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I've been an on-looker as oppose to frequent poster ever since my late teens now, so I kind of really enjoy the drama :p Jokes aside though, it seems like a much more light-hearted place and the staff are working their asses off to bring back that Nintendo magic that drew us all in as pre-teens, as the N-E Show proves. I hope we can continue that, forget all the stupid fanboy shit and just enjoy Nintendo for what they are, whilst enjoying our other consoles at the same time.

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I haven't posted in a good few months, not through not wanting to or anyting - purely just because life gets in the way. :)


I've had a busy few months which has prevented me from playing games so therefore, my gaming discussion had also gone by the wayside.


Now I'm finding more time to play stuff, so have started posting a bit more again.


I find the tone of the place to be much better since I was last on here frequently. There doesn't appear to be as much negativity, nor are there pages upon pages of arguments over someone having a different opinion.


I tend to visit all the boards on here (due to gaming on both Nintendo and 'Other' consoles) and there just appears to be a lot of friendly discussion. It definitely feels more like it did when I joined where people were really quick to welcome you, help you out and get stuck in on a conversation without being called out for not liking something.


It's nice. :)

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Oh man, i saw this thread had resurfaced and was hoping for something juicier.


Where are the bans?! Where is the shit-flinging?!


Ban coming your way in 5...






Personally, tho maybe I'm a bit biased, I feel things got slightly better after this thread. There's been some slippage, but we're naturally still keeping an eye on things, and I'm glad to hear some of you are finding it better here, even if it's just lately. We've had a new faces around it all, and that's been quite nice too! Putting everything else aside, we're all in this together as a community, and I've felt like that's been the case a bit more in recent times too :)

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Truth be told, the forum feels like a much friendlier place than it was a few months ago. Maybe this thread worked. Or maybe it was Cloud and Bayonetta being announced for Smash, who knows?


All I know is, I feel terrible for not posting as much these days. Damn my suddenly busy schedule!

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I would say that the place is much more peaceful and relaxed.


But, I'd also say that it's quiet. Compared to other forums out there, it's a great place. We need more members, as new blood will kick start this forum. I'm hoping that the NX really takes off as it could signal good things for this place.

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The calm before the NX storm?


I'm not really feeling much of a buzz or excitement about the NX. Compared to how exciting this place was before the Wii (REVOLUTION!), this isn't even on the same scale. God, that was a really fun time. The speculation, the anticipation, the mock-ups, the reaction when we found out the name, the reaction to the controller, that E3.


The forums were buzzing back then, but I do think a large part of that was down to the energy that Nintendo were giving off and the whole excitement around what the future of games could be. It would be fantastic if the NX even manages to capture half of that excitement again.

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I'm not really feeling much of a buzz or excitement about the NX. Compared to how exciting this place was before the Wii (REVOLUTION!), this isn't even on the same scale. God, that was a really fun time. The speculation, the anticipation, the mock-ups, the reaction when we found out the name, the reaction to the controller, that E3.


The forums were buzzing back then, but I do think a large part of that was down to the energy that Nintendo were giving off and the whole excitement around what the future of games could be. It would be fantastic if the NX even manages to capture half of that excitement again.


Oh man, those were the days!


I'm quite excited about the NX, especially after reading all the patents etc, I love speculating. I love reading through the NX Prediction thread repeatedly... but then I have this pit in my stomach that just tells me that Nintendo won't have learnt from the WiiU and will disappoint me once more.


But by god I hope I'm wrong... and if I am, if they've learnt and have the features a console needs then colour me excited, I'll be absolutely buzzing!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Let's talk about this place.


*posted 25-06-2015*


Great ping man, saw this now : D Well, 9 months here or there...


Long story short, I just don't feel the Nintendo magic anymore, and whining about that again and again is just a waste of time and energy. 360 and now PS4 have totally spoiled me.

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  • 11 months later...
@Rummy you see your post highlights the clicky, buddy defence thing that's going on here - it's especially obvious when moderators consistently lack the impartiality they're supposed to exercise. You knowing Flink personally really shouldn't mean his views or opinions are more so regarded than mine, if you're really about creating a fair community here.

Likewise with Ashley too - there have been times when you've spoken on behalf of the person I quoted in a sort of support-defence way, ironically usually followed by "to be fair".

I really don't know how disagreeing with a statement is dismissing it... I never insuated Flink was lying. I trust the experiences that members postbis factual. I merely disagreed with the statement and thought a main motivation to post this observation was because it kind of aligned with his own sentiment - I'm still not dismissing his point. I have accepted it and came with my own personal opinion as a live owner of the device in question. Im really not bothered by people disliking the things I like. I've been very critical of Nintendo too but that seems to disappear into mist.

