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I am not afraid to try it on my own


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How about having the whole Cinema to yourself? :awesome:


Happened to me once when I went to see the Bourne Supremacy way back in 2004... was one of its last showings and the place was completely empty, the film wasn't bad but it was the experience of actually being able to enjoy a film at the cinema without any distractions which really made it for me. :)

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I don't see why people thinkg going to the cinema alone is somehow a weird concept. You're going to be sitting in the dark not talking to them anyway.


I do it a lot. I even eat at bar/restaurant places on my own, sometimes it's just a good place to sit and read.

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I don't mind going to the cinema on my own....however....it kinda sucks when you agree to go with four other people....one drops out a day before, one drops out 10 hours before, one drops out 2 hours before and one drops out 45 minutes before. Yay for people.


I always book tickets in advance as it's reserved seating now. It's good because it makes people less likely to pull out.


Never been to the cinema alone, and only eaten at a restaurant alone when I've travelled for a job interview.


I don't find it a weird concept, but I still feel weird about doing it myself.


I eat in restaurants by myself from time to time. I really couldn't care less and no one gives you a second thought.

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I learnt to get used to it after travelling abroad alone. If you can sit in a restaurant where you don't understand the language on your own, no reason not to do it back home if there's something you want to do. Even a theme park was fun alone - single rider queues! Don't let other people's lack of willing to do stuff stop you from doing stuff you want to. If you spend your life waiting for others, you won't enjoy life as much. I go to the cinema alone all the time now.

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I eat in restaurants by myself from time to time. I really couldn't care less and no one gives you a second thought.


I know, it's just a psychological thing that I still have. Having said that I have little interest in eating at a restaurant alone. For me going to a restaurant is partly a social thing. I'll happily get takeaway on my own though (which some of my friends find weird).


I learnt to get used to it after travelling abroad alone. If you can sit in a restaurant where you don't understand the language on your own, no reason not to do it back home if there's something you want to do. Even a theme park was fun alone - single rider queues! Don't let other people's lack of willing to do stuff stop you from doing stuff you want to. If you spend your life waiting for others, you won't enjoy life as much. I go to the cinema alone all the time now.


I've not really got the balls to travel alone. Something which really bothers me as I'd love to travel but none of my close friends seem interested in it. I think next year (finances permitted) I'm just going to bite the bullet and go on an organised holiday somewhere (south east Asia, most likely Vietnam).


Is this worthy of a thrip? I don't believe we've had one for a while.

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I'd have to agree that going to a restaurant is usually a social experience, and a better one with other people - I wouldn't go "out for a meal" alone, but if I needed to eat I wouldn't have any shame in going to one.


I haven't done "travelling" fully, as in spending months abroad alone, only done a few weeks, but it's something on my list to do at some point before I get too old! There can definitely some lonely periods, but hostelling can be such a great experience, you can meet all sorts of people - everyone's generally in the same situation - on their own and wanting to make friends! Also, you can find wi-fi everywhere now, so you never feel too far from home, because you can always be in contact with friends and family back here if you want.


It's strange, I'm a very social person - I love to chat and most the time will never shut up, but I also love doing things on my own because it means I'm totally in control. Maybe that just means I'm selfish :p


If you're going to travel Asia, I do recommend stopping off at Beijing. Really fascinating place. Other parts of China probably worth stopping at too, but Beijing will give you the culture and full brunt of communism!

Edited by Mr-Paul
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I learnt to get used to it after travelling abroad alone. If you can sit in a restaurant where you don't understand the language on your own, no reason not to do it back home if there's something you want to do. Even a theme park was fun alone - single rider queues! Don't let other people's lack of willing to do stuff stop you from doing stuff you want to. If you spend your life waiting for others, you won't enjoy life as much. I go to the cinema alone all the time now.




As I said in my original post, I'm literally fine/happy to go to the cinema on my own. More so than most things, as for me it's not a particularly social experience (I hate it when people talk) all I miss out on is the after film bants.


The "Yeeeeesssss" was to theme parks on own. I've actually only done it once, but it was a weird, fun, cool, relaxing experience!

