Let's hope it doesn't come to that. : peace:

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No doubt these My Nintendo missions will have a big role to play on NX. I would be shocked if they didn't integrate them into their own games like they have with Miitomo (complete world 1 in Mario NX? Get 100 Platinum Points!)


There will obviously be other opportunities to earn points down the line. Might even come to Wii U and 3DS before then, like the Miiverse stamps did.

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I understand where you're coming from, I can't help but feel I'm being somehow punished for owning a Windows Phone.


I can only hope that the point earning will feature in some future games and not just mobile apps.


Isn't the fact you own a Windows Phone indicative of that already? :p

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No doubt these My Nintendo missions will have a big role to play on NX. I would be shocked if they didn't integrate them into their own games like they have with Miitomo (complete world 1 in Mario NX? Get 100 Platinum Points!)


Actually that would be nice if they integrated it with their achievements/trophies/I can't remember what Nintendo calls theirs and actually give them some worth other than bragging rights.

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I'm surprised people on here want an achievement system. In the past a few have expressed their dislike of such things due to them dangling a carrot in front of a player. No matter what the reward is ( points, trophy, achievement ) it's still getting a player to do something that they may not normally do.


Personally, I'm all for it, but then I've always loved the trophy/achievement system.

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I'm surprised people on here want an achievement system. In the past a few have expressed their dislike of such things due to them dangling a carrot in front of a player. No matter what the reward is ( points, trophy, achievement ) it's still getting a player to do something that they may not normally do.


Personally, I'm all for it, but then I've always loved the trophy/achievement system.


I would love Nintendo to do an achievement system similar to what Sony and Microsoft do. I do only go for them if I am really enjoying the game i'm playing (and believe that I have a realistic chance of obtaining them).


I just want Nintendo to give us the option of obtaining them. No-one is forced to play a game in a way they don't want. You can get to the end of a game playing it "normally" if you so wish.

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The fact that I have seen people say they have no interest in the Wii U because it lacks an achievement system is ridiculous. I find them superfluous, but if you tie rewards to them either in stamp form or My Nintendo points, I'm all for it.

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The fact that I have seen people say they have no interest in the Wii U because it lacks an achievement system is ridiculous. I find them superfluous, but if you tie rewards to them either in stamp form or My Nintendo points, I'm all for it.


You might find it ridiculous but it would be arrogant for Nintendo not to listen to the reasons why people have not bought a Wii U

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I'm surprised people on here want an achievement system. In the past a few have expressed their dislike of such things due to them dangling a carrot in front of a player. No matter what the reward is ( points, trophy, achievement ) it's still getting a player to do something that they may not normally do.


Personally, I'm all for it, but then I've always loved the trophy/achievement system.


I think the differences would be stamps or stickers could have another purpose which makes them more desirable, plus add in platinum points and even more reason! That's be just great!


I found the xbox live score utterly meaningless as it has no context. Ps trophies make far more sense.

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I think the differences would be stamps or stickers could have another purpose which makes them more desirable, plus add in platinum points and even more reason! That's be just great!


I found the xbox live score utterly meaningless as it has no context. Ps trophies make far more sense.


The main complaint on here in the past is that it that achievements dangle the carrot in front of players, creating a need to go after them even if they didn't really want them. While the reward seems to be something a little more, the system is still the same in that it has you doing something a set number of times to get something.


To be honest I'm not surprised by the reactions. On here a lot of ideas are shunned until Nintendo do them. Achievements, mobile gaming, things like themes, all looked down upon and mocked until Nintendo decide to join in on the fun. All of a sudden these things are amazing to people. Standard.

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To be honest I'm not surprised by the reactions. On here a lot of ideas are shunned until Nintendo do them. Achievements, mobile gaming, things like themes, all looked down upon and mocked until Nintendo decide to join in on the fun. All of a sudden these things are amazing to people. Standard.


Can't wait to hear what people say when Nintendo offers voice chat. Then it's probably like the Second Coming and the most amazing thing instead of unnecessary :p

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I like it how you used the word when rather than if. Staying positive I see. :D


Hell no. :D


Actually wanted to use "if". We use the translation for "when" when (heh) we want to use "if". So my brain just decided to use "when". Possibly the two most confusing sentences I've ever written...I hope they kinda make sense

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I think it comes down to experience in fairness... If you don't have experience of something you don't have a balanced view of it. A lot of things the other consoles do would be really cool - I recall mentioning how it would be awesome if Nintendo did x y and z.. and was informed other platforms do that already.


But for those of us who are single platform gamers and happen to own Nintendo consoles, we haven't had our eyes opened so to speak. And to be honest, I prefer it that way, because by and large Nintendo games are the type I find myself drawn to most when I have time to game... and I don't want to be spoiled like some of you on here have been.. at least not until Nintendo themselves are ready to do the spoiling.