It's become a very toxic environment IMO. It's a consistent cycle of personal alignments and battle lines. I'm not leaving the forum to be dramatic but it just feels like a waste of time posting when all people choose to see are 'sides'. And yes I'm not going to lie it does get a bit personal - and that's because we've practically grew up together and personal life events were posted here... so it does feel a bit (sad?) when other members views and opinions seem valued more so than others.


But hey I will take some accountability. If I've said anything that has offended you or made you feel ridiculed - please accept my sincere apology. That's not who I am and I always aim to discuss respectfully. A lot of us are friends on Switch so we'll still be linked.


King_V salute.


Ok, this is probably going to be a tl;dr long one.


For a start – I exist in the community both as a member and as a moderator. I post as a member generally, and the last post was that. I’m making an effort going forwards that when making a point of moderation to specifically label it so – but the lines are blurred and there is overlap so I recognise it’s difficult to consider.


Following that – I’m getting tired of the accusations against my impartiality. I try not to flaunt personal credentials to argue from authority to make a point – but trust me when I say I have confidence in my conflict resolution. I’m more than happy to break down why if people really can’t give me the benefit of the doubt.


Next – unless it’s a great con, I believe Flink has not lied to us in his being a teacher( I draw from GCC posts and occasional previous posts related to the kids and gaming etc). I don’t think that was an unreasonable statement to make but I also don’t think it implied any loyalty to Flink for any reason.


Beyond which were you not just a few posts ago asking to be considered on your own personal merits having been in this community for quite a long while? Did we not have similar issue in the Other Switch thread along the same lines where I was surprised by your own reaction to me given what I’ve known of you as a member of this community for such a time? Either we judge people by what we know or we don’t – but you can’t ask for a double-standard and then try and make a criticism of perceived partiality.


These are the quotes I took as dismissal btw;

Thus they are ignorant children.
While its brilliant raising the topic with pupils surely we must take comments such as "There are no games for it" with a pinch of salt as by definition that statement is false.


The former I feel is very dismissive, especially as we know little to nothing of the class of children. Would you have ever judged your any of you entire classes (including yourself) as ignorant whilst in school? Why do it now as an adult?


The second isn’t as dismissive in quite the same sense but it implies that their view can’t be valid or correct as it goes against a dictionary definition. Neither of those are addressing or discussing the points being made imo, rather dismissing them as unworthy of discussion.


I feel it’s fairly obvious to many of us as grown-ups that the statement is erroneous. However look at it from the perspective of the 10 year old child as presented by Flink – whether you agree or disagree the point was that that was the perception of that demographic. To state that by definition it is false(which wasn’t the question or point) to me aims to dismiss or shut down the argument. I know people have complained here about the lack of titles – but I don’t think anyone here would reasonably say that there are NO games for it nor do I recall this happening. Our perspectives are mostly not those of a 10 year old child though – and to dismiss that point of view because of an adult interpretation of the facts ignores the point of their perspective imo, and gives little room for a response beyond ‘but that’s what they think’ ‘but they’re wrong’ ‘yeah I know but that’s what they think’ ‘but they’re WRONG’ etcetc.


Following that – and many people who know me will know this but I realise it doesn’t follow on so much on a forum – I have no hesitation in judging you impartially. Many people talk to me for objective views on what they’re going through because of it. Ofc, this is my rationalisation but I want to make it clear to all that your knowing me or being great for this forum doesn’t excuse you from breaking the rules or being a dick. I’d even remind you, King_V, that you were the creator of one the most memorable threads in this forums history. I realise that was about 8 years ago now, but I hope that whilst we grow older we still continue to post and keep the community going. I hope also that further moments and memories will bring back a grounding that makes people realise we’re all a community that’s been a huge part of many of us. I’ve known many of you longer than some of my best friends and we’ve all grown together and for me that means every part of this community matters and counts. N-Europe is nothing without its members and with the last day or two I’ve recalled how much higher the average calibre of our members is compared to many other places on the internet. Sometimes I wonder if some of us are actually spoiled by that.


Nonetheless, I think we’ve got great members with great approaches to discussions most of the time – I just feel like maybe we’ve lost our way for one reason or another. None of it comes down to opinion for me, but rather conduct itself. Positive dick or negative dick you’re still being a dick and I don’t want to see that here.