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I've been to the cinema by myself on a number of occasions. Been on holiday by myself a few times. Been to restaurants by myself (usually it's post-work in-central I-want-to-eat kind of thing). Been to bars (here and abroad) by myself and only once because I'd locked myself out. I went to Disneyland in Tokyo alone (which was interesting...). Oh and been to events by myself too.

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Dropping out 45 minutes before is crazy - probably something people think is more acceptable since mobile phones became ubiquitous. Lock 'em up, I say!! No, actually, prison's too good for them!


PS - Rez, I thought of you the other day. Someone asked me if I'd heard of an Aloe Vera drink. :laughing: Told them about your YouTube exploits.

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As I said in my original post, I'm literally fine/happy to go to the cinema on my own. More so than most things, as for me it's not a particularly social experience (I hate it when people talk) all I miss out on is the after film bants.


The "Yeeeeesssss" was to theme parks on own. I've actually only done it once, but it was a weird, fun, cool, relaxing experience!


I did two days at Hong Kong Disneyland alone. I can imagine it'd have been crappier if it was busy and the day was spent waiting in long lines, but it was so quiet I could just go around being the massive Disney nerd that I am.


Also kinda did Disneyland Paris alone - been with family and stayed on at the park after they've gone back to the hotel tired until the park closed - why give up when there's still fun to be had?? I believe I once managed to do Peter Pan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Thunder Mountain, Phantom Manor, Space Mountain twice in a row, and Star Tours, all in the space of about an hour. Yes, I was practically running between rides, but it was doable!


Where did you do it?

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I did two days at Hong Kong Disneyland alone. I can imagine it'd have been crappier if it was busy and the day was spent waiting in long lines, but it was so quiet I could just go around being the massive Disney nerd that I am.


Also kinda did Disneyland Paris alone - been with family and stayed on at the park after they've gone back to the hotel tired until the park closed - why give up when there's still fun to be had?? I believe I once managed to do Peter Pan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Thunder Mountain, Phantom Manor, Space Mountain twice in a row, and Star Tours, all in the space of about an hour. Yes, I was practically running between rides, but it was doable!


Where did you do it?


That sounds awesome.


I did it after Extra Life several years ago at Lightwater Valley. Was always a park I had wanted to go to (it contains the world's third longest coaster amongst other stuff) and it was late October and the weather was stunning.


Did film a video but it got deleted on my old channel.

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Going cinema alone were the best cinema experiences of my life.


I remember going to see Man of Steel alone at around midday, handful of people, middle of the theatre - was almost spiritual. I definitely got a better connection with the film without all the random banter and chit-chat.


See it as a blessing @ReZourceman :)


Man of Steel is awesome. :D Sounds like you got very lucky with that!


I've only ever had a meal by myself in a restaurant once and that was when I was walking back home from work when I lived in Brighton. I was starving as it was a fairly late shift and a bit of a hefty walk back to my house, so I popped in there on the way home and just had my tea there. (couldn't deal with the thought of cooking when I got home and it would be too late anyway since people would be getting ready for bed and stuff) The place was empty apart from myself and I was too damn tired and hungry to care about feeling weird or whatever.


Never tried the cinema alone thing. I quite like that chat you have with people afterwards where you discuss what you've seen, how good/shite it was, etc. For the price of a ticket, it's bordering on a night out so I only really go there when it's a big film. I'd only really do it if there was a film I was absolutely desperate to see and nobody else wanted to see it.

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What was this thripped from?? /topmoddingskillz


I've never fully paid and gone cinema on my own - but having had a cineworld card for a few years now I've been by myself to the cinema on a fair few occasions(and even had it all to myself, as well as doing a couple double-whammies) by myself - but I've somehow not done it much in the last year or so. Really should start going back to the cinema considering I'm paying for my card actually...


Anyway! If you haven't - do! It's a slightly liberating experience given we're generally not keen to. Can't say I've ever been out to a restaurant by myself however - but I don't really go out to eat much anyhow so iono. Best is probably going for a pub lunch by my lonesome, but that's really not quite the same.

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