As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss ;)

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I think it comes down to experience in fairness... If you don't have experience of something you don't have a balanced view of it. A lot of things the other consoles do would be really cool - I recall mentioning how it would be awesome if Nintendo did x y and z.. and was informed other platforms do that already.


Quite true. I think the problem about these parts though has been that even when people have no experience with a thing, they still try to chime in with an opinion rather than stay quiet about it due to not really knowing whether the thing is good/works or not.

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I think it comes down to experience in fairness... If you don't have experience of something you don't have a balanced view of it. A lot of things the other consoles do would be really cool - I recall mentioning how it would be awesome if Nintendo did x y and z.. and was informed other platforms do that already.


But for those of us who are single platform gamers and happen to own Nintendo consoles, we haven't had our eyes opened so to speak. And to be honest, I prefer it that way, because by and large Nintendo games are the type I find myself drawn to most when I have time to game... and I don't want to be spoiled like some of you on here have been.. at least not until Nintendo themselves are ready to do the spoiling.


As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss ;)


There's absolutely nothing wrong with not being clued up with what the competition have on offer. However, my issue is when people dismiss or mock ideas or features that said competition has on offer.


I've mentioned this example before so bear with me. Last gen when Microsoft started offering dashboard themes for sale people in here laughed at it and thought it was a shocking practice. Nintendo do this now with the 3DS and everything is fine. Same thing happened with cosmetic DLC and now Smash Bros. has it and everyone thinks it's great.

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with not being clued up with what the competition have on offer. However, my issue is when people dismiss or mock ideas or features that said competition has on offer.


I've mentioned this example before so bear with me. Last gen when Microsoft started offering dashboard themes for sale people in here laughed at it and thought it was a shocking practice. Nintendo do this now with the 3DS and everything is fine. Same thing happened with cosmetic DLC and now Smash Bros. has it and everyone thinks it's great.


Not to mention prior feelings of many members here to mobile gaming and microtransactions - if you take a look in the miitomo thread now you'd be forgiven for thinking that's the direction people wanted Nintendo to take all along!

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with not being clued up with what the competition have on offer. However, my issue is when people dismiss or mock ideas or features that said competition has on offer.


I've mentioned this example before so bear with me. Last gen when Microsoft started offering dashboard themes for sale people in here laughed at it and thought it was a shocking practice. Nintendo do this now with the 3DS and everything is fine. Same thing happened with cosmetic DLC and now Smash Bros. has it and everyone thinks it's great.


No need to bear with you, I'd not seen the example before.

Personally I formed my opinion on Nintendo in both those situations and think they were crappy. So knowing that it was done before my opinion is identical. The only 3ds theme I have is a shovel knight one I got for free. I still have it mainly because I can't be bothered to change back! :P


But yeah I get your point... but not everyone thinks it is all great just because of 3ds and smash... infact I hate the smash dlc because I wanted to like it at least a little :P


Quite true. I think the problem about these parts though has been that even when people have no experience with a thing, they still try to chime in with an opinion rather than stay quiet about it due to not really knowing whether the thing is good/works or not.


When people disagree with you you mean? ;)

Direct experience isn't necessary to draw conclusions and form ideas.

For example, a person who has played a video game, played with local multiplayer, played online and, finally, has experienced telephone calls, does not have direct experience of voice chat.

But they have direct knowledge of how they feel about these individual experiences and can come to an approximation in their head of what voice chat may be from those experiences.


A bigger problem is when people are too scared to chime in, just in case they get shot down. Then you tend to get a situation where the most polarised and stubborn voices are the only ones to really be heard... anyway... wrong thread right?


I'm liking My Nintendo, though without owning miitomo, really it's pretty much just like the stars catalogue of old (just logging in weekly instead of daily).

Edited by Pestneb
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To be honest I'm not surprised by the reactions. On here a lot of ideas are shunned until Nintendo do them. Achievements, mobile gaming, things like themes, all looked down upon and mocked until Nintendo decide to join in on the fun. All of a sudden these things are amazing to people. Standard.


:confused: I don't know if you're talking about me but I've never seen this behaviour you mention.


Who's gushed over UI themes on a Nintendo console after slating them on a rival one? Or Mobile gaming?


If anything, the opposite to what you say is true IMO. Nintendo get far less leeway on this board than Playstation/Xbox. If the Wii U didn't have folders, or home screen organisation, or friend popups, or an activity log then that'd account for another 50 pages of complaints and whinging on that console's thread, whereas those missing features on PS4 get barely more than shrugged shoulders.

Edited by Ronnie
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Again, you're the only person that cares about a lack of folders on PS4 :heh:


I think good examples of changing attitudes are microtransactions and DLC, but obviously not everyone is on board even since Nintendo adopted them (and do so in different ways and blah blah blah).

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