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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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I feel it was a missed opportunity launching such a barebones buggy game. If trading and/or PvP battling had been in from the start it would have been even more popular and crucially, for much longer.


Sure they'll release these eventually hopefully, but the phenomenon will be over by then.


Providing they release updates fairly soon (I'd say in the next 4-6 weeks) I think it'll be fine. The mass audience won't know what's "missing" because they won't be the ones to have played the games enough (if at all) to compare. Clearly what's on offer at the moment is pleasing a lot of people.


Plus its like the argument you made for SMM - ease in content so as not to overwhelm. Get people used to the basics and then introduce more.

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I was in London all weekend and thought i'd get some rare pokemon or at the very least something different to in Leeds, all i found were pigey, Drowsey and rattata! there needs to be government mandated cull on them.


Haha, my god I agree!


Give over! Drowzee/Hypno are some of my favourite Psychic Pokemon!

I don't know how things are in your weird Pokeworld, but they're certainly not Rattata levels of common.


Over in Manchester it feels like Drowzee have invaded!

Edited by Kav
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Give over! Drowzee/Hypno are some of my favourite Psychic Pokemon!

I don't know how things are in your weird Pokeworld, but they're certainly not Rattata levels of common.


Given people have renamed hypno to "Bill Cosby" and he carries "Drowzee candies" I'd say this qualifies him to be pretty epic. But yeah...why so common? He was never this common in the game.


I think not having trading straight away makes sense for two reasons - it stops people racing to the finish too soon (all Pokemon obtained) and it provides something to draw people back in.

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I wish caterpie was more common around me. I'm drowning in Weedles, Pidgeys and Drowzees but still haven't evolved a Butterfree. What I really want is more Gastlys! Do they only come out at night?


Went for a walk near Manchester on Saturday, around a reservoir, caught loads of water types I didn't have, as well as Dratini, Slowpoke and Slowbro. It was obvious that loads of people were playing as well. Tried my first attempt at a gym but didn't realise that the leader would have multiple pokemon, higher than the one showing. Their first was a 400 Pidgeot but their best was a 1000+ ice type, forgotten which. Afterwards, hanging out with a bunch of my younger family members and their close friends... we were all playing it and talking about it :p


I took my first gym as well, yesterday morning, but the Vaporeon I left there was returned to me before I'd even gotten home :p Hatched Mr Mime and Aerodactyl on that walk.


I feel it was a missed opportunity launching such a barebones buggy game. If trading and/or PvP battling had been in from the start it would have been even more popular and crucially, for much longer.


Sure they'll release these eventually hopefully, but the phenomenon will be over by then.

No matter how much content there was, the buzz for the more casual players would die off very quickly. Almost every very "casual" player I know doesn't know a thing about the game, I've taught all of them what evolution is for example.


So ultimately the game will lose interest within weeks no matter what but if a significant update comes out a) it will pop up on their phone that the game was updated and they will investigate and b) the buzz might be rebooted on social media.


I think it was best that they launched the game as-is. I wouldn't really call it buggy either, at least not in my experience. Server-side features struggle and the main one is currently offline (distance measurements) but that's a result of the overwhelming popularity, which would've happened no matter what. No degree of testing and debugging could've prevented that.

Edited by Shorty
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Give over! Drowzee/Hypno are some of my favourite Psychic Pokemon!

I don't know how things are in your weird Pokeworld, but they're certainly not Rattata levels of common.


Seriously the three most common things i get are Rattata Pigey and Drowsey! Sat in Kings Cross yesterday trying to keep the 9 3/4 gym i had at one point 3 drowseys on the map to catch, i just couldn't be bothered


I used to like drowsey (never Hypno, always thought he looked like a creepy old dude when i was younger) but now i'm beginning to hate him


bring on Gen 2!


Given people have renamed hypno to "Bill Cosby" and he carries "Drowzee candies" I'd say this qualifies him to be pretty epic. But yeah...why so common? He was never this common in the game.


I think not having trading straight away makes sense for two reasons - it stops people racing to the finish too soon (all Pokemon obtained) and it provides something to draw people back in.


Time to rename Hypno and like him more again

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Over in Manchester it feels like Drowsey have invaded!


I kinda find it funny that you spelt Drowzee wrong when you quoted my post.

I'm guessing auto-correct had something to do with that?


EDIT: And you're not the only one, it seems.


I do have to wonder why they're so common here though. It seems very much at odds with the original games, where I'm pretty sure they could only be caught in one area (Might be wrong) and they weren't exactly super easy to find.


I still maintain Hypno is one of the better designed Gen 1 Pokemon even if GO! has reduced it to Raticate levels of irritating.

Edited by Glen-i
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I used to like drowsey (never Hypno, always thought he looked like a creepy old dude when i was younger) but now i'm beginning to hate him


But the creepier Pokemon are the most memorable ones. There's some pretty fantastic fanart out there of Hypno and the like that could give people legit nightmares. And it makes those kind of Pokemon far more interesting than the typical cutesy Pokemon or the ones that just exist to be cool.

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Give over! Drowzee/Hypno are some of my favourite Psychic Pokemon!

I don't know how things are in your weird Pokeworld, but they're certainly not Rattata levels of common.


My town in inundated with Drowsee. Sitting in the pub today it's all that appeared!


Luckily the pub is a PokeStop and there's always a lure on it. They're even hosting a Pokemon Go get-together on Wednesday :D


As long as they keep the updates coming, and don't wait too long then people will stay interested.

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Just back from my Pokéwalk, yep, too many Drowzee here in London! Something tells me the developers must be a fan of him! That or the fact they wanted a range of different types available, and there aren't many psychics, so they made Drowzee the common one. It's them, Pidgey, Spearow and Rattata. When I was down visiting my parents just outside Southampton, there were still loads of Pidgey and Rattata, still quite a few Drowzee, but considerably more Weedle. Just had a mass cull of excess pokémon to get candy ready to do a mass evolve when I get around to using a lucky egg!


Found the best spot near me for Pokéstops though. Look at all the lures outside Emirates Stadium!




And yep, why are Zubats such a pain in the arse to catch?

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Tried leaving my phone on in my bag when I cycled home last night, with the screen turn off set to 30 mins and Pokemon Go set to battery saver.


Arrived home to find my phone at roughly 300 degrees Celsius and in a crashing loop.


I had increased my egg distance by 0.1km.

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