I don’t want this community to shrink even though I know these issues have caused it to, not limited to any ‘side’ of the argument. I don’t want people leaving but I also don’t want new people not sticking around. I’m not saying any of this is easy and we’re in a place where we’re trying to strike a difficult balance – but so much of it seems to come down to preconceptions that seem difficult to shift. I can’t speak for anyone else but I honestly don’t care if you’re up on Nintendo or down on Nintendo or somewhere in between – if you can conduct yourself with respect and tolerance for your fellows then I’m glad that you’re here with us and I will consider you welcome at any time.

Edited by Rummy
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I actually think the forum has been doing a bit better lately. There have been issues with the Switch but for the most part I've felt like I can talk about them without getting piled on. Granted I still have Ronnie on ignore so there may still be some of that stuff but its just seemed better.


I do want to pull up the quote from Clownferret from the other day as it really did seem like a step backwards to the days when we were getting people where they could and couldn't post. Thankfully pretty much everyone rallied against it but it still definitely rubbed me the wrong way:


I'm really pissed off that KingV has quit this forum due to constant negative comments about Nintendo. We really need to sort this shit out once and for all.

It's funny how "Switch is not worth buying because it has no games" when 3 years ago the argument was "you don't buy a PS4 for the launch games"


Of course everybody is entitled to their opinion, but if it's always negative it ceases to be an opinion and becomes a bias and when you have people who didn't even buy the console starting up negative threads about it, the situation is becoming even more fucked up that it already is.


If you don't own a Switch, nobody wants to hear why you didn't buy it.

If you post mostly on the "other" thread then don't post in here as we don't want to hear it.

If you think Ronnie is too positive towards Nintendo, post it in the other thread, we don't want to hear it.


@KingV come back son, don't be beaten by the negativity.

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Understandable, it certainly doesn't help the current situation but I think frustration comes on both sides from 'where' to air the concerns. I don't know if that feels accurate for anyone? I'm also receptive to PMs/Wall posts but most often it seems to just get done in a thread, lead to possible derailment, and then we end up kinda where we are now.


I'm not ignoring it either - I did post in the thread afterwards. By time I got to the thread I think a few members had addressed it fairly well already too - which is again something positive and good to see about the community.

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I do have some questions for @Clownferret, as he was quite vague on what can and can't be discussed.


If I were thinking about getting a Switch, but was still on the fence, can I post? I mean, I don't own one, so maybe that disqualifies me?

What if I were planning on getting one at a later date, but was currently playing "wait and see" on the games?

If I hadn't bought one, but a family member asked my advice, could I ask advice on here? Should I even answer them at all or just redirect them to one of the "positive" members on here? In which case, I'll need phone numbers.

What is the age cutoff between child and adult? I need to know who to ignore.

Nintendo themselves gave me a super special pin badge at the preview event. Does this make me above the law? I collected all the stamps and everything.

I don't own a Switch, but I do own most of Nintendo's other consoles. Can they boost my Nintendo Credentials to the point where I can post? What's the conversion rates on old consoles? How many SNES's to a Switch?


In short, I need clarification. If I think of another scenario, I know who to ask now.

Edited by Goafer
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I do have some questions for @Clownferret, as he was quite vague on what can and can't be discussed.


If I were thinking about getting a Switch, but was still on the fence, can I post? I mean, I don't own one, so maybe that disqualifies me?

What if I were planning on getting one at a later date, but was currently playing "wait and see" on the games?

If I hadn't bought one, but a family member asked my advice, could I ask advice on here? Should I even answer them at all or just redirect them to one of the "positive" members on here? In which case, I'll need phone numbers.

What is the age cutoff between child and adult? I need to know who to ignore.


In short, I need clarification. If I think of another scenario, I know who to ask now.


Now this a post that I'd say carries an edge and there's really no need for it if we're attempting to discuss these problems properly - if you're just here with an axe to grind then that's doing nothing to positively further things.


I think we've already made it clear that nobody really has a right to dictate who can or cannot post or what can or cannot be discussed other than when it comes down to moderation. Can I ask what you're hoping your post is going to achieve here Goafer, other than serving to be antagonistic? Where's the difference between yours expressing discontent as much as Clownferret's was?

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Now this a post that I'd say carries an edge and there's really no need for it if we're attempting to discuss these problems properly - if you're just here with an axe to grind then that's doing nothing to positively further things.


I think we've already made it clear that nobody really has a right to dictate who can or cannot post or what can or cannot be discussed other than when it comes down to moderation. Can I ask what you're hoping your post is going to achieve here Goafer, other than serving to be antagonistic? Where's the difference between yours expressing discontent as much as Clownferret's was?


