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R.I.P Satoru Iwata


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Now that I've calmed down a bit (personal issues and then this news...) I can say that this man will always have a special place in my gaming heart. Many of his creations, visions, revolutionary ideas have made me love video games and in turn playing games is now my biggest hobby.


It all began with the Game Boy. I was hooked instantly. A few years later my Dad bought a SNES including Super Mario World. We played it a lot, we laughed, had fun, annoyed my mom :laughing: Some of my happiest memories include the worlds Nintendo had created. Heck, a few years before my Dad died I played Super Mario World on the Wii with him and it was a throwback to my childhood. now I'm tearing up...


Speaking of the Wii...I bought one and enjoyed it very much. My parents bought one and I have never seen adults spend so many hours playing video games. :D My sister and her husband bought one, too.

We all spent quite some time playing games on the Wii together. Say what you want about Motion Control, the lack of power...The Wii introduced gaming to a broader audience, for better or for worse. And in this case, me being able to play games with my family, it was for the better. :) Coincidentally my girlfriend has started to play Super Mario Galaxy 2 a couple of weeks ago. She isn't a gamer, but loves Mario Kart Wii (and she's a freaking savant at this game...I hate her...I actually lover her very much) and Super Mario Galaxy. We have a lot in common already. However, it's something else entirely when you can share your biggest hobby with your loved one and you both enjoy it. :heart:


I bought a DS, I bought a 3DS XL, I bought a Wii U and while I have been disappointed during some months, have been part of heated discussions and have sometimes been a bit harsh on Nintendo, I have never forgotten and will never forget that this company - with Satoru Iwata as a visionary member - has played a huge part in creating the person I am now, creating the hobby that I will always cherish and being part of creating an entire industry.



Iwata died way too early, that's obvious but it needs to be said over and over again.

I read some articles that made me realize how bad his condition was. I am in awe of how he dealt with it and how he was still able to work so hard even then....



His family, his loved ones, his friends, Nintendo, the industry and every other video game company, independent developer, aspiring video game engineer have lost a big man with a great mind and an even greater heart.


May he rest in peace.

Edited by drahkon
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Once more, just in case anyone here fancies celebrating with us...


Me and Glen-i are doing a 24 hour charity livestream of (most) of the mainline Kirby series, in honor of Iwata's passing!



Come tune in at some point! (and maybe we can rack up a few donations for Cancer Research UK as well while we're at it!)


There may be surprises along the way too ;) (and pizza. but only for us, not for you :p - Maybe one day someone will invent a way of sharing pizza through the internet!)


BTW, apologies in advance if we run into any problems during the livestream - this is my first time using OBS (and getting it working at all was a total nightmare!!), so expect some fun video streaming problems at some point ;)

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I've felt sick all day after seeing this news.


Just feel for his family and friends, 55 is such a young age to be taken away.


His failures at Nintendo were large, but his successes? His successes elevate him to a whole different level; the Wii and DS are iconic, and that makes him an icon for Nintendo, the games industry, and entertainment as a whole.


RIP Iwata, so much to feel sad about today, but thank you for the years of smiling and laughter that have preceded it.

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55 is far too young...

And the sadness I feel for his passing away is getting stronger with every tribute or message I see.

When I think of Satoru Iwata, I think of joy, kindness, modesty, loving his job, Nintendo, gaming in general and such a strong will to follow his own vision: entertainment and fun for everyone through video gaming.


Whenever I felt Nintendo was in a tough spot it was enough for me to see his face during a direct and his absolute believe in Nintendo.


I feel truly and deeply saddened that Nintendo lost a part of their heart today :(:(:(


R.I.P. kind, kind man... :cry:

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I played some Splatoon this morning just to cheer myself up a little but of course, the hub world is designed to show Miiverse posts which is currently people paying their respects to Iwata. It was actually a little overwhelming seeing all of those posts and drawings from everyone in the game like that.









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I woke up in the early hours of this morning for some reason and decided to browse Twitter a bit before going back to sleep, that's when I saw the news and man did it put a knot in my stomach.


I've never felt like this about the death of a celebrity (especially not for a president of a company) but he was so personable and funny to watch and has had such an impact on my life that I am deeply saddened by this loss.


Reading through this thread, some of the posts actually made me tear up, which is a feeling I wouldn't have thought I'd ever have for someone I've never met, it just goes to show what a great man he was.


Though I loved his appearances on Nintendo Direct, with his funny hats, muppet forms and "DIRECT TO YOU", the games are where he left such a lasting impression. I was quite a loner in my teenage years so the GameCube and Nintendo were a massive form of escapism for me and something that I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life, even if my interest in gaming wanes as the years go on.


His involvement in Melee, the game that solidified my obsession with the world of Nintendo, is what I'll remember him for the most and the release of my two favourite gaming devices, the DS and Wii, will have a legacy for years to come.



And it was this Earthbound post that got me the most, that game always pulls at my heartstrings.



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Never have I had to fight back so many tears for somebody I never met. But then again, Nintendo has been such a big presence in my life, and Iwata such a large part of that, that I feel like I almost did know him, as perhaps does everyone who has enjoyed his products and watched his quirky directs over the years.


Nintendo, the industry, and the world have lost a true great. R.I.P Satoru Iwata and thank you for the smiles and tears along the way.

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No. No, no, no. NO. This is just not okay. NOT OKAY.


Reading through all the tribute collections completely reduced me to tears. Iwata was such an incredible man in every way. I just ... argh. Words fail me. I'm not okay with this. This is not okay. NOT OKAY.


Ah, also, massive kudos to the banner. It's perfect.

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I woke up in the early hours of this morning for some reason and decided to browse Twitter a bit before going back to sleep, that's when I saw the news and man did it put a knot in my stomach.


I've never felt like this about the death of a celebrity (especially not for a president of a company) but he was so personable and funny to watch and has had such an impact on my life that I am deeply saddened by this loss.


Reading through this thread, some of the posts actually made me tear up, which is a feeling I wouldn't have thought I'd ever have for someone I've never met, it just goes to show what a great man he was.


Though I loved his appearances on Nintendo Direct, with his funny hats, muppet forms and "DIRECT TO YOU", the games are where he left such a lasting impression. I was quite a loner in my teenage years so the GameCube and Nintendo were a massive form of escapism for me and something that I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life, even if my interest in gaming wanes as the years go on.


His involvement in Melee, the game that solidified my obsession with the world of Nintendo, is what I'll remember him for the most and the release of my two favourite gaming devices, the DS and Wii, will have a legacy for years to come.



And it was this Earthbound post that got me the most, that game always pulls at my heartstrings.




This is pretty much how I feel. The Gamecube had a huge impact on me throughout my teenage years and I can only thank Iwata (and Nintendo) for the memories it gave me. They've allowed me to play games with the people I love, from friends to family, and I can't say that about any other gaming company.


Our industry lost one of the good guys today, and we lost him years too early.


Thank you for the memories, Iwata.

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Never have I read about the death of a well-known person and cried, but this one got me god.

Maybe it's because I've been going through some emotional times myself, but after the initial shock this morning I just broke down and cried.

People like Satoru Iwata remind me that you can touch millions of people around the world simply by doing what you love.


I thank him for his contributions to a company that has brought me great joy over the years and ultimately lead me to Japanstudies at university.


May he return to the one life in peace and find beautiful form yet again!

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@Glen\-i Great live stream you're doing. Pretty entertaining, you guys know your Kirby! Do you sing that song every single time you play Kirby?


The only Kirby game I actually own is Epic Yarn, may need to try one of the others. Only played demos/Kirby 64 round a friend's house. I won't be donating today as gave £10 to Cancer Research UK a week ago for some friends running the Race for Life, but really respect what you're doing and hope you smash your target.

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@Glen\-i Great live stream you're doing. Pretty entertaining, you guys know your Kirby! Do you sing that song every single time you play Kirby?


The only Kirby game I actually own is Epic Yarn, may need to try one of the others. Only played demos/Kirby 64 round a friend's house. I won't be donating today as gave £10 to Cancer Research UK a week ago for some friends running the Race for Life, but really respect what you're doing and hope you smash your target.


Speaking of which...


Now up on site!


(thank you to whoever properly embedded the YouTube stream, I'm new to this News posting lark!)




Join in and help spread some joy!


: peace:

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Thanks guys. It was all really slapdash (I've never actually made a custom stream in OBS with live banners, backgrounds and semi-interactive stuff before; was kind of a nightmare trying to figure out how the hell to make it work :laughing:) and last minute, so I'm glad that we've had a minimum of problems so far!


Of course, we haven't gotten round to try switching consoles yet... That'll be fun I'm sure!

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Best of luck with your 24 hours of Kirby - and other great games courtesy of Iwata - as it's really a fantastic thing you're all doing, I'll be back to see how you're getting on in a few hours but just need some rest.


At least you're now almost all the way to making your donation target. : peace:

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@Glen\-i Great live stream you're doing. Pretty entertaining, you guys know your Kirby! Do you sing that song every single time you play Kirby?


The only Kirby game I actually own is Epic Yarn, may need to try one of the others. Only played demos/Kirby 64 round a friend's house. I won't be donating today as gave £10 to Cancer Research UK a week ago for some friends running the Race for Life, but really respect what you're doing and hope you smash your target.


You really should. I can't objectively say whether the games are still good/aged well - but Kirby is probably my favourite series of all time and I still love all the games today(except, ironically, epic yarn :p)

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Yesterday was never gonna be a great day for me as it was the anniversary of my dad's death so with that in mind and hearing about Iwata's death was not great. It's strange how we all feel some connection with someone who we never met but yet we knew in some way.


It's interesting looking back on what Iwata really did at Nintendo, something which I'm only really starting to find out but I could always tell he loved his job and put a lot of effort into it.


Iwata's legacy of course will continue.




Good to see the N-Europe community responding well here and of course the amazing live stream of 24 hours of Kirby. If you haven't been there please do and give if you can.

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