Honestly, you got it already. Antagonism. Or at least my own amusement. Because I've reported posts before and nothing happens. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in this case the post wasn't even deleted. So fuck it, may as well have some fun with it.


It's sad, but that genuinely is my view on it all now.


Although, there is some point behind it I guess. I genuinely do want to know which posts will cause an argument. I don't own a Switch, but I am interested in it due to it being a great piece of hardware. Can I post in the thread, or will I just get grief? I now wonder, thanks to the "Do's and Donts" post.

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By the time I had gotten to the post(as per reports, one of which was yours) I had seen the discussion had moved on and there had been responses - I could have deleted the whole lot but as I said I felt some of the responses were fair and well-constructed posts. When deleted it all becomes invisible to you guys - and would potentially undermine the later warning I made for those without context. Consider as well that I was unable to moderate as much as I wanted to at the time of the reports due to being at work where I can't use the main themes properly.


Don't think that we ignore reported posts - because we don't. Just because we don't deal with it the way YOU think we should doesn't mean we aren't dealing with it at all. It seems again the theme to emerge for some is possibly more transparency in moderation, which is something I'm attempting where I can.

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I do have some questions for @Clownferret, as he was quite vague on what can and can't be discussed.


If I were thinking about getting a Switch, but was still on the fence, can I post? I mean, I don't own one, so maybe that disqualifies me?

What if I were planning on getting one at a later date, but was currently playing "wait and see" on the games?

If I hadn't bought one, but a family member asked my advice, could I ask advice on here? Should I even answer them at all or just redirect them to one of the "positive" members on here? In which case, I'll need phone numbers.

What is the age cutoff between child and adult? I need to know who to ignore.

Nintendo themselves gave me a super special pin badge at the preview event. Does this make me above the law? I collected all the stamps and everything.

I don't own a Switch, but I do own most of Nintendo's other consoles. Can they boost my Nintendo Credentials to the point where I can post? What's the conversion rates on old consoles? How many SNES's to a Switch?


In short, I need clarification. If I think of another scenario, I know who to ask now.


I totally do get this post by the way. It's absurdity in the face of absurdity. A systematic deconstruction of something silly that was posted in complete seriousness.


I do wonder if Clown will have a look over what he posted and realise what he was actually suggesting.

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Bros I've noticed the toxicity of this here union of european Nintendo fans since the days I was just casually checking out info and feedback and all that good stuff before I actually joined, so I knew not to be emotionally attached with regards of hoping that others would value my opinion, I just viewed it -- and still view it -- as a place to share info (opinions and ideas) do that Nintendo can see popular opinion or even unique genius ideas to implement into their games. Of course, it's nice and inevitable even that you will become emotionally attached with a couple humane beings herr N there whom value your opinion whether they disagree or agree, because that's what loving families do. They enjoy to discover each other's souls; what their minds like and dislike, what fills their heart with joy or hatred, what colours their spirit like the rainbow and what makes it as grey as a stormy sky. Knowing these things make us know each other, enable us to offer touching recommendations and gifts, and even combine our differing likes and dislikes compromisingly so as to craft something revolutionary which satisfies all. This, my children, is the essence of socializing.


Please feel free to watch this video from my boy Dave, he posted this hours after we conversed about this a little.

Apply this logic to everything. If everyone says everything is A-okay just by fashion following or frightened to conflict with popular opinion, then the the thing that everyone is lying about will never improve as the provider will think that they're fans are satisfied (or that they can continue being rewarded for low-effort art), and worst of all, everyone may subconsciously delude themselves that they really are satisfied but experience never-ending disappointment to some degree as that true part of themself really is not as satisfied as much as they hope.


Just my 2pence for y'all to consider. Take it or leave it. ^^

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Obviously my post was a bit of a rant because I was upset that @King_V felt he needed to quit the forum and in fairness on that occasion I think he overeacted but the whole issue was symptomatic of the problem this place has. As I have mentioned before I have no interest in an XB1 but I don't go into the forum and tell all the XB1 owners why I think it's a crap system and likewise I don't expect or want to log in the Switch thread every day to find out what's happening and half the page is just people listing the reasons why they don't want one. It adds nothing but negativity. I'll continue later, but these kind of posts should be stopped to help this place improve and grow.

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I think this place is a bit better these days to be honest, with a new system to talk about brings some meaningful chat. I think there's plenty of positivity in the Switch thread, most people who have bought it are chuffed with it, apart from a few small issues so I'm not sensing much hostility. Granted it probably helps I've put Happenstance on ignore, but otherwise seems a much friendlier place lately